Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 809 I shouldn't!

very good……

Now, we have some medical chakra bandages, ten medical ninjutsu seal scrolls, and we have mastered the method of using them, and some special military food pills...

The patient... the patient's condition is...

Hirohiko, who was half squatting on the ground, clenched his teeth, looked at the things on the ground that were useful for Chiba's injury, and then looked at the things lying on the ground, his face was pale and pained, and the blood from his mouth and nose had been wiped. Chiba, who was clean and had his chest placket untied, clenched his hands tightly, and drops of blood dripped from his hands that seemed to be trembling more because of clenched fists too tightly.

Just wiping off Qianye's blood, his hands were filled with the blood of his best friend!

Is this why Qianye is always unwilling to let us take risks when he is on mission? This pressure, this feeling of fear...

Has Chiba been enduring the defense map mission, the current mission?

But at this time, such a thought appeared in his mind uncontrollably, overwhelming all the emotions of self-blame, fear, and regret, and appeared in his heart.

Because they are the closest friends and the most irreplaceable best friends, they are even more afraid of losing them, so when they are in danger, even if they have to face greater dangers, greater risks, or even Eighty-nine are in danger of dying, and they are not willing to let them take the risk.

is that so?

When you were performing missions with us, when you held me back just now, did you think so?

Are you also suffering from the same kind of pressure that I am treating you now?


It turns out that this is your mentality all along!

Damn it!

I didn't notice it!

I shouldn't have come with you. If you were alone, it would be impossible for such a thing to happen. You will always have a way, and you will always be able to defeat the enemy and complete the mission perfectly!

As long as you are alone and not dragged down...

Thinking of this, Hirohiko began to pant again, his teeth clenched.


Suddenly, there was a sound of flesh hitting hard wood.

A fist slammed hard on the giant tree next to Hongyan, and the giant tree trembled slightly, and blood spattered.

Hirohiko Uchiha, now is not the time to think about these things, not the time to regret, the thing has already happened, the next thing you have to consider is how to stabilize Chiba's injury!

only this!

Severe pain came from his left fist, and the chaotic thoughts and panic caused by various emotions in Hirohiko's head were instantly suppressed. He took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on Chiba.

The current condition of the injured.

The profuse vomiting of blood may be due to the symptoms of internal organ injury, which can be seen even without medical knowledge.

The chest is sunken, and it can be determined that the ribs are broken, basically all of them should be broken.

That's all the injuries I can diagnose.

And what I can do now...

Slowly retracting his fist, Hirohiko took a medical ninjutsu seal beside him before he could take a look at the broken skin wound on his hand, the bloody sawdust falling from the tree trunk, and the slightly sunken bloody fist mark. The scroll spread out and covered Qianye's sunken chest, and then raised two fingers.

Sealing, solution, medical ninjutsu, palm fairy technique!

Immediately, a rather dense pale green light group slowly lit up under the sealing scroll, lasted for three seconds, and then slowly disappeared.

Three seconds, the same situation as Chiba said!

Seeing this scene, Hirohiko took a breath, threw away the empty scroll, and picked up another...

Sealing, solution, medical ninjutsu, palm fairy technique!

Use it up, throw it away, pick it up, cover it, unprint it...

Sealing, solution, medical ninjutsu, palm fairy technique!

Hirohiko was doing all this quickly.


But at this time, on the other side.

"Three generations of Raikage-sama, this is..."

Tutai stood up slowly, looking at the third generation of Raikage who was looking at the primeval forest in front of him, with a slight astonishment on his face.

"I remember that Taki Chiba is very good at shadow clone tactics, right?"

And at this time, the third Raikage spoke.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, Tutai was slightly taken aback, apparently he didn't expect the third generation of Raikage to ask such a question, and at the same time he was shocked.

Could it be that the Taki Chiba who was killed just now was a physical clone like a shadow clone? That Sharingan kid was rescued by Taki Chiba?

But, it's impossible!

If Taki Chiba was a physical clone, he should have disappeared long ago. The punch of the third Raikage-sama was already a fatal blow, and it is impossible for the mere physical clone to continue.

However, apart from Taki Chiba, who can survive and save his teammates in the third generation of Raikage's Raiden Chakra mode?


Even for Taki Chiba, it's impossible!

So, why did the third Raikage ask such a question, what happened?

But in his mind, a series of thoughts flashed through, and finally turned into doubts.

"The kid from the Uchiha clan just now used a set of shadow clone tactics to rescue that Taki Chiba from me, using Taki Chiba's style of shadow clone tactics."

Hearing Tutai's doubtful words, Sandai Raikage narrowed his eyes slightly, and in his delicate heart that did not match his appearance, the scene of the battle just now flashed.

Obviously, this kid from the Uchiha clan separated into two shadow clones from the very beginning, and the one who attacked him with the technique of dragon fire was the main body. The one that was quickly wiped out by his own Thunderbolt in mid-air, as for the second shadow clone, he couldn't figure out where he hid it, but he can be sure that this shadow clone was hidden in a place very close to that Taki Chiba. place, and when he used the illusion to control the earthen platform, he had already forged the imprint of the substitute technique, and when he appeared behind him, he replaced the shadow clone, and used the instant body technique to reach that Takichi Beside Ye, he threw a detonating talisman Kunai towards the immobile platform.

This series of actions, without a doubt, perfectly restrained him and rescued that Taki Chiba.

And this shadow clone tactic is very similar to Taki Chiba's shadow clone tactic in his brother's report in exchange for his life!

It can be said that they are exactly the same!

"Three generations of Raikage-sama, you mean?"

Hearing this sentence, Tutai seemed to understand.

It was the kid from the Uchiha clan who did all of this?

"Yes, it may be influenced by Taki Chiba. The tactical thinking of this kid from the Uchiha clan is very similar to Taki Chiba!"

Sandai Raikage nodded affirmatively.

"Then what do you mean?"

Hearing Sandai Raikage's words, Tutai frowned slightly, and already somewhat guessed what Sandai Raikage meant by changing the plan.

"Next, you go back, I want to stay here."

At this time, when the words of Tutai fell, the third generation of Raikage who watched the murderous intent in the primeval forest's eyes gradually turned around, and said unquestionably:

"As a result, these two future disasters!"

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