Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 826 Assassination!

this is……


Through the water polo that was pressing against him layer by layer, the eyes of the third Raikage slowly moved away from the figure that was exactly the same as the little ghost of the Uchiha clan who reached out to control the water polo from behind him, and landed on the figure that suddenly rose from the black thunder pool. A column of rock that has now ceased to lift.

That's right, it's just a water prison technique, using a clone is enough!

If the main body is in such a close position, it is basically a great danger to the old man's life.

And when the eyes of the third Raikage fell on the stone pillar, such a natural thought flashed across his mind.

At such a short distance, if the water prison technique can't trap him, that kid from the Uchiha clan will basically throw himself into a trap and send his chest to his fist, almost committing suicide!

Even if the opponent wanted to use the "reverse psychology", he couldn't let go of a clone that could be used as a tactical implementation point the moment he broke free from the water prison. I'm afraid the first thing to do to gain freedom is to smash this clone.

This point, he believed that the little ghost of the Uchiha clan must also know, so placing the main body so close to him is tantamount to courting death!

This water prison technique is to trap me and fix my position, so the main attack should come from that stone platform!

The kid from the Uchiha clan of the main body, and the clone...

Thinking of this, Sandai Raikage's eyes narrowed slightly, and in his sharp eyes, the reflection was the red smoke belt with black lightning flashing randomly and the stone pillar rising nearly three meters from the red smoke belt .


At this time, a series of sounds of rock cracking and peeling came from the crackling