Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 722 A Punch of Strange Power


There was a muffled sound of a rock hitting the ground, accompanied by an invisible ripple that spread away, and a strong wind swept out, instantly blowing away the white mist belt and the two explosions of fire and smoke, and everyone's hair stretched back .


The crisp crackling sound of the ground rang in the ears of everyone present, whether it was the crowd watching, the Anbu duo on the roof, or all the young ninjas participating in the battle.

And everyone's eyes were fixed on the young man who was falling and punched hard into the ground.

A series of cracks are constantly spreading from the place where his hand wrapped in rock skin touches the ground,

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The sound of cracks spreading on the ground was exceptionally clear in the silence.

Chiba... didn't think about anything, not at all, but simply used strange power to end the battle.

No matter what, there is room for practice!

Just unleash the strongest blow and defeat us all!

Completely abandoned tactics!

It is the simplest and most direct method. If this blow doesn't work, then he will be the one who failed!

No, it's impossible for Chiba to do such a thing with a high probability of failure!

It's not about defeating us...

Instead, make the battle impossible!

At this moment, in the strong wind, the long black and beautiful hair fluttered, Xue Nai drew back and flew back, her eyes were shining brightly, in the snow-white pupils, there was a reflection of Chiba's figure, as well as the determination and smile on Chiba's face .

And in her mind, a series of thoughts flashed through, she already understood Qianye's purpose.

Was it used instead? Our tactics!

And at this moment, Hirohiko, who also pulled back and quickly moved away from Chiba, couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Xue Nai's tactic is to win steadily. Facing Chiba, even if he has an advantage in numbers and strength, he can't take it lightly. Most of the battles Chiba has experienced are extremely unfavorable to him. The opponents he faces are basically It is an S or quasi-S or even a ninja whose actual combat power is above this level of strength evaluation. He is used to this kind of inferior combat, and his tactics are so imaginative and impeccable.

Even with what Xue Nai and I know about him, we can't say that we can defeat him 100%!

Therefore, it is absolutely correct for Yukina to keep Obito, Ebisu, and Genma in ambush to prevent Chiba's possible follow-up.

Since then, Obito, Ebisu, and Genma still have some deficiencies in dealing with Chiba. If they join the war rashly, they may become disadvantageous factors, such as becoming hostages of Kakashi and Chiba. , but it is difficult to guarantee that they will do something out of the ordinary under the absolute disadvantage. After all, although Chiba and Kakashi have no competitive performance, they are definitely people who refuse to admit defeat. How could it be possible to progress so fast? Even a super genius cannot grow without motivation and hard work!

The second is to prepare for emergencies. After all, the opponent is Chiba. There are some things, even if I feel that I have made complete preparations, I can’t feel at ease. They are watching Chiba from the outside to guard against possible future consequences for Chiba. hands, plus the white eyes of Xue Nai and Xue Ying, this is the safest way.

However, I didn't expect that Chiba would come up directly without leaving behind, and only cooperated with Kakashi.

What's more, he didn't expect that his ultimate goal was so simple... A burst of strange power made the battle impossible.

But, yes, with this strange punch, looking at the power, I'm afraid the whole field will have to be turned over, even...

In this way, it will definitely not be able to go on!

This guy sometimes gets crazy, he's really crazy, he doesn't think about the consequences at all!

But isn't he just such a messy person!

Thinking of this, Hirohiko, who was flying back, couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth. Sharingan swept around, and landed behind Chiba in front, which is directly opposite to him. He pulled Hyuga Snow Eagle up, and also pulled away On Kakashi who retreated.

It turned out to be like this, the venue was completely destroyed, and the battle was completely stopped by using some derivatives of the venue's destruction.

Indeed, if the fight goes on, we will surely lose.

But fortunately, this is not a battle of life and death, but a duel practice, which can be suspended. As long as the duel practice is suspended due to the venue and various situations after the venue is destroyed, the farce can be ended.

As expected of Chiba, I never thought of that.

I'm afraid, the other party didn't think of it either!

In other words, they didn't realize that this was a duel, not a life-and-death battle. It's no wonder that they were fighting at the time, and they were probably thinking about how to defeat Qianye, but they didn't expect that Qianye would use the duel to Stop this matter, let's make an article!

However, this matter, Qianye can think crazy enough!

Carrying Hyuga Snow Eagle on his shoulders, Kakashi glanced at the boys and girls standing at the forefront around him.

I'm afraid, after this incident, Qianye's reputation will gradually improve, and it will turn bad again!

In the end, he had such an idea in his mind.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

But at this time, the sound of cracking suddenly became denser, and the frequency of the sound became much faster.

At this moment, Kakashi and Hirohiko looked down almost at the same time.

However, he saw that the round and outwardly spreading cracks had already spread to the bottom of his feet.

Seeing this scene, the two of them couldn't help but look at each other, with "seeking good fortune" in their eyes!

In an instant, the cracked ground of the circular spider web collapsed, and the ground swelled up along the cracks. Amidst the rumbling sound, the soil clods rose up, and a circular soil forest was erected in an instant!


The next moment, soil particles and sawdust suddenly evaporated from the spreading spiderweb-like ground, soaring into the sky, turning into dust pillars, and rushing up!

Immediately, muddy water splashed, dust and smoke flew everywhere, and the two of them were engulfed in an instant!

In just a moment, the cracked ground of the circular spider web collapsed, and the ground swelled up along the cracks. Amidst the rumbling sound, the clods of soil rose up, and a circular soil forest was erected in an instant!

"Ka Ka Ka!"

And in the next second, the ground adjacent to the circular soil forest also began to crack in blocks, extending like lightning!

It spread all the way into the woods, opened the root system of the two layers of trees outside the forest, and penetrated under the feet of all the people before it could barely stop!


The moment the spreading stopped, a dust column covering the entire open space and the surrounding woods exploded for half a meter, and the ground collapsed and exploded!

The crowd didn't even have time to scream, maintaining an air of astonishment and pondering Qianye's intention, they were swallowed by the mud pillar!

The sound of cracking was like thunder, rumbled and spread!

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