Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 726: Four Months

After a particularly lively dinner, Chiba, Hirohiko, Yukina, and Nao moved into Kakashi's home, which enriched the originally empty home a lot.

Hirohiko and Nao originally planned to live in their home in the Uchiha clan, but because Nao's condition has not really stabilized, they still stayed together for the convenience of treatment.

And because of the few people living there, Kakashi's house has also undergone some changes.

For example, on the periphery of the house, a simple wooden room was erected, which was specially used for dispensing medicine for Chiba. The medicine dispensing equipment among them was ordered by the third Hokage, and another set was bought for Chiba. As for the medicine dispensing equipment before, they had been completely destroyed in the collapsed log cabin, even the last time Asma brought them here. Some of the cherished herbal medicines were not rescued.

For this reason, in addition to the re-equipment of the dispensing equipment, the Third Hokage also re-supplemented Chiba with fairly common and cherished herbs, and also brought over some chemical formulas that needed to be perfected.

Of course, this incidental part is probably the careful thinking of the third Hokage. The formulas of these chemical potions are obviously implying that Chiba has failed in completing the formulas of these chemical potions.

After all, a set of medical dispensing facilities is quite expensive in Konoha, and it was destroyed by a farce like this, and even took quite precious medicines, even if the third generation of Hokage wanted to let this matter pass casually like this Yes, but the pressure from some aspects still cannot be passed casually like this. Chiba must show something, or prove something, so that Konoha is worthy of continuing to invest in medical equipment and herbs for him.

And these formulas were obviously obtained for him by the third generation of Hokage. Although these chemical agents seem to be difficult to configure, the completion of the formulas is close to 80%, which can be said to be completely within the scope of Chiba.

It can also be seen from here how much Chiba's pharmaceutical ability is affirmed. It can be seen that during this period, the concentrated medicine prepared by Chiba was very important in Konoha's war. , I am afraid that Chiba will be punished by confinement for about three days, let alone equipped with medical equipment, and supplemented with more herbs than before.

However, Qianye is also quite competitive. After getting the recipes, he perfected them all in just three days.

In addition to the three generations of Hokage's approval of the supply of a batch of rare herbal medicines, and the permission to freely enter and leave the dispensing room of the Konoha Hospital, it can be seen that Chiba's move to prepare the medicine in three days may have already put those The guys who opposed the three generations of Hokage's funding for him were shocked.

At this level, I am afraid that it will catch up with the strongest medical ninja, one of the three ninjas.

No matter how much this group of guys objected, they couldn't tell why.

However, Chiba didn't really pay much attention to the matter of dispensing medicine. His real focus was still on physical training and the further use of two self-created ninjutsu, chakra properties and form changes that were on the agenda. , and the comprehensive research on the sealing technique.

And the quality of Nao's medicine is also steadily improving. The ratio between the curative effect and side effects is close to a perfect level. It won't take long for Nao to complete the medicine perfectly, and her condition will be stable at that time .

Moreover, if Chiba can perfect this concentration technology, Konoha's pharmaceutical industry may be more than ten years ahead of the entire Naruto world.

In the next four months, from the gusts of winter wind to the warmth of spring and the blooming of flowers, Chiba’s life will be the same as before. Deliver food to Hirohiko and others who rebuilt the log cabin, continue physical training in the afternoon, and have two hours to finally perfect the self-created ninjutsu. At dinner time, the food is delivered first, and after the food is delivered and eaten by oneself, it is Further research on the nature of chakra and changes in mentality, as well as the comprehension of the sealing technique, regularly at two o'clock and one line every day.

As for the reconstruction of the log cabin, although Chiba did not participate, Hirohiko did not fight alone, because he had put forward various requirements on the structure. In his spare time, Asma, Kai, Ebisu, Shiranui Genma, Obito and even Yukina, Kakashi, Rin, and Hinata Snow Eagle will help, and the progress of the reconstruction is also very smooth.

However, everyone didn't complain about Qianye's absence, but the work was in full swing. It's not so much that Qianye didn't fit in and didn't participate in the reconstruction work, it's better to say that this group of guys were too enthusiastic. Leave Chiba aside.

In the past four months, Qianye has a sense of presence when delivering meals, and the rest of the time is basically ignored, and when this group of guys chat, they are completely like no one else, when Qianye is packing the tableware, often It's the guy who was dismissed as making too much noise when clearing the tableware and hindering their discussion.

For this, Qianye could only smile wryly, but after all, it was wrong, this was his own home, if he didn't come to rebuild it, and he didn't care about it, he just sent a meal, it couldn't be justified.

However, it's hard to say. Chiba has no plans to join the reconstruction team. The training program is there, so he doesn't have the time to take care of the reconstruction work.

In addition to these, in the past four months, Chiba has also learned more about Kakashi. After all, the Kakashi shown in the original work is different from the Kakashi who lives beside him.

During this period of time, Chiba discovered that Kakashi is a very easy-going person, and like Hirohiko, he spends his evenings reading. When dinner is over and the reconstruction work is over, there are basically two people in Kakashi's room. A girl either sleeps in her own room, or goes to Lin's house to spend the night, while the three boys lie on the short long table together, reading with the lights on or playing with scrolls all night long.

Of course, the one who was fiddling with the scroll was Chiba.

However, the easy-going Kakashi is limited to his normal life. Once there is a task, Kakashi will become another person, and the task is even a bit cold-blooded.

However, the success rate of the mission is astonishingly high.

Chiba also finally understood why Kakashi became a Jonin at the age of twelve.

In short, everything has been in order in the past four months, Chiba's training has progressed very smoothly, and the reconstruction work is coming to an end.

Then, at this time four months later, the day that made Chiba lament that time has passed has arrived!

The gears of fate began to turn slowly.


Putting away a series of memories in his mind, Qianye slowly straightened up, wiped off the sweat dripping from his face, took a deep breath, and a little solemnity flashed in his eyes.

How time flies!

So soon, it's time for Kakashi to become a Jonin!

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