Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 82 The Next Day

The second day, the final test day, early in the morning.

The morning mist filled the first practice field, and outside the infirmary, a drop of water slowly dripped from the faucet.

"Tick tock..."


The sound of water falling and the sound of the door opening sounded at the same time.

Qianye walked out of the infirmary, shook the mallet hand, and said backwards: "Hirohiko, I feel that this hand is almost healed."

And from behind him, Hirohiko walked out, still holding some toiletries in his hand, these were taken by Kushina to their house, although I don't know why Kushina brought them here, but these toiletries are indeed theirs.

Hirohiko handed the toiletry utensils in his left hand to Chiba, and when Chiba took it, he touched his bandaged half of his face and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"It seems that there is no problem, the final test." Chiba took the water and went to the side to wash up. She felt that washing with one hand was a bit troublesome, but Lily would come to remove the bandages for them later, and the final test could catch up.

Hirohiko, on the other hand, washed up directly in the sink.

After washing up, the two returned to the infirmary after cleaning the toiletries, and then waited for Yuriko to come and remove the bandages for them.

The two sat on their respective beds, quite bored.

"What will be the final experiment?" Hirohiko asked casually.

"Uh... I don't know, it should be of some practical nature." Chiba said.

Combining the Zhongnin test that Kakashi said he participated in, plus the original Naruto's Zhongnin test. They all have one thing in common, there will always be real combat.

For example, the two trials that Chiba participated in were, at best, duels between ninjas, and the one that Kakashi participated in also had such a duel, and the one that Naruto participated in, and it was the climax of the whole book. Kakashi's final test was to rescue the hostages, and Naruto's class also had a forest of death. Obviously, they were all actual combat, testing the team's ability to perform tasks.

Kakashi's rescue of the hostages, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura's protection scrolls are actually a test of mission execution, and mission execution is actual combat.

And this time, Chiba felt that it was very possible, it was an experiment to test the ability to execute tasks.

And when Chiba finished speaking, the door of the infirmary was also pushed back, and a female medical ninja stepped in, it was Yuriko.

"Already got up! I'll help you remove the bandages." Yuriko said with a smile.

Afterwards, he went forward to check Chiba and Hirohiko's injuries, and found that they were almost healed. Even Chiba's right hand could move freely. Yesterday's treatment was very effective. After carefully removing the bandages on their bodies, she checked again and confirmed that the two of them were completely healed, and there were no scars left on the places where Qianye's body was cut by the steel wire.

"Okay! There is no problem at all, but, Chiba, you still have to pay attention to your right hand, the new muscles should not be too vigorously exercised." Yuriko reminded.

Qianye was taken aback, and said, "Uh... what might happen if you exercise too vigorously?"

Yuriko looked at him and said, "Don't worry, as long as you don't mess around, nothing should happen."

Chiba nodded, he understood what Yuriko meant, the fourth door of the eight-door dunjia cannot be used in the next experiment.

However, he has no intention of using it. After all, opening the wounded door is a real step into the dangerous zone of the Bamen Dunjia, and the damage to the body in the injured door state is not comparable to that in the raw door state. Unless his body is strong enough, and this level of toughness is limited by his age, it is estimated that it is impossible to achieve.

What he can do now is to adapt to the battle of the life gate mode, and to speed up the development of the wound gate mode. According to the violent chakra amount of the wound gate state, once the wound gate mode is developed and mastered, then he will He has at least the amount of chakra at the level of an elite ninja, and his previous estimate of the amount of chakra at the level of a ninja was too conservative.

At least the elite johnin level chakra, which also makes Chiba very excited. If the injury mode is developed, he will have the basis for self-protection in the three ninja world wars!

He also thought a lot yesterday, and now he is waiting for the end of the Chunin exam to concentrate on the development of the injury mode.

"I see, thank you sister Yuriko." Chiba said.

Yuriko smiled, gentle and graceful, her smile was very beautiful, she turned her head and said to Hirohiko, "You too, don't mess around."

"Yes..." Hirohiko nodded yes.

At this time, Xue Nai also arrived. Seeing that the bandages of the two had been removed, and they didn't seem to be seriously injured, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Good morning."

"Oh! Good morning!"

The injury has recovered well, and the injury goal can already be started. There are also many ideas in the injury goal mode that need to be practiced one by one. Even the daily training that was not done yesterday has to be made up. It feels like a fulfilling life again. Obviously, Chiba is in a good mood , This greeting is with an irrepressible smile.

"Good morning." Hirohiko also greeted.

"Little Yukina, you got up so early!" Yuriko obviously liked Yukina very much. When she saw Yukina walking in, she went up and touched Yukina's head. Nai, none of your wounds left a scar."

"Thank you Sister Baihezi." Xue Nai bowed to thank her very politely, her demeanor was that of a young lady, although there was still not much expression on her face.

"Oh? Are you here?" Just then, Uzumaki Kushina's voice came.

Several people looked, but saw Uzumaki Kushina carrying the lunch bag, lifted it up, and said, "I guess, none of you have had breakfast."

Hearing that, when Chiba touched his stomach, he was really a little hungry.

At this time, Xue Nai had already taken the bento bag, took out the bento inside, Chiba who took the bento, naturally gobbled it up.

"Thank you, Yuriko, thank you for your hard work." Seeing the three eating, Uzumaki Kushina smiled slightly, and then thanked Yuriko.

Yuriko shook her head and said, "This is what I should do, Master Kushina. Then, I will take my leave first."

Saying that, Yuriko left the infirmary.

Kushina Uzumaki watched Yuriko leave with a smile, and when she looked back at the three of them, she said, "The next final test is the key. Don't relax because of the success of the previous two tests. Now Those who stay are the ones who are really difficult to deal with."

Chiba paused while eating the bento, looked at Uzumaki Kushina, only to see a rare seriousness on her face.

It seems...it can't be wrong, it must be a test of performing tasks.

Chiba judged in his heart.

The first priority of a ninja must be to perform tasks and complete various tasks, whether it is possible or impossible. The higher the level of the ninja, the difficulty of the tasks given will increase accordingly. If the Chunin Exam does not have this kind of test to test the ability to perform tasks, it is not normal!

The value of a ninja's existence does not simply depend on his strength, but more on his ability to perform tasks and how well he completes tasks!

The reason why Namikaze Minato was able to become Hokage was that during the third battle, he completed various tasks with incomparably powerful strength and led Konoha to the victorious side.

Therefore, this is also the most critical test of the Chunin Exam!

Chiba even had a hunch that if he did not perform well in this test, no matter how good the first two games were, even if he won, he might not be able to become a Chunin.

In short, next time, we have to take it more seriously!

Then, Chiba lowered his head helplessly to eat.

When did I become so eager to pass the Chunin exam...

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