Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 745 Finalized!

"Please! Help me analyze it together. I will infer the location, and you will infer the time."

Qianye looked at the shadow clone next to him, and pointed to the battle map.

"You mean, by calculating the approximate time and place...to determine the specific time?"

The shadow clone Chiba heard the words of the main body, looked at the place pointed by the main body Chiba, and said.


Chiba nodded, her brows were slightly tightened, but she seemed to have no time to take care of Hirohiko and Yukina, which made Hirohiko and Yukina look at each other in embarrassment.

Uh... how do I feel, Qianye wants to discuss the battle situation with her shadow clone, not with us...

I have a feeling of being left out.


It's a feeling that even a shadow clone can't compare to.

After looking at each other, the corners of their mouths twitched at the same time, and a thought that made them doubt their own strength flashed across their minds.

"Using time as a reference object, and then using the location as a reference object, or cross-reference objects, to carry out hypotheses and verifications, use very rigorous logic as a yardstick to rule out impossible situations...to get the most likely situation...feasible, But the degree of fallacy is still very large.”

Just when Hirohiko and Xue Nai looked at each other and began to doubt themselves, Chiba, the shadow clone, said something they couldn't understand at all.

What is this saying?

The two were momentarily at a loss.

"Show me your stuff."

At this time, Qianye, the shadow clone, said another word that they couldn't understand.

"Bring it, it is something that exists for today, how could I not bring it."

Hearing the words of the shadow clone Chiba, the main body Chiba immediately took out a scroll from the back of his waist and handed it to the shadow clone Chiba.

After receiving the scroll, the shadow clone Chiba was about to open the scroll, but at the moment when he was about to open it, he suddenly realized something, looked at Hirohiko and Xue Nai, and slowly stepped back a few steps, turned sideways, and looked up .

Why, I have a feeling of being rejected by the shadow clone?

At this moment, Hirohiko and Xue Nai half-closed their eyes.

"Living water or stagnant water?"

After watching for a while, the shadow clone Chiba gathered the scroll and asked.

"It should be running water. In my memory, it should be a river. Although it is not wide, it is definitely a tributary of a big river or a separate water system. If it is a pool, the angle of the picture in my memory should depict the edge of the pool, and The two banks of the water system in my memory are parallel. As for the depth of the water, it should not be as shallow as it appears. After all, you can step on the water, so it is easy to give people a feeling of shallow water. And if it is really shallow, it should be I can see the bottom of the river from the surface of the river, but all I can see is the reflection of the leaves on the water surface. It can be said that the water will not be shallow. And there is a bamboo forest growing next to it, um... a huge bamboo forest, if it is stagnant water, it may not be able to grow Living in such a large bamboo forest... I don't know much about botany, so it may be a fallacy."

The main body Chiba said very positively, but when it came to the bamboo forest, she paused, and finally expressed her uncertainty.

"Well, my memory comes from you, plus the reminder on this scroll, I also think this is a living water, but I hope you can create another shadow clone, so that he can read this scroll without reading it. Under the circumstances, reverse the situation to see whether it is living water or stagnant water. If it is living water, it is easy to deal with it. If it is not living water, the body, I can only say that some of us are depressed."

The shadow clone Chiba nodded, agreeing with the main body Chiba's words,

"Makes sense."

Hearing the words of the shadow clone, Qianye created another shadow clone without hesitation.


As the white mist exploded, a Qianye with a bitter face appeared.

"Ontology, can't you not embarrass the shadow clone?"

Then, there was the complaint of Chiba, the second shadow clone.

"That's his opinion."

The main body pointed to the shadow clone beside him.

"Heh... are you stupid?"

The second shadow clone Chiba said angrily.

"Please take the premise that this water is stagnant water to reverse it, and see it as untenable."

The shadow clone Chiba doesn't seem to care, please ask the second shadow clone Chiba who is also the shadow clone.

At this time, the main body Chiba silently took out a scroll and slowly spread it out.

This is?

Hirohiko and Xue Nai on the side were completely stunned. They couldn't understand the words "living water", "dead water", "reversal", and "memory". They even wondered if there was something wrong with Chiba's head.

Seeing Qianye take out the scroll, they looked at each other and leaned over to take a look.

Is there a detailed map of the area?

This is the Kannabi Bridge... This is the water system, the woods... Isn't this the detailed map of the Kannabi Bridge in the direction of the country of grass in the battle map?

After seeing it, Hirohiko and Xue Nai quickly recognized what it was.

The detailed map of the area, which is also given to them by the third generation of Hokage for this mission, is convenient for them to hide and destroy the Wubi Bridge, but although it is a detailed map, it is not exhaustive, only some topography and landforms such as tributaries of the water system can be seen , roads represented by thick straight lines, and bridges represented by square white bars.

"It can't be stagnant water!"

And at this moment, the words of the second shadow clone came, and a conclusion was drawn.

"Living water?"

The shadow clone Chiba confirmed.

"All the clues of the picture in my memory point to living water, it cannot be stagnant water, including the depth of the water, the shape of the embankment, and the protruding part of the rock, even if it is a blurred place, it is impossible to turn this water system into stagnant water , can only be stagnant water."

The second shadow clone Chiba said: "In addition, I think my inference is meaningless. Our memories all come from the ontology, and the ontology itself thinks it is living water. How can we think it is stagnant water?"

"Then where did your independent thinking come from?"

The shadow clone Qianye retorted disdainfully: "If, as you said, our thinking follows the main body, you wouldn't have complained about the main body just now. Moreover, our main body's thinking is very strange. Come on, you can do it backwards, it’s very logical, we just use two ways of logical thinking. I push it forward, you push it backwards, one is to draw conclusions from various clues, and the other is to draw conclusions from conclusions Starting to push clues ... are just two ways of getting the desired result of the same thinking mode, not a differentiation of thinking mode."

"Qi, as long as you understand!"

The second shadow clone, Chiba, snorted.

Pushing? Reverse push? logic?

Independent thinking... differentiated thinking patterns?

Two different ways of thinking logically?

And listening to the bickering of the two shadow clones Chiba, Hirohiko and Xue Nai's expressions were completely stiff.

Why can't I understand any of them?

What does Qianye usually have in his head!

This guy is really a monster!

"I found it! If it is running water, it can only be a water system. There are plants showing and water systems passing through. There is only one place."

At this time, Chiba, who was looking at the detailed map carefully, stopped his fingers in one place.

It is an icon representing the shape of a forest representing vegetation and woodland. In the middle of the shape of the forest, there is a thin blue line passing through and extending out. It is a river from an important water source in the Kingdom of Grass extended from above.

"The location is finalized!"

Ontology Chiba chewed a few mouthfuls of jerky, and said excitedly.

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