Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 718 Seems Interesting!

"Oh? It seems interesting now."

Looking at the situation in the field, the male Anbu ninja said somewhat unexpectedly, but on his face under the mask, the corners of his mouth were raised at a rather exaggerated angle.


Looking at the current situation, the next battle will be even more exciting! Although I came here to watch the battle between Chiba and Kakashi, a pair of super geniuses.

The shoddy battle between the two of them because of their scruples and rationality is very unsatisfactory, but it is more or less understandable. After all, only such a child is worthy of our Konoha's efforts to protect and cultivate, and it is precisely because of their Only scruples and rationality can become the pillars to protect Konoha in the future.

If it is for the future of such a child, we are very happy to sacrifice our lives.

Battle of the Super Geniuses is shoddy and shoddy.

But now, it seems that things are not so shoddy. The title of super genius has finally attracted the existence of some geniuses, and they are very powerful, not inferior to the two of them too many young ninjas.

Thinking about it, Anbe's gaze swept across Hyuga Yutaka in the middle of the young ninjas, Yukina behind him, and Hirohiko next to Yukina.

Hyuga Snow Eagle, because he belongs to the Hyuga family, rarely makes a move, but he is known as the most contemporary genius of the Hyuga clan, and Mr. Shinsuke taught the Soft Fist unreservedly. Even the little princess Her Royal Highness who stands beside Qianye and shines brightly with Qianye behind him is not as good as him. Perhaps his talent is slightly inferior to that of Kakashi and Chiba, but the particularity of soft fist and white eyes, as well as the guidance of a famous teacher, Hyuga Yutaka, will definitely not be inferior to Chiba and Kakashi. It's almost nothing, and even, in the case of Lord Kushina, this kid also played against the elite Jōnin of Yunyin, who had a combat effectiveness and combat experience much more than his own, and performed very outstandingly. Nowadays, the Hyuga clan often performs some secret missions that belong to Hyuga, and their experience is also increasing. Moreover, when he and Chiba were in the Chunin exam, the battle that was inconclusive was also widely known in Anbu. Rumor has it that if Minato hadn't stopped it, it would have been hard to say whether Chiba or Hyuga Yutaka won this match. If they fight now, we can see which of the two is better now!

It can be regarded as a consoling conclusion for the victory between the two of Anbu Jian.

However, compared to Hyuga Yutaka, it is really interesting that Hirohiko Uchiha and Princess Yukina stand on the opposite side of Chiba this time.

Regardless of whether there is a gap in strength between the three of them, just based on the tacit cooperation of the three of them, this kind of expansion of the original teammates standing on the opposite side is interesting enough.

Sharingan, white eyes, and mutual understanding.

This time, even if Qianye's tactical ability surpasses everyone, with these two old teammates who know the basics, plus a group of companions who are capable of threatening him at the same time, I am afraid it will be a headache.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the male Anbe also turned to Asma, Kai, Obito, Shiranui Genma, Ebisu, Hyuga Yutaka and others, and finally stayed on the faces of Yukina and Hirohiko.

At this moment, Xue Nai and Hirohiko looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"Next, it depends on what Chiba will do. This is an absolute disadvantage. Even if you join forces with Kakashi, you are still at an absolute disadvantage."

At this time, the female Anbu also spoke.

"what to do?"

But at this time, seeing Hirohiko, Yukina and others who took a step forward to adjust their postures, Kakashi had to straighten his body, turned to that side, glanced at Chiba slightly, and said, after all, in the eyes of this group of people The raging fighting spirit made him take it seriously. These guys are not joking now. Under the urging of the fighting spirit in their hearts, they will not attack lightly. Of course, it is impossible to die or something, but they were injured and admitted to the hospital. It's quite possible.

Moreover, even if he joins forces with Chiba, there is not much chance of winning. After all, Hyuga Snow Eagle can contain one of them alone, and the remaining one faces an absolute numerical advantage, and each of them With such considerable combat experience and combat effectiveness, there is no chance of winning at all, and the next step is to be beaten.

Perhaps Chiba's tactics can reverse the disadvantage of numbers as much as possible, but among this group of people, there are two people who are most familiar with Chiba, I am afraid that the effect of tactics will be infinitely reduced, and it may be impossible to see through it, but... the effect Definitely not too good.

Moreover, it is unlikely to see through, not completely impossible.

For Chiba, if they are inside the station, Hirohiko and Yukina are the most difficult to deal with.

"Uh...you ask me, I also..."

Regarding Kakashi's question, Chiba could only smile wryly. In this situation, even he couldn't think of a solution. Just now, Hirohiko caused him a lot of trouble. The steel wire, so he had to choose to hit Asma and Kai's attack hard, and was even forced to use the trick of pressing the bottom of the box.

If there is no steel wire, then he can avoid it directly or use the water wall during the fireball technique, but with the steel wire just now, if he defends the fireball with the water wall, then Hiroko's dragon fire technique , he will definitely wait until the water wall is over before attacking, and then he can find a way to defend it, but Asma has not used the ninjutsu now, so he may not be able to defend it.

Really... this is too much of a headache...

I can do the calculations with Hirohiko, but with white eyes, 360-degree viewing angle and perspective ability, and the insight ability is better than Sharingan, and Xue Nai who understands me very well, this is not as simple as one plus one.

Basically, it is impossible to fool Xue Nai.

And, now...

Responding to Kakashi in his mouth, Chiba's thoughts flashed, and at the same time, he quietly covered his nose and the blood flowing from his nose.

Injury door mode, overload state, in the state of injury door mode, slightly open the Dumen acupoints, instantly speed up the flow of chakra in the whole body, can instantly provide a 30% chakra delivery speed, and can instantly increase the power of strange power by 30%, of course The consumption is also 30% more, which is also in this state, allowing the rock hardening technique to generate a second layer of rock armor.

It is the rock hardening technique, the improved version, the precondition of the second form.

Unlike the injury mode, the overload state will cause a certain degree of damage to the body, but as long as it is not opened for a long time, there is no big problem.

It can be regarded as one of Chiba's gains during this period. Although the opening cannot be too long, the effect is quite good.

"So, team up?"

Hearing Chiba's response, Kakashi narrowed his eyes slightly, turned his head slightly and asked.

"Ah, of course."

Chiba glanced at Kakashi, also narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the people ahead.

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