

Two footsteps on the branches sounded one after another.


Hirohiko, who stopped suddenly, looked at Chiba suddenly, with a puzzled expression on his face, and he stepped on the branch that was only ten meters away from where they came in with his other foot, his brow furrowed. Slightly wrinkled.

"Wait a moment."

But hearing Hongyan's puzzled voice, Chiba slowly let go of his hand and said, "Don't you think it's too quiet here?"


Hearing this, Hongyan's original frown seemed to be even tighter, and his ears stopped quietly for a while.

It seems that there is no sound.

Looking at the deep and dark forest, Hongyan looked slightly solemn, looked at Qianye, and said, "Could it be that there is an ambush here?"

"How about the trace left behind?"

Chiba did not answer, but asked.

"I'll take another look."

This woods is undoubtedly the place where the earth platform passed by, otherwise Hiroko would not have come in. Just a dozen meters away, he also found many slight traces of being trampled on, and even some slightly broken branches that were trampled on. Obviously, the people who made these marks were in a hurry and were desperately rushing to move as quickly as possible, otherwise things like stepping on broken branches would never have happened.

In this case, the traces that would only appear when fleeing for his life in a hurry, or when the ninja needed to rush on his way desperately, completely matched the current situation of Yun Yin, and there was nothing wrong with it.

And after that, Hirohiko bent down and carefully checked the tiny trace on the branch where they were.

The strength, the size of the marks... and the many marks before it were stamped out by one person, and the dark green color that looks like a black mark, it is certain that this is from running on the grassland just now For a period of time, the soles of the shoes will be dyed the color after stepping on a lot of grass...

It must be that Yunyin.

And according to the distribution of the traces and the distance between them, his speed is maintained at an extremely fast speed, which may be his highest speed, a little slower than Chiba and me, and it is not difficult to catch up.

If we set off now, we might see him in five minutes.

Under the insight of Sharingan, Hirohiko carefully investigated the traces and came to many conclusions in his mind.

"No problem, same as before."

After reaching a conclusion in his mind, Hirohiko also quickly made a report.


Chiba nodded. At this moment, he also used the visual enhancement of the injured door mode to observe the surroundings, and found that there was no abnormality, and there was no trace of traps.

Is it an illusion?

After that, he frowned, and a trace of doubt rose in his heart.

Could it be that I am suspicious? The Country of Grass is a battlefield after all. It is normal for birds and beasts to flee to other places to hide because of the war. It is not strange that the forest is abnormally quiet...

Is it really an illusion?

No matter how fierce the battle is, it is impossible to drive away the vitality of a forest.

However, Hong Yan said that there was no change, so the earthen platform should not have stayed to arrange anything, or met anyone...

Everything is still on the run by him alone, nothing has changed...

Thinking of this, Chiba frowned, and Hirohiko looked around for a week, and there was no trace of traps in the forest under Shulunyan, and there was nothing unusual about it.

"How about it?"

Seeing all this, he couldn't help asking.

"It may be my illusion, let's continue. However, pay more attention to the changes in the traces, maybe what will happen to Yun Yin on the road later."

Chiba shook her head and said.


Hearing Chiba's words, Hirohiko responded without doubting him.

Afterwards, the two set off again, flying out at the fastest speed, shuttling through the quiet and dark woods, walking in silence.

In the dim environment and the unchanging scenery of receding trees, the two of them kept running at the highest speed for an unknown amount of time. The dim light in the woods seemed to be slightly brighter.

"Get out soon."

At this time, Qianye couldn't help reminding.

However, he didn't get a response from Hongyan, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Hongyan, but he saw that Hongyan was looking at the trace with his eyes slightly lowered, his brows were furrowed, as if he had encountered some problem.

Could it be that……

Seeing Hongyan's appearance, Chiba's heart trembled, and he hurriedly asked, "Did you find anything?"

Still no response.


Seeing that Hirohiko didn't answer, Chiba hastily called out again.


At this sound, Hong Yan's figure trembled, as if he had recovered, and turned his head to look, with a confused face.

"Did you find something?"

In this regard, Qianye smiled bitterly, and repeated the question again.

It's really strange that Hirohiko was so focused on thinking about the problem during the mission that he didn't respond immediately.

And he thought so in his heart.

"No, the trace is still the same. It should be a person, and nothing happened."

Hearing Chiba's question, Hirohiko answered quickly.

"Then what are you thinking?"

Chiba asked again.

"I was thinking, how did that old Yunyin undo my illusion? The illusion I cast on him is the strongest Sharingan illusion I have mastered so far. It shouldn't be unlocked in an instant, even if It will take a while for an illusion talent who can unravel illusions in illusions."

Hirohiko didn't hide anything, and just spoke directly.

In fact, this problem has troubled him for a long time since the end of the battle. He absolutely does not believe that his illusion can be dispelled casually and easily. I have to wonder if his illusion is too weak, and maybe his eyes are not good at illusion.


At that time?

Hearing Hongyan's words, Qianye quickly realized that the old Yunyin in the battle just now had flashed back at the last moment.

I thought something serious happened, but it turned out to be this!

It's really rare that Hiroko would be entangled in this kind of thing. However, he was distracted to think about this matter during the mission. I'm afraid this matter is also very important to him.

"Do you know what?"

At this time, seeing Chiba's slightly relieved smile, Hirohiko asked.

"Well, I know a little bit."

Chiba nodded, not intending to hide it from Hirohiko.

"Tell me!"

At this time, Hiroko had already continued to stare at the traces, but his brows were relaxed, as if he was not so distressed.

It seemed that Chiba would definitely give him the answer he wanted.

"I think, what dispelled your illusion was not the talent to dispel illusion, or your illusion was too weak, but something else."

Hearing this, Chiba spoke directly:

"It's pain."

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