Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 732: The Banquet Is Over

"Then, let's go first!"

It was nearly nine o'clock, and the people who finished the big meal were tired of playing and playing. Seeing that the time was almost up, they were about to leave. At this time, they all stood up and said goodbye to the owner of the house.

"Come on, Kai, be careful!"

And at the stand where he stood up, Xuanjian helplessly helped Kai who was lying on the ground with a bulging stomach and was now struggling to stand up.

"Next time...next time...wouldn't be...well..."

After Kai was helped up, he looked at Chiba who was standing up with the crowd, as if he was going to say something, but he covered his mouth suddenly in the middle of speaking, his eyes were wide open, and the corners of his eyes were full of tears.

"Let me tell you, whoever eats more than you and Chiba, aren't you looking for death? This guy is famous for his big appetite. I remember that you also failed miserably last time... No, it seems that you brought soil. , anyway, there is already a precedent, so can't you learn from it?"

At this time, Ebisu from behind also came to help, complaining in his mouth.


Hearing these words, Kai seemed to want to say something to refute, but his mouth was covered by himself, and he could only whine, and after a few whimpers, he was speechless again, vomiting forcefully impulse.


Seeing Kai like this, Genma Shiranui rested his forehead with one hand, let out a long sigh, and helped the guy out with Ebisu.

During the meal just now, Kai challenged Chiba, but for some reason, Chiba accepted the challenge, and the winner was determined by the speed and quantity of eating, and then, the attention of the whole feast was immediately captured by this Snatched by two gobblers.

In the end, Chiba won a decisive victory in terms of speed and quantity. He ate almost half of the food on the table, and the speed was extremely fast. In just ten minutes, half of the food on the table was missing.

Twelve minutes later, Kai lay on the ground with a big belly, and never got up again.

On the other hand, Chiba is like a normal person, his stomach is as flat as ever, and judging by the way he peeks at the dishes that are far away from him, he probably has more room to spare.

At that time, they were so scared that they directly protected the rest of the dishes. This is the eight dishes that were broken within ten minutes of cooking, and half of the dishes were gone. Let this kid eat it again, what are they eating!

Is it finally over?

Fortunately, there is Kai, otherwise it would be impossible to speed up the time for dinner. I'm afraid it will be after ten o'clock when everyone disperses. At that time...it's a bit difficult to handle.

After all, it is almost time for the usual bedtime, and because of the biological clock, it is inevitable that you will feel sleepy, at least for a while, which is not conducive to thinking.

Seeing everyone leaving, Qianye had such a thought in his mind, and then followed the leaving people all the way to the door, and while saying goodbye to each other, watched a few people disappear into the vast night.

"What's wrong? Chiba!"

At this moment, when everyone disappeared into the night, Hirohiko and Yukina turned their heads at the same time, and even Nao asked together.

Obviously, they saw something!

"Uh... what's wrong?"

Chiba was slightly startled, and said.

"I'm in a hurry when I eat."

Xue Nai said.

"I was a little distracted when I was playing the game."

Hirohiko added.

"You are obviously perfunctory for this banquet. Have you encountered some difficult things, and you are rarely seen like this. Is there something you are hiding from us, or something happened, and you are hiding it from us?"

Nao bluntly clarified all the problems.

"how come!"

Qianye said in a hurry, turned around at the same time, and said, "Hurry up and clean up, it's getting late."

Sure enough, they couldn't hide it from them in the end!

And there is still Nao, so I guess I can't hide it, but tell them the mission of Kannabi Bridge?

Tell them about the future?


No matter how you think about it, it's impossible! In the current situation, I must maintain the trend of history, keep history moving in the direction I know, so that I can find that point, enter that turning point at all costs, and then change the direction of history.

If you tell them the plot, that is, the future of Naruto World, then everything will become unknown because the characters in the plot know the plot. This can be said to be a fatal blow to the current turning point of fate.

The reason why I have the confidence to change my destiny is also because I know this destiny and know where the turning point of destiny is, so I can change it!

If everything becomes unknown!

The fate of everyone has become unknown!

If you don't know anything, then how can you talk about change!

How to guide everyone's fate in a better direction!

Turning around and walking towards Qianye, who was because of the short and long table, a series of thoughts flashed through his mind, and his words were obviously trying to confuse them.

To be honest, Qianye is really afraid that they will continue to question, but he knows that they will definitely continue to ask, because they really care about him, and some of his abnormal reactions will arouse their concern, this point, he knows Clearly, but also deeply grateful for their concern.

So, while this series of thoughts was turning around, Chiba was also thinking about some available excuses.

"Well, then pack it up!"

However, to his surprise, Hongyan and the others didn't ask, but just passed by lightly.

Nao didn't say much, but with a little boredom on his face, he walked to the side and sat down, fumbled out the Braille book, and continued to "read".

They are...

Seeing Hirohiko and Xue Nai who came over to help clean up the tableware and playing cards and other utensils used in the game, Chiba was slightly taken aback, and the movement that was going to grab the bowl also stopped.

"Okay! If you have anything to do, go and do it yourself! Don't get in the way here!"

During this pause, Xue Nai took a look at this side, walked over, slightly pushed him away, picked up the bowl that Chiba wanted to take, and said with disgust.

"Uh... oh..."

Looking at Xue Nai, Chiba blinked, his eyes were full of surprises and unknown reasons, but the current situation is really tense, after all, he will have to get permission to leave the village at noon tomorrow, otherwise he will not be able to catch up with Kakashi and the others .

In other words, there was no way to catch up with them in time when Kakashi and the others were attacked.

The only solution now is to go to see the Third Hokage tomorrow morning, but there needs to be a reason, what reason will do!

Now I have not been called to discuss countermeasures, nor have I had access to the current frontline battle reports. I should have little understanding of the frontline situation.

Not only is it impossible for these three generations of Hokage to agree, but I'm afraid I will also fall into a vicious circle of suspicion!

The key is this reason!

The reason to go to the Kannabi Bridge mission!

There is also a reasonable explanation for knowing the situation in the village!

Have to think about it, and then, before going to look at those...

Qianye stepped back and thought about it, her brows almost furrowed.


And just when Chiba turned around to go to another room, the Japanese-style door was suddenly opened.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned.

In this glance, Qianye's eyes widened slightly.


"Taki Chiba, Uchiha Hirohiko, Yukina-sama, three generations of Hokage, please go there!"

At this time, at the opened Japanese-style door, a man with a raccoon mask was standing. After noticing the gazes of several people, the man with the raccoon mask said very simply, there was a feeling that there was no room for negotiation in his words.

This is an urgent call!

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