Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 734 Unexpected Arrangement

Is there only three Hokage alone?

Chiba's eyes flickered, and she walked into Hokage's office with Hirohiko and Yukina, and stopped in front of Hokage's desk.

At this moment, under the bright lights of Hokage's office, the third Hokage was sitting alone behind the desk, smoking a pipe, looking at the two scrolls on the table, and puffing out cigarettes from time to time, as if his attention was not on them.

"Hirohiko, and Yukina are here too."

In the next second, Sandai Hokage spoke again, but he didn't raise his head. He was still staring at the two scrolls, as if comparing and considering.

"Three Hokage-sama, is there anything you want to do with us?"

Looking at the Third Hokage, Chiba tried hard to calm down his mood, and eased the expression on his face.

"Look at this first!"

However, Sandai Hokage did not answer him, and then handed one of the two scrolls to Chiba, motioning him to take a look, but when he handed out the scroll, his eyes were always on the other scroll, as if encountering What is the general problem.


Seeing the scroll handed over, Qianye responded, then took the scroll, unfolded it and read it.

But at this time, behind him, Hirohiko and Xue Nai looked at each other with a hint of understanding in their eyes.

Did something really happen?

Kakashi and the others were also called here before, and they should have been assigned a task. Are they going to arrange a task for us now?

At the same time, such a thought popped up in their hearts.

This is……

But at this time, Chiba, who was looking at the scroll, trembled slightly with his hand, and his eyes trembled with it.

At this moment, the content on the scroll was reflected in his eyes.

A map!

Yes, the scroll is drawn on a scroll without any text or remarks, only a red arc arrow, a blue arc arrow, and signs symbolizing Konoha, Cloud Hidden and Rock Hidden.

This is a local battle map!

And Chiba understands that this is probably the battle map of Konoha's front line.

Looking at it this way, our village is being attacked by Yunyin and Yanyin, and it should be completely at a disadvantage and passive.

However, something is wrong.

If it is Yan Yin and Yun Yin's full joint attack, we should not be able to support it. After all, among the three parties, Konoha is the weakest now. Among the large number of ninjas lost before, there are many excellent ninjas, Yan Yin and Yun Yin The combination of all forces is absolutely unstoppable.

In other words, in addition to this battle, Yunyin and Yanyin should also have opened up a battlefield, and looking at the joint marching route of the two sides, it is obvious that they are deliberately avoiding each other. It is certain that Yunyin and Yanyin must be fighting fiercely somewhere, or stalemate.

It's just that the two sides have the same position in dealing with Konoha, and that's why they formed a joint attack on this side of the battle.

It's like three people, two of them beat the person named Konoha with one hand, and this two people named Yunyin and Yanyin, the other two hands are also pinching each other, so it feels like...

Should not be wrong!

Thinking about it, Qianye silently nodded, very sure of her deduction.

And these two arc arrows, bypassing Yunyin's troops on the one hand, and Yanyin's troops on the other, are two completely different directions.

And they are pointing to the same place, and they are all facing somewhere on the border of the Country of Grass...

Could it be...

Thinking of this, Qianye's face changed invisibly, surprise flashed, and his brows suddenly frowned.

In the plot, the battle of Kannabi Bridge is because Yanyin Village sent more than a thousand ninjas to attack Konoha's border, which is the current front line. Yanyin’s supply line, and the original work also clearly stated that Yanyin came through the country of grass...

Although the original work did not give the specific location of the Kannabi Bridge, but according to the situation and the reminder of the place where the supply line must pass, the Kannabi Bridge is either on the border between the Land of Earth and the Land of Grass, or between the Land of Fire and the Land of Grass. border of the country.

There may be other locations, but the possibility is no greater than these two places, and since it is a necessary place, the supply line can be blocked if it is destroyed, the Shenwubi Bridge must be connected to two Landforms that cannot be walked with a bridge.

And judging by this map...

The direction these two arrows point to is undoubtedly the Shenwubi Bridge!

Then this map of the battle situation should be the strategic map for the mission of Kannabi Bridge!

After a series of thoughts, Qianye already understood what this picture represented.

Two arrows, that is to say, two teams go to destroy at the same time! Not only Kakashi's team, but their team also has to carry out the task of destroying the Kannabi Bridge!

There is no need to make any plans.

They are about to carry out the mission of Shenwubi Bridge!

Nothing to do, nothing to say, and nothing to calculate.

They are already in the battle of Kannabi Bridge!

"Three generations of Hokage, this is?"

And although she knew it in her heart, Qianye did not directly accept the task, but asked Sandai Hokage pretending to be puzzled.

After all, there is only one picture now, and the third Hokage didn't say anything, but immediately mentioned the mission of Kanna Bridge, so don't you want to be regarded as a monster?

"Do you see anything?"

Third Hokage raised his head slightly, looked at Chiba, and asked.

"This should be a strategic map. Now that Yanyin and Yunyin have launched a joint attack on us, the situation of the battle should not be optimistic. I am afraid that the route above is used to reverse the situation of the battle. I can't see anything else. "

Chiba replied "truthfully".

"Well, that's right."

The Third Hokage nodded in satisfaction.

Turning the tide of battle must be a mission! And it is a very important and dangerous wartime task! Maybe it's even more dangerous than the defense map mission!

Hearing Sandai Hokage's affirmation, Hirohiko and Yukina were already affirmed in their hearts.

"Looking at this marching route, it should be carried out by two teams at the same time."

Chiba added another sentence.

"That's right. This is the battle map of our front line, and the marching route is to block the supply line of Yanyin. Now Yanyin has an army of more than a thousand people who are gathering, and they will surprise our front line soon. We must blow up the above The Kannabi Bridge shown here will block their supply line and force them to retreat, otherwise the front line will be completely defeated, and our Konoha will also be destroyed."

The Third Hokage nodded again, but the satisfied expression on his face disappeared, replaced by a serious expression.

Yeah? Because this task is too important, so Kakashi's team alone, and even Namikaze Minato, can't reassure Sandai Hokage?

So should the three of us join the mission?

Also, it makes sense!

If it were me, I would definitely do the same, and this is something a well-thought-out war planner should consider!

Hearing Sandai Hokage's words, Chiba instantly understood.

It's just that it's not in my plan to let Hong Yan and the others participate in the mission!

At the same time, Qianye also frowned slightly. Anyway, this mission of Kannabi Bridge, whether it is the route that bypasses Yan Yin's troops or the route of Yun Yin's troops, is extremely dangerous , and now that Konoha is short of combat power, it is impossible to have support.

This mission is probably not much less dangerous than the defense map mission, and he definitely does not want Hirohiko and Xue Nai to participate in it.

"So, I hope you can follow the blue route to destroy the Shenwubi Bridge."

At this time, the second half of the sentence of the third Hokage came.

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