Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 742: The Official Beginning!

Then, next, the task will officially begin.

Qianye flew in the woods outside the village, galloping all the way, the speed was very fast, but he had already thought about it in his heart.

I just passed the gate of the village, and I didn't see Kakashi and the others. They should have already set off. We were already late, and they couldn't be behind us.


But there is no need to meet face to face. The third Hokage also said that they are in the light and we are in the dark.

It's just, how can I know that Kakashi and the others are in distress? In the original plot, it is not stated that after Kakashi and the others separated from Namikaze Minato, it took a few hours or a few days to meet Iwagakure .

If you don't know the exact time of their distress, then rescue is out of the question.

Thinking about it, Qianye frowned tightly. This point is the most difficult point in the whole destiny change plan.

Exact time of distress!

Only by knowing the time can he find the time to rush to the rescue in time.

Now that there is Namikaze Minato's Hiraigami Kunai, and the sealing mechanism of the nature of calling for help, he can rush to Obito's side in an instant. He only needs to tell Namikaze Minato Obito and their danger after unlocking the seal. , Just let Namikaze Minato fly to Kakashi's side with Flying Raijin. Chiba clearly remembers that among Kakashi's Jonin gifts, Namikaze Minato gave Kakashi a Flying Raijin Kunai .

In other words, the process of rushing from Chiba's route to the place where Kakashi, Obito, and Rin are in distress can be omitted.

Many variables can be saved.

From the variable process of calculating the time in advance, rushing to the road, avoiding possible dangers and obstacles, and rushing to the location, it has become such a simple process of unlocking the seal, arriving at the location of distress.

As long as he knows the exact time of distress, he is more than 80% sure that he can change his fate.

However, this is a clue that was not clearly given in the original plot!

Unless he followed Kakashi Obito and the others, he couldn't deduce the exact time when they were in distress!


Is it too late to start thinking about this now?

At this time, Qianye's frown seemed to be a little tighter. During this period of time, he was too focused on training. Although he thought about many possibilities and possible obstacles, he was a little negligent about this detail. No, no, it should be said that it was unexpected. He did not expect that the Third Hokage would directly assign him to participate in the mission of Kannabi Bridge, which is completely different from the solo mission he originally planned. After all, if he is allowed to participate independently If he went during the mission, he had a series of excuses, and he could temporarily obtain the privilege of free movement in the mission of Kannabi Bridge.

For example, "covering for Kakashi and the others", or the current "I am in the dark line, Kakashi and the others are in the open line, both ways, but it is better for me to act alone", plus the various solitude of myself before. With the record of the mission, the chances of the third Hokage agreeing are still very high.

After all, even if the Third Hokage wanted to protect the seeds, he would not be able to hold back the mission of Kannabi Bridge, which was about the life and death of the village.

However, I didn't expect that the third Hokage would directly arrange a group of three of them, and it was so sudden that the task was released the night before leaving, which made Chiba have no time to think about the countermeasures for the current situation.

Now that Hirohiko and Xue Nai are by his side, considering their safety, it is impossible for him to act privately as he wants.

Moreover, it is impossible to leave Hirohiko and Xue Nai behind and divide up their operations. After all, their route is to bypass Yun Yin. With this combination, no matter how strong they are, they will definitely not be able to escape.

He can't take the risk!

Could it be... is this also the interference of fate?

Instead of excluding me, why don't you let me participate in the task and transfer it in a disguised form?

Unconsciously, Chiba's hands have clenched into fists tightly, the current situation is really a bit bad.

Or should we meet and discuss...


It is impossible for them to discuss with me. Our two teams are originally assigned the type of assignment that if one party has an accident, the other party must complete the task. It is impossible for them to agree to send some distress signal and support each other!

We are a mutual cover relationship. If one party is exposed, it will attract firepower for the other party so that the other party can complete the task. It is impossible to support each other.

Think again!

Think again, there must be a way!

In the original plot, there should be something that can be used!

The chakra on the soles of his feet exploded, and Chiba jumped up, taking a slight breath at the same time, suppressing the anxiety in his heart.

Think about it carefully, the whole thing happened...

Although the memory is vague, but use those clear fragments to infer the vague fragments, use the ending to guess the process, the vague places will definitely be able to recall...


After crossing the branches of the two trees, Qianye stepped on the target branch, and the chakra on the bottom of the foot that landed exploded again, jumping up.

There seems to be no clue...

And during this leap, Chiba found that the original Kakashi Gaiden did not have any time to elaborate, and he could not obtain information from it to infer the time of distress.

Do you use a shadow clone to track it?

At the same time, when it was confirmed that there was no way to infer based on the original work, another thought flashed through Chiba's mind.


It seems impossible. According to the description in the original book, Namikaze Minato and Kakashi only separated from the border. It would take three days at the fastest to get to the border. Although my shadow clone has reached an unprecedented duration, it is still It is absolutely impossible to persist for three days.

And just when this idea came up, he denied it.


But soon, he thought of something again.

Separate borders?

The location of Kannabi Bridge on the map is just behind Iwagakure, and the battlefield of Konoha and Iwagakure is near the border with the Country of Grass. This distance can be reached within two days! In other words, the time for Kakashi and Obito to rush to and reach the Kannabi Bridge will not exceed two days!

Attacked, within these two days!

It seems that there is a way!

Thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help flashing a trace of excitement on his face.

Um! OK!

I also remember what kind of scene it was when they were attacked, yes!

Very good! The approximate time can be determined!

His heart was also full of joy and excitement.

What's wrong with Chiba? The speed is getting faster and faster, why do you feel a little anxious?

At this time, Hirohiko and Xue Nai, who were constantly speeding up behind him, looked at each other, feeling a little strange about Chiba's actions.

"Wait a minute, hide!"

But at this moment, Qianye suddenly stopped, and said in a low voice, she fell down instantly, and hid herself with the leaves.


Seeing Chiba's movements, Hirohiko and Yukina didn't have time to think about it, one jumped off the branch directly, and the other hung upside down on the branch with a leaning body, hiding themselves.

What's wrong?

After that, the two went up and down, looking at Qianye at the same time, with such a hint conveyed in their eyes.

Chiba, who was crouching on the branch, pointed to the front, which was the left side of their original driving direction.

Seeing Qianye's instructions, the two looked together, their eyes passed through the stacked trees, and landed on a moving blue humanoid thing.

Is a flying ninja, very fast.


tripped over a vine...

fell down a tree...

And the moment their eyes were fixed, the moment they saw clearly that it was a ninja, the three of them shrank their heads at the same time, with expressions of "it must hurt to fall".

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