To the north of the center of the primeval forest, at the branch of a certain primeval giant tree.


The sound of feet stepping on hardwood, accompanied by the sound of electric current tearing through the air, reminded me of being in this quiet virgin forest.


Wrapped in the radiating Thunder Tunnel chakra coat, the eyes of the third generation of Lei Ying flashed, and he scanned the surroundings, his face sank slightly.

Didn't leave any trace?

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through, but he quickly rejected it.


Impossible, from the beginning of the explosion to the dissipation of the explosion smoke, the process took no more than a minute at most, even if he had already started to escape when the explosion occurred, it was impossible for him to run to this place.

Moreover, if you run away at full speed, it is impossible not to leave traces.

No matter how powerful a ninja is, when moving at high speed, it will always leave traces unknowingly.

Thinking about it, the third generation of Raikage glanced back. On the branches that came all the way, there would always be one or two footprints at intervals. Even when he was moving forward at full speed, there was no way to leave no traces.

Well, now it might be...

I was on the wrong track, he wasn't going in that direction.

After a series of thoughts flashed through his mind, the third Raikage quickly figured it out. With the speed of that Uchiha kid, even if he moved at full speed within a minute, it was impossible to reach this place, and it was even more impossible not to stay behind. There can only be one reason for not seeing any traces, but he hasn't seen a figure yet, then he is looking for the wrong one.

Thinking of this, the third generation of Raikage didn't care about it, and disappeared directly in place in a flash, and then a looming electric light shuttled back. In just tens of seconds, the third generation of Raikage reappeared in the virgin forest After that, he didn't stay any longer, and went directly in another direction with lightning.

If the little ghost of the Uchiha clan chose to escape instead of ambush, then he would definitely not keep that Taki Chiba, and would definitely take him away together.

Otherwise, when the earthen platform was still there before, he would not have come back and used the shadow clone tactic to take Taki Chiba away.

It is certain that this kid will never abandon his companions because of some mission. In other words, he should be running away with a seriously injured person, which means that there will definitely be traces left. I just need to focus on Just look for traces.

But to prevent this Uchiha kid from taking advantage of my psychology, I still try to calculate the time and his footsteps as much as possible, and every search must reach the farthest distance he can reach within the current time.

With my speed, no matter how devious he is, as long as I find the slightest trace, I can track him down, and he will surely die by then.

Moreover, it saves me going to find that Taki Chiba, but that little girl from the Hinata family is going to be in some trouble, and I also need to solve it quickly.

Although I am very relieved that the earthen platform in the rear battlefield has passed, but our rear combat power is slightly inferior to Yanyin, and the battle may be disadvantageous.

If the platform is not stabilized, I have to rush back before the battle situation deteriorates to a certain extent, otherwise, if the rear battlefield is completely defeated, then we Yunyin will lose all chances of winning in the third ninja world war. It can even be said that the third ninja world war will end with the victory of Yanyin.

The surrounding primitive giant trees receded at an unimaginable speed, as if the shadows of the trees were connected together, presenting a spray-like lightning-like chakra, and the lightning bursts on the coat became more and more intensive. The third generation of Raikage was thinking about it, while Turning his eyes, in the dynamic vision beyond the ninja's imagination, he can clearly see everything within his reach, especially on the branches, those places that can accommodate people.


Soon, he stopped again, stepping on a branch in the northeast of the center of the primeval forest. This is already within the current time, the farthest place that Uchiha boy can reach is more than 300 meters.

Is there none here?

Glancing around, the third Raikage pursed his lips, but he didn't go back directly.

Strange, how do I feel that I have missed something, some crucial things, I always feel that these things will cause me to not be able to find this little ghost of the Uchiha clan, or even run away by him.

However, that kid from the Uchiha clan should not be able to escape.

Even if he detours in this forest, at my speed, he can explore this primeval forest in a short time, even if he detours and constantly eliminates traces, or learns my whereabouts through some means and bypasses me.

However, it is impossible for me not to find him.

It takes time for him to avoid me or turn around, and with his footsteps, even if he moves to a farther place in a short period of time, the same time is enough for me to search a larger area than he moved, and come down several times , even if he transfers several times, he will definitely be discovered by me.

Moreover, it will take time to detour and eliminate traces, and it is impossible for him to leave this primeval forest while I am searching for him.


The anxiety in my heart right now...

At this moment, the three generations of Raikage who stayed in place felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart. Faintly, he felt that things were not so simple. It would be such a simple escape, and it would not be such a simple escape plan.

However, although there was a wave of uneasiness in his heart, the third generation of Raikage still knew that now was not the time to stay, so after staying for a few seconds, the lightning flashed again, and he flashed out again.

It's just that this time, his speed was faster, and he didn't return, but started galloping inwards around the periphery of the primeval forest, like a spiral from outside to inside.

In this way, from the outside to the inside, the search efficiency will be faster, and at my speed, it only took more than 30 seconds to start from the outermost circle, and the time for each subsequent circle will be less and less. In just two or three minutes, I was able to search the entire primeval forest. In two or three minutes, with the speed of that Uchiha kid, it is impossible to stagger the time difference, causing me to leave the stall, but he left in the direction I passed Case.

Although this method is very stupid, but a stupid method often means simple, and a simple method is always the one that needs to be solved by head-to-head methods!

And this kind of search method, if the girls of the Hyuga clan also entered this virgin forest, or if they were already there, it would be easy to catch them all in one go.

This is the best way I can think of now!

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