In the hinterland of the Country of Grass, at the junction of grasslands and virgin forests, at night.

The soft moonlight fell quietly, coating the grassland and the dense virgin forest with a layer of silver light. The soft night wind seemed to become a little manic, and with a sound of "huh", it crossed the grassland to the junction of the virgin forest .


The green grass that was originally swaying in the gentle night wind suddenly parted to the two sides, and swept away in silver grass waves.


In the next second, under the quiet night sky, among the waves of grass, a muffled sound of a heavy object hitting a hard object sounded at the edge of the virgin forest, with a series of muffled sounds, spreading out with the grass waves go.


Then, there was a sound of a hard object cracking.

"Ka...Ka Ka...Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

After this sound, the sound of a hard object cracking flashed quickly, and a series of sounds spread far and wide in the empty grassland under the quiet night sky.


In the next second, amidst the loud sound of a giant tree falling, the outermost primitive giant tree on the edge of the virgin forest slowly fell inward, and with a "long" sound, it hit the tree behind it, and the sawdust and dust fell instantly. Evaporating from below and on both sides of it, gathered into a group, and spread out with the rumbling sound.


But at this moment, the spreading mass of sawdust and dust suddenly opened, and a figure flying back rushed out, and with a "poof", it slammed into the giant on the other side of the slant. On the branch, after a muffled cough, it slid down slowly against the not-so-rough trunk.

"Quick... run away..."

As the figure fell to the ground, at this moment, in the smoke wrapped in sawdust and dust, a faint voice sounded slowly.


Then there were coughs, accompanied by the sound of liquid splashing into the soil, which came from the smoke.

And at this time, the figure flying upside down pressed his forehead with one hand, and slowly stood up from the roots of this primitive giant tree. His face was full of pain, and his eyes seemed to be a little dull. His nose was left, and he seemed a little dazed by the impact. After standing up, he shook a few times, and almost didn't fall again. Finally, he stumbled and stood up straight with his back against the tree trunk.


Leaning against the huge tree trunk, the figure coughed a few more times, wiped off the blood from his nose, and the confusion and dullness in his eyes disappeared, turning into a look of pain and a little doubt.

Just... what happened just now!

Both the back and the head hit, what happened at that moment?

I remember, I just saw that Yunyin!

Was it that Yun Yin did it?

But this speed...

The figure's eyes moved slowly to his right, and soon he saw the figure of a man in his twenties and thirties who slid out a distance on the grass and stopped.

not him……

Then who, who threw me out in an instant...

The shock in his head made his thoughts a little bit intermittent, and he couldn't recall some memories that should have surfaced. The scene in front of him seemed to be dangling like a double image, and a feeling of nausea and dizziness surfaced.


I hit the back of my head, my whole head was buzzing, I couldn't analyze and think deeply, and I couldn't recall!

Along with the feeling of nausea and dizziness and this thought in his mind, another stream of nosebleeds flowed from his nostrils. On Qin Ru's slightly dusty lips, a sweet smell slowly permeated between the lips and teeth. open.

"Cough! Cough!"

But at this time, from the smoke of wood chips and dust in front, the sound of coughing sounded again, and two faint figures slowly emerged from the smoke.


In the smoke that faded to a certain extent, he could see mouthfuls of blood splashing on the ground with the coughing.

And in his pupils, the scene in the smoke was reflected more and more clearly, and at the same moment, the buzzing sound in his mind gradually increased with the thoughts of horror and even fear that appeared in him. Disappeared, his eyes also slowly opened wide in horror.

This is impossible!

This is absolutely impossible!

How could he... how could he!

At this moment, the moment just now that he couldn't recall, slowly emerged in his mind.

At that time, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Yun Yin who was running, but his eyes suddenly went dark, and a strong fist flashed, right in front of his nose, and at this moment, his hand was crushed He grabbed it suddenly, and then a huge force came, and he was thrown out, and the moment he was thrown out, he only saw a silhouette blocking his original position, followed by a muffled sound, smoke and dust violently.

At this time, just as the picture flashed by, he couldn't restrain himself, and blurted out a yell, with despair and disbelief.


And amidst this loud roar, his eyes flashed bright red, and the writing sharing eyes of the three Gouyu suddenly flashed, and the three Gouyu suddenly spread out and enlarged and deformed.

"Quick... run away, Hirohiko..."

Chiba lowered her head and looked at the huge fist deeply embedded in her chest. Pieces of thin gray rock skin were peeling off. During these weak words, another mouthful of blood spit out and splashed on the ground, staining it red. There was a large piece of green grass in front of him, and then, his eyes turned to his right side, and the big queen made a sound over there, his poker face had already turned into a sad and frightened teenager, and a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

too fast……

Just at that moment, before he had time to react, he was hit before he even had time to use the Rock Hardening Technique. Without any protective measures, he was hit by the next fist that could come almost in an instant. The person was directly smashed diagonally from top to bottom onto the broken giant tree behind him.

He only had time to get his attention attracted by other things, and he threw out Hirohiko who hadn't reacted yet, and in a flick, his chest bumped into this one that was going to hit Hirohiko with a punch and then blow himself away by the way. above the fist.

"Quick... escape..."

Looking at the sad and terrified young man, Qianye's lips moved, and he spoke these words again with difficulty. However, it sounded like he was repeating meaninglessly after dying. His thinking had begun to gradually blur. .

Hirohiko's words... Absolutely, absolutely no way...

There is no way to defeat this person in front of me!

And at this time, during the words, Qianye's eyeballs moved with difficulty, panting and blood flowed from his mouth, and slowly looked forward, looking at the punch that was thrown out, piercing him into the tree from midair man.

The burly man with bronzed skin, bearded, blond hair that was disheveled like barbs, slightly aging, and the murderous intent in his eyes was slowly fading away.

Can't beat...

Three generations of Raikage!

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