Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 772: Three Plans

in that direction?

The light green light in his hand slowly dissipated. Qianye raised his head and looked in the direction of his north and east. After some calculations, among the three directions he came up with, the most likely one was over there .

Let's go there first, Hiroko should stop them now, after leaving the woods for 50-100 meters, you should be able to see them with the field of view of the injured door mode, if you still can't see them after more than 100 meters, then change the direction.

If there are none of the three directions, then I can only go back to find Xue Nai! Or wait for Xue Nai to come to me!

Thinking of this, Qianye wiped off the dead skin on her abdomen that had faded due to the treatment with her hands, and stepped on her whole body, heading north, that is, the direction east of the grassland, and flew away.

Unexpectedly, among the three possibilities of Situation D, Situation E and Situation F, Situation F happened. Plan F was not the plan I most wanted to implement!

With a sound of "cracking", Chiba crossed her hands and rushed out of the middle of the two trees blocked by the half-burnt branches and leaves brought out by the explosion. Brittle leaves and broken branches scattered with a "crash".


And amidst the scattered rain of broken leaves, brittle leaves and broken branches, Qianye half-kneeled to the ground, with emerald green brilliance flowing in his eyes, and flew out again in an instant, running nearly four or five meters in a vertical leap. distance.

Situation D, Situation E, and Situation F, these are the three possibilities discussed by the three of them after "the bomb is detonated and the enemy is intact". Under the perception, knowing the other party's actions, there are three possible behaviors.

Situation D, the two sides have no plans to divide their forces, they are going to fight head-to-head, 4V4. After all, they don't know what the secret mission of Yanyin and Yunyin is. It is possible that the secret mission of both sides is to intercept each other, or the two sides are not performing secret missions at all. The task, but some kind of strategic contact, requires one side to eliminate the other side. To be honest, this is what Chiba wants to see the most.

Situation E, that is, both sides assign corresponding personnel to delay the other side, and then the other part of the personnel detours. This is also the tactic adopted for secret missions or other more urgent missions, the division of troops. This is what Chiba thinks is the most likely scenario.

Situation F is the current situation. One side divides troops and the other side does not divide troops. In this case, there are three results. The first one is that the undivided personnel destroy the team left by the divided side, and then chase the divided side. The detour team, to no avail. The second type is that the side that divides the troops successfully delays the side that has not been divided, and the side that divides the troops leaves smoothly no matter whether it is a delaying team or a detour team. Then pursue the detour team on the side of the division, succeed, and wipe out the division team. Of course, there is also a fourth type of taking over, that is, both losers. The probability of this fourth type of outcome is very low, and it is basically impossible to exist. The strength of the divided troops and the undivided troops is poor, and there will be no such situation that occurs only when they are evenly matched, and there will definitely be casualties. And this situation is the last thing Chiba wants to see.

According to these three situations, they formulated plans D, E, and F respectively.

Plan D, corresponding to situation D, this plan is very simple, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and when the two sides are about the same, then there will be a yellow bird behind, Chiba will fight alone, and two backups, just in case, the ultimate goal Annihilate both teams present. It is also the least risky of the three plans.

Plan E, corresponding to situation E, this plan is also very simple. Chiba will fight alone on the side that delays the team, and Hirohiko and Xue Nai will block the two sides that divide the troops. There is also a high chance that the detour team will fight. If the detour team also fights, then Hirohiko and Xue Nai can also sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. , so the risk is higher than that of plan D. After all, no matter how the two sides divide the troops, the number of the delaying team as sacrificial sons cannot exceed the detour team.

As for plan F, it is like this now, Chiba is fighting against the undivided team and the delayed team of the divided team, and Hirohiko is going to block the detour side of the divided team, and Xue Nai is a backup, ready to support at any time.

The risk of this plan is the greatest. At the same time, there must be at least 5 people in the face of the majestic army team and the division team. Generally, this kind of secret mission, even when encountering an emergency mission where the enemy wants to divide troops, the leading ninja and the ninja participating in the team will not be strong. Low, even the existence of tacit cooperation, with more people, the danger of Chiba will increase exponentially. And it is easy for Chiba to support, Hirohiko also needs support, no matter which one Xue Nai chooses to support, the other may die.

Moreover, compared to the previous plan, the fault tolerance rate of Plan F is 0, and no enemy can be let go. In fact, Plan D and Plan F are both if there is a fish that slips through the net. It doesn’t matter if the information is sent back to Yunyin and Yanyin, because Neither Plan D nor Plan E enemies see their complete trio.

Plan D, Chiba goes to destroy alone, there is a possibility that the enemy is not wiped out, as long as the enemy runs fast, if Hirohiko and Yukina can't catch up, then this enemy only sees Chiba alone, and it is easy to think that The only Konoha personnel who invaded their rear was Chiba.

In the same way, for Plan E, whether there is a problem with Chiba, Hirohiko or Xue Nai, the people who escaped only saw one or two of them, and they still didn't know about one of them.

This is very different from the collective exposure of three people. If only one or two of them are known, then the remaining two or one person will have a great effect. Not to mention complicated ones, just simple ones. Or the two will become the best bait to attract attention, and the other person will easily reach their destination, and with the strength of any of the three of them, whether it is Chiba, Hirohiko who has Sharingan, or Baiyan Yukina can save Kakashi and the others, at least Obito will not die, and Lin will not be in an accident. As long as the three survive, just wait for Namikaze Minato's rescue.

As for Plan F, it is most likely that all three people will be exposed, so there can be no mistakes, no one can be let go, and the fault tolerance rate is 0.

Plan F is not only risky, but also very difficult, so the last thing Chiba wants is the emergence of situation F.


A series of thoughts flashed through his mind, Qianye's eyes flashed, and he suddenly looked to his left side.

That is……

At this time, in his eyes, there was a reflection of a wall of rock guns covered with various friction marks, and when he looked carefully and focused his eyes, the rock gun suddenly magnified, and he could clearly see the rock gun. Kunai's shuriken was nailed to the base of the wall.

Is Hirohiko's Sharingan a windmill?

Thinking about it, Chiba smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, stepped on his feet, turned his direction, and rushed towards the rock wall.

It's there, Hirohiko has already stopped it!

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