Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 798 Different Mentality!

"Chiba, it seems a little strange."

Hirohiko's voice came from behind the trunk where the branches are connected by the grasslands outside, and at this time he was standing in front of the squatting body on this branch. There was a faint tremor from the undetectable wire of the trap.

At the same time, next to Chiba's squatting steps, there was a footprint that crushed a branch.

"What's wrong?"

Chiba glanced to his right side and asked.

Sure enough, there was this move. It seems that we missed the best chance to kill the earth platform. We should have killed him when he was in the protective film jade.

Now, it's getting more and more troublesome.

Moreover, these little tricks of his will more or less slow down our speed. Whether it is leaving a secret footprint or leaving this trap, I am afraid that it will kill two birds with one stone for him.

Even if the effect is not achieved, it can hold us back a little bit and slow down our speed.

But if I ignore these small tricks, I still can't rest assured. After all, this place is relatively close to the rear battlefield of Yanyin and Yunyin.

After all, in addition to the earth platform, there is also a great possibility that other troops or teams of Yunyin or Yanyin will appear here. These troops and teams may also set up small institutions. Or these possible agencies of other troops, we may be targeted by the enemy and we don't know.

Even if the other enemies didn't launch a surprise attack, knowing our identity would be enough to cause big trouble.

I'm more or less a celebrity now, Yun Yin doesn't know, but Yan Yin probably recognizes me, and I can see some signs of this from the task of deploying the defense map.

If any of them knew about Konoha's ninja, or me appearing behind them, it would be no wonder Iwagakushi didn't make a big move.

At that time, even if he intercepted the earthen platform and killed him, it would have no effect, and everything would be useless.


It has been calculated that there will be various variables, but when they are about to encounter them, the solution is not as easy as imagined.

While speaking, such a helpless thought flashed across Qianye's mind.

"There is only one detonating talisman here, and there is only one detonating talisman on the other side of the trap, and there is no trap like Kunai and Shuriken. If this is a trap, the power is too bad. Although this detonating talisman will It caused a violent explosion and smoke, but it was not very powerful, as long as it didn't explode close to the body, it would basically not hurt anyone."

With a "click", Hirohiko flashed out beside him. Just a minute ago, after he discovered the trap, he checked the trap up and down according to Chiba's instructions.

This is a very simple trap, and the mechanism is also a very simple buckle type. If the steel wire touches a certain range or breaks, the buckle connected to the detonating symbol will be activated, and the detonating symbol will be detonated.

This is the simplest detonator trap, not complicated at all, and a novice can set it up within ten to fifteen seconds.

It's just that the detonating talisman connected above is too abnormal, and its power is too small. Basically, it is only slightly more powerful than the detonating talisman used for practice or sparring, which has almost no power.

"Well, are you sure there are no other serial traps?"

Hearing that Qianye stood up and looked around again.


Hirohiko nodded.

"Well, do you have a way to delay the triggering of this trap?"

Chiba asked again.

"Delay trigger?"

Hearing Chiba's words, Hirohiko was slightly taken aback.

"I'll tell you the reason later."

Chiba did not answer directly.

"Well, the trap is very simple, how long do you need to delay."

Hirohiko didn't ask any more questions, and got straight to the point.

"Almost, wait for us to leave here, about three minutes after we run."

Chiba thought for a moment and said.


After getting Chiba's answer, Hirohiko nodded bluntly, then leaned over and inserted a detonating talisman Kunai under the steel wire, and said: "Okay, wait for three minutes, and I will detonate it. Three minutes, within three minutes Our speed will not exceed the detonation range of this detonating talisman Kunai."

that's all?

Seeing Hirohiko's actions, Chiba was obviously taken aback.

Just insert the detonating talisman Kunai?

"Tell me your reasons as you go."

But at this time, ignoring Chiba's suspicious gaze, Hirohiko jumped up and left, and ran away.

Seeing Hirohiko's leaving figure, Chiba glanced at the explosive talisman Kunai, twitched the corner of his mouth, and hurriedly followed.

Three minutes, with our speed, we should have run a long distance, could it be that this was improved by Hongyan again...

This kid hasn't been tinkering with the detonating talisman all this time, right?

