Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 730 So Fast?

"Chiba, this banquet is held in the name of our new house. Don't talk about Kakashi becoming a jonin. Lin seems to have some plans for this matter. Don't mention Kakashi becoming a ninja at the banquet." Jonin thing."

Chiba and Xue Nai quickly crossed the grass that exudes the fragrance of flowers and plants, and walked to the door of the Japanese-style residence. Hirohiko was waiting for them at the door, but when they walked, Hirohiko closed the Japanese-style door slightly, quietly Said to Chiba.


Hearing this, Chiba was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Hongyan's mysterious look, and frowned slightly.

These guys, what are they talking about...

Then, a rather helpless thought popped up. However, despite being helpless and puzzled in her heart, Qianye still nodded to express her understanding.

The fact that Kakashi became a Jonin was not publicly announced in the village. It was just that Anbu came to verbally inform him last night, and took Kakashi to the third Hokage to log in. After that, there was no movement , Even Kakashi himself didn't have much reaction. I'm afraid that the news that Kakashi has become a Jonin is no more than ten fingers in the village now.

After all, there is no talk about Kakashi among the ninjas. If Kakashi becomes a jonin and is known, it will definitely not be so quiet. At least the ninja group has been fried. Kakashi is a super genius. It is true that the ninjas treat him differently, and it is true that the ninjas recognize his strength, but becoming a jonin at the age of twelve? This is a bit fake, no matter how talented and powerful Kakashi is, a 12-year-old Jonin is unprecedented. It must be rumored in the streets and alleys, and even ordinary people may want to talk about it. It is absolutely impossible in the village. so quiet.

Probably, Lynn wants to give Kakashi a surprise party or something! After all, becoming a Jonin is a big day, and becoming a Jonin at such a young age is even more remarkable. To celebrate the completion of our new house together, maybe Lynn doesn’t think it’s grand enough!

After nodding, such a thought crossed Qianye's mind.

"Remember, don't mention it!"

Seeing Chiba nodding, Hirohiko seemed a little worried before pushing open the closed Japanese-style door, and reminded him again.

"Yes Yes……"

Hearing Hiroko's second reminder, Chiba's mouth twitched, and he nodded hastily. To be honest, Hiroko said the second reminder with a poker face, which made him feel as if he was an unreliable guy in Hiroko's eyes.

"Well, remember!"

Hearing Chiba's response, Hirohiko nodded, but reminded him again when he opened the door.

Immediately, Xue Nai behind covered her mouth.

"I said..."

Hearing this sentence, Qianye felt his facial muscles twitch uncontrollably, and a complaint was about to come out of his mouth.

"Hahaha! Obito, how many rounds have you lost? I don't even know where to draw it!"

"Really, Obito, do you still have a face?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Ebisu, just wait for me! I will definitely beat you in the next match, and I will draw only on your face..."

"Oh, Obito... If you're not good at this kind of game, don't play it..."

"Lin! Don't worry, I will definitely win the next game!"

"Hahaha! Obito, don't be brave, you haven't defeated us, okay?"

"Oh! As expected of the elite of the Uchiha clan, Obito's speech is so passionate. I, Maitekai, support you unconditionally. Let's run together under the passionate sunset! We will definitely defeat these powerful guys! "

"Uh...Kai, you don't seem to have won..."


However, before Chiba could speak, the noise from the opened door burst out instantly, drowning his words in an instant, and the sudden loud noise and loud noise suddenly shook his ears buzzing.

This...is Obito?

At this moment, behind the door, the scene shown to Chiba made him take a slight step back.

In the spacious living room behind the door, all the people were sitting on the floor, and the long and short table was already filled with dishes, overflowing with fragrance. Looking at the red and green colors, they should all be delicious, even delicious. , in the middle of the dishes on the short long table there is a huge burnt red sea prawn.

On the back side of the short table, that is, on the Japanese-style door near the back side, Obito is holding a hand of five cards, with various graphics drawn on his face, and his whole face is like Whiskers, fish, eye circles, "dumb" fonts, etc. are all over the place, and honestly, at first glance, it looks a little scary.

At this time, Lin was frowning, with a helpless expression on her face, planning to wipe off the ink on Obito's face, and on the right side of Obito, sitting was Ebisu, who was putting down the pen in his hand, obviously He had just painted a stroke on Obito's face, while on his own face, there were sporadic eye circles and beards.

On Ebisu's right side, opposite to Obito, sat Kakashi with his eyes half-opened, looking bored at the cards in his hand, but his face was clean. Shiranui Genma was biting a toothpick, sitting behind him, looking at Kakashi's cards, obviously very interested.

And on the right side of Kakashi, that is, the left side of Obito, Kai's eyes were blazing, and his face was full of blood. He was looking up at the ceiling with his hands clenched into fists. He didn't know what he saw. The cards in his hand are all curled up, but the degree of blackness on the face is only a little better than that of Obito, at least there is no need for someone to wipe it to continue drawing.

At the same time, on the other side of the long table, Nao was sitting quietly, probably reading a book, leaving Chiba with a quiet back view.

"Qianye, you are finally here!"

At this time, Asma's head popped out from behind the door and greeted him.


And hearing Asma's sound, everyone in the room "swiped", turned their heads in unison, looked at Chiba, and even Nao, who was invisible, turned their heads.

"Uh...sorry, I'm late, I went to take a shower."

With the sudden concentration of eyes, Qianye visibly froze for a moment, and then opened his mouth with difficulty.

Then, a faceless face greeted us.

Yes, one face is expressionless.

When Kakashi and the others heard Chiba's words of apology, they didn't react at all, they just looked at him straight.

Why? Could it be that... these guys are very angry?

Qianye frowned, her heart trembled.

No, if you are angry, these guys must have rushed up, making all kinds of poisonous tongues. What's the matter?

But after this embarrassment, Qianye immediately realized that something was wrong. Based on his understanding of this group of guys, even if they were angry, they couldn't react like this.

Then, he realized that something was wrong.

They... don't seem to be looking at me.

Afterwards, as if sensing something, Qianye frowned slightly.

Could it be that... it started so soon?

But such a thought popped up in his mind, after this thought popped up, Qianye couldn't help but look back.

Upon seeing this, his face tensed immediately, his brows suddenly frowned, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Really... so fast!

At this time, the Anbu ninja who suddenly appeared behind him, Yuki Nai and Hirohiko also spoke slowly.

"Kakashi Hatake, Obito Uchiha, Rin Nohara, please come with me to Hokage's office."

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