Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 665: The Eighth Day

(I typed the previous six hundred and sixty-two chapters wrong, one is six hundred and sixty-two chapters, the other is six hundred and sixty-three chapters, and six hundred and sixty-three chapters are six hundred and sixty-four chapters, the chapter content is Correct, please rest assured to watch, and I am very sorry, there are a lot of things recently, and the sleep time is a little short, sorry for making mistakes!)

Not to mention the helplessness and depression in Nao's heart, as well as the worry and impatience about the relationship between these two guys, the egg fried rice that Chiba finally served was obviously to her liking, and she almost licked the plate, but seeing Nao Xu loves food so much, Xue Nai also tasted it, and then, Chiba's fried rice with eggs won unanimous praise from the two little beauties, and it was added to the cabin menu, which was classified as a must-eat item every holiday.

Afterwards, Chiba also discovered that although Konoha had a lot of Japanese dishes, the authentic hometown dishes of his previous life were not available here. It seems that in this Naruto world, except for some ninjutsu that have the shadow of his previous country, some dishes are , has not been greatly affected, and the hometown cuisine of my previous life seems to be a new thing here.

So, after this dinner, when Chiba was researching the improvement of drug combinations and asking Nao about her recent drug reactions, a question like "It would be nice to open a restaurant in this Naruto world after all the dust settles" popped up. thought.

Even after this idea came up, he quickly planned to abandon the ninja profession, and even had a series of plans to get rid of the ninja profession.

Of course, this is just Qianye's optimistic plan. There is still a mountain that must be crossed before him. Only after crossing this mountain, he has a future plan for his own life.

Therefore, in the past few days, Qianye's training has been more diligent than before. Although the days are the same, the eyes are opened for training, and the medicine is prepared before closing the eyes. A single and boring day can make ordinary people go crazy, but Qianye is happy , Every day I feel that my body is getting more and more adapted to high-intensity training, and a sense of fulfillment arises spontaneously.

In the past few days, the partners in the same period seem to be busy one by one. During this period, few people came to the cabin as guests. At the same time, Xue Nai also started her own training, and Nao often sat quietly upstairs or Reading in the kitchen.

The books I read are some novels that Hirohiko translated in Braille, anyway, they are those that little girls like. Obviously, Hirohiko prepared them because he was afraid that Nao would be bored or even think wildly when he was no longer there.

This also made Chiba a little admired. Hirohiko could even understand Braille, which was considered erudite.

At the same time, seeing Nao reading a book, Chiba couldn't help wondering where Hirohiko learned carpentry, architectural knowledge, and Braille.

A ten-year-old child, who knows so many things and can even build his own house, might be called a "genius" or "child prodigy" in his previous life, although he is also a "genius" in the world of Naruto.


But today, on the eighth day of Hirohiko's mission, Chiba kicked the wooden post with a side kick for the last time, and the wooden post cracked with a "click", shaking off sawdust.


Panting heavily, Qianye put her feet away, looked at the dusk sky, and wiped off her sweat.

In the past eight days, he can be said to be concentrating on training. There is no news from the third Hokage, except that when he bought vegetables for Xue Nai three days ago, he heard ninja talking about "the new commander of the defense force". Like, there is no news about the Three Generations of Hokage.

As for the new commander of the house unit, it is obvious that he is Kenshin Watanabe. Of course, those ninjas who are "not optimistic about this new defense unit commander", "certainly not as good as the previous unit commander Namikaze Minato-sama", "Huh , Why didn’t Xiao Qianye take office? Didn’t there be news that Xiao Qianye took office?” Chiba automatically ignored such sentences, and the next morning after returning that day, Qianye put together the planned annihilation plan. The details were written on the scroll in detail and handed over to the Third Hokage. As long as Watanabe Kenshin is not a fool or has no commanding ability, if he follows the above plan, there will be no problems.

Moreover, Kenshin Watanabe suffered a loss once, and he will never be careless this time. Coupled with his own detailed plan, there is absolutely no chance of any mistakes.

Therefore, Chiba is not very worried about the annihilation plan.

As for Danzo, there seems to be no movement. The root is hidden in the dark. Chiba is not a perceptual ninja. It can only be said that within his perception range, Danzo is silent, but probably not Move on to the defense part.

The discussion among the ninjas already included the information that "the appointment of the new deputy commander turned out to be from the Hyuga clan".

It can be said that everything is proceeding in an orderly manner according to his plan.

Next, at least three days, at most seven days, the annihilation plan will begin. Three days after breaking through from the front line, if those enemies were heading straight for Konoha, they were almost ready to attack or infiltrate.

Of course, these are also recorded in those plan scrolls.

"Chiba, it's time to cook. Xue Nai will be back soon..."

And at this time, Nasu's clear voice sounded behind him.


Hearing this, Chiba hurriedly turned her head back, and subconsciously responded nervously, but after turning her head, she saw Nao holding a book with one hand on the back door frame, as if she had finished reading the previous book , just picked up a copy from upstairs.

After Qianye responded, Qianye's face changed slightly, and he sighed and said, "Are you worried about Hirohiko?"

Although there was not much change on Nao's face at this moment, Chiba was keenly aware of her slightly frowning brows and the slightly stiff corners of her mouth. It was obvious that Nao was a little restless.

As for the reason for her restlessness, Chiba knows without even thinking about it. It must be Hongyan who is out on a mission. According to what Hongyan said before leaving, he should return to the village at this time, but now it is the eighth day, and there is no news at all. , how could Nao not be worried.

However, there was no answer from Nao to this sound, Nao just shook his head, then turned and walked into the cabin.

Seeing Nao's actions, Chiba pursed his lips and frowned. In the past two days, he was also a little worried about this matter. Now the frontline troops are unstable and their morale is low, although Konoha's numbers are not too large However, in terms of momentum, Konoha's situation is not optimistic. Hirohiko's mission is related to the front line, so he is really worried.

However, worrying is worrying, in front of Nao, he can't show the slightest bit, although Nao can't see, but his sense is very keen, really can't use her invisible to hide anything.

After sighing, Chiba walked into the cabin, Nao was already sitting at the dining table waiting for dinner.

But Chiba knew that Nao's behavior was just to cover up her worries and not to worry him and Xue Nai. In the past few days, her appetite had dropped significantly.

Chiba didn't say anything, but skillfully picked up the pot and lit the fire to cook.

"I'm back."

At this time, Xue Nai's voice came along with the sound of pushing the door.

"Welcome back!"

Nao responded, and Chiba also looked back.

The door curtain was quickly lifted, and Xue Nai leaned in holding a big bag. The big bag in her hand was the ingredients for the next three days, and it was her turn to go shopping today.

"So tired..."

Xue Nai who came in put the big and small bags on the dining table casually, and made a "boom", and Xue Nai also did it, and started talking to Nao.

Has Yukina noticed Nao's situation?

Seeing the uncharacteristically talkative Xue Nai, Chiba smiled slightly, turned her head away, and prepared to put oil for cooking.

With Xue Nai around, it would be better.

Chiba's heart relaxed slightly.

And amidst Xue Nai's silver bell-like voice and Nao's clear laughter from time to time, the oily flowers also gradually burst into bloom.

"I'm back……"

And at this moment, a tired voice came along with the door opening.

Immediately, the figures of the three paused together, glanced at each other, and then blinked.


The next second, the three rushed towards the front door in unison.

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