How does it feel that although he has learned from Jilai for a while before, he has learned the essence of Orochimaru?

And the moment he jumped out, such a thought popped into Qianye's heart.

"Can you tell me your reason, and how do you know there will be a trap? The reason why you hold me back is because there is a trap."

Looking back at Chiba who followed, Hirohiko asked.

"Uh... wait a minute, let me organize the language."

Hearing this, Qianye paused first, and then said: "Indeed, I guessed that there was a trap to hold you. Well, I told you before, this second possibility, the possibility that the main body leaves obvious footprints Sex, the reason why he chooses is because failure has no effect, and he can even do some escape strategies, right?"

"That's right."

Hirohiko nodded.

"As for the second possibility, if it succeeds, he won't need to take other measures, right?"

Chiba said again.


Hirohiko nodded, and the Sharingan turned slightly, and his figure was slightly turned to the right. He found some footprints belonging to that Yun Yin, and was slowly adjusting his position.

"Then, there is a key question here. That Yunyin is in the front and we are behind. How does he judge whether his strategy has succeeded or failed?"

Chiba smiled slightly and continued.

"Judging success or failure?"

There was a flash of brilliance in Hongyan's eyes, and he was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, if it succeeds, he doesn't have to do anything, but what if it fails? He has to take remedial measures, or another escape plan. After all, Yun Yin is a character who can be the captain of a secret mission. It’s definitely not waiting, maybe he has already noticed that he has to do something, otherwise we will follow.”

Chiba said carefully.

"Well, it's quite possible."

Hirohiko agreed.

"Then, he has to judge whether he has succeeded or failed. In other words, he must know which way the pursuer has gone."

Chiba said.

"You mean, that trap is to let him know which way we went?"

Hirohiko quickly understood what was going on.


Chiba nodded.

"However, if we were discovered like this, we didn't step into the trap? This trap, we can't tell him exactly what the pursuer is! He must have thought about this possibility."

Hirohiko noticed something keenly.

"It's easy, time."

However, Chiba has obviously considered it and said.


Hirohiko frowned.

"Yes, time, he can estimate an approximate time interval from our speed and the time when the pursuit started, from the location where the pursuit started to the position of the trap, and use this time interval to determine whether we have passed the trap, so that he can clearly We must know whether the pursuer went another way, or did not trigger it on purpose, as long as this time interval is exceeded, the trap is found to be not triggered by us, and he still has to take other measures."

Chiba said.

"However, even if it exceeds the time interval, it may be that we took another road and didn't pass through here, so it didn't trigger."

Hiroko asked again.

"Then, it depends on the memory reflux after his shadow clone is released."

Chiba said again.

"Shadow clone?"

Hirohiko was taken aback again.

"Yes, I'm afraid there is another way. His shadow clone will be in a similar position, that is, the position where it is impossible for the pursuer to catch up with his main body, waiting for the pursuer, that is, our arrival. As long as we are sure that we have arrived at that position, he will His shadow clone will be released, so he naturally knows that the plan is successful."

Chiba said.

"Then since there are shadow clones returning, why bother to set up this trap... No, it is necessary!"

Hirohiko frowned again, at first he couldn't understand, but then he understood immediately.

"Yes, if there is no such trap, he may know our movements one step later, and will miss the timing of many remedial measures. After all, because of the topography here, many remedial measures need a certain amount of time to be used. There are traps At least he doesn’t have to rely solely on the backflow memory of the shadow clone. After all, the shadow clone needs to travel quite a distance, and the time will be much later. If this trap is triggered, he can know the success or failure of the plan much earlier. , there will be a lot of things to do.”

Chiba nodded and said in affirmation.

At the same time, his eyes stretched all the way to the horizon ahead, which was another primeval forest.

If Tutai knows we're going this way now, then he can set many traps in the forest.

But if he doesn't know, and in the absence of our movements, even if he may guess that we will catch up, his choice is basically to keep the current speed, and return to the destination faster and report faster!

Maybe there is no time to set up a trap, so that he can just run back without being caught.

This is the situation where the pursuer is unknown, but has not caught up with him...


Knowing and unknown, mentality is completely different!

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