Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 696: The Old Year


Chiba grinned, holding one hand in Xue Nai's, looking at Xue Nai who was bandaging him with her head lowered, her pretty face seemed to be covered by a layer of black. Humming in pain.

At the same time, a wry smile slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth.

Now Xue Nai is very angry, very angry, especially angry. When bandaging, she almost presses the edge of the wound, definitely on purpose.

"You know it hurts too!"

After bandaging the long and narrow scar on Qianye's hand that was overflowing with blood, Xue Nai finally couldn't help it, and said with anger and complaints.

"Feel sorry……"

But as soon as these words came out, Qianye seemed a little ashamed and turned her head away, and apologized.

"Okay, it is estimated that the injury will heal within three minutes. Within ten minutes, you are not allowed to try again."

Xue Nai took a slight breath, seemingly ignoring Chiba's apology, raised her pretty face slightly, glanced at Chiba covered in white bandages with black stains all over her body, and left the grove with a pretty face .


But the moment she left the woods, she couldn't help but let out a groan.

Oops, Xue Nai is really... very angry!

Seeing Xue Nai's pretty face leaving behind, Chiba's mouth twitched, although Xue Nai didn't have a big lady's temper, but she was still a girl, and Chiba is the worst when a girl loses her temper. At this moment, Qianye was a little panicked.

However, this trace of panic quickly disappeared because of Xue Nai's departure. He stood up slowly, looking at the open space he opened up two years ago, and the surrounding trees with a lot of scars. He let out a long breath.

I saw that this small open space was filled with a light layer of dust that was about to dissipate. There were several large pits on the originally bumpy ground, and there were more scars on the surrounding trees. A tree was pierced in the middle, leaving a hole of about a punch, and the other trees, the newly added scars, were mostly traces of this kind of piercing, but they were not as pierced as this tree.

Indeed, it was a bit too much.

Today is the last day of the year, this kind of training should not be done!

Looking at the bloodstains dripping on the ground all the way to his feet, Chiba sighed and shook his head.

It’s no wonder that Xue Nai will be angry. In this situation, anyone who really cares about him will be angry. Last night, after deciding not to think about the plot of the original book, the history of the Naruto world, and the clues about fate that may exist between the three parties in his own experience, Chiba began to perfect his self-created ninjutsu at nine o'clock and nearly ten o'clock. In the past four months, although he was busy with physical training and preparing medicine, during physical training, there was a lot of time in his head. It was empty. After adapting to physical training, he put forward many directions for improvement in his head.

The pressure and determination of the approaching Battle of Kannabi Bridge made him experiment that night, and then he was injured in the experiment. Fortunately, Hirohiko was already asleep at that time, and after he healed himself, he was fine. .

However, the results of the experiment last night were very good. This morning, that is, just now, he couldn't help but experimented again. Then, perhaps there was too much noise, which alarmed Xue Nai.

Next, it was the scene just now.


Thinking about it, Qianye couldn't help heaving a long sigh, and as the pain continued to dissipate, he raised his hand and rubbed his temple.

Judging by Xue Nai's appearance, it is probably useless to apologize, she can only wait for her to stop being angry.

At this time, Chiba does not intend to experiment and practice anymore. Today is the most solemn festival in all the ninja villages in the Naruto world-the beginning of the new year. Chiba's original arrangement is also to rest. Today, he did not even plan to train in gymnastics Well done, celebrate with Hirohiko and the others.

It's just that last night was too smooth, so Qianye couldn't hold back...

"Screw up."

The corner of Chiba's mouth twitched, and he said in frustration, then walked towards the cabin.

To celebrate the New Year today, he also has tasks to do. First of all, of course, he is going to the village to purchase weight-bearing props. The sooner the weight-bearing props are replaced, the better. Secondly, it is to purchase a batch of nails and other tools for Hong Yan. Today, Xue Nai is in charge of cleaning, and Hong Yan is in charge of repairing the cabin. After all, the cabin is very old, and a few new rooms have been added. Damaged areas must be repaired uniformly.

As for Nao, because her eyes are inconvenient, she is responsible for protecting herself. By the way, she will sort out her physical condition during this period, and let Chiba make a final diagnosis. Now her condition is much better. It has been a miracle in the past four months Generally, he didn't get sick once, although the chakra confusion didn't improve at all.

But one of the goals set by Chiba is almost completed. If the new drug can prevent Nao from getting sick, then even if it can’t solve the problem of chakra confusion, that’s okay. At least Nao’s physical improvement will make Hirohiko With less worry, there will be no such problems with Nao when the mission is out.

As for the Chakra problem, wait until the end of the three wars, wait until all the dust settles, and then slowly solve it. At that time, there will be a lot of time, and the symptoms will not be treated more than the root cause like now.


In the morning mist, Qianye pushed open the back door and was about to get the money bag by the bed.


At the same time, the front door was also pushed open, Hirohiko was holding the washing utensils, with a towel hanging around his neck, and was about to go to the kitchen to put away the washing utensils as usual in the morning, but when he saw Chiba covered in bandages, his figure paused.

"Is Xue Nai angry this morning because of you?"

Then, a flash of comprehension flashed across his poker face, he understood something instantly, and then said unceremoniously.

"I went to training early in the morning and got injured all over my body. What a hopeless idiot, it's too embarrassing for Xue Nai."

At this time, the door upstairs was also opened, and Nao's plain but sneering voice came one after another.

"That's it!"

After Nao's words, Hirohiko nodded in agreement.

You two definitely did it on purpose!

But upon hearing the words of the two, Qianye's eyes narrowed immediately, and she understood clearly.

Don't talk to them!

One mouth can't say more than two!

Moreover, I did not do well in this matter!

Such a thought flashed in his mind, Qianye hurried a few steps, walked to the shop, picked up the money bag, and then made a gesture to go out.

"Just ran away like this?"

Nao's impolite voice sounded again.

"I know I was wrong, okay, Master Nao."

Facing Nao, Qianye could only smile wryly, before speaking, her footsteps also stopped: "You can say whatever you want about me."


However, with just such a sentence, Hirohiko and Nao were stunned at the same time, with expressions like "Qianye would feel wrong for practicing?".

"I said... can I be angry?"

Seeing the expressions of the two, Chiba frowned, and the corners of her mouth tugged.

"So, do you want to make Xue Nai happy?"

At this time, Nao slowly opened his eyes, looking at Chiba with his dim eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth that made Chiba tremble for some reason.

Make...Xue Nai happy?

Although shivering, Chiba was obviously attracted by what Nao said, looked at Nao, and asked, "What can I do?"


Hearing Chiba's question, Nao seemed to get the answer he wanted, and smiled.

Chiba suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

I always feel like I'm going to fall into the gutter.

He thought so.


That's right!

But at this moment, Hirohiko's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something.

"Then, you just..."

At this moment, Nao spoke.

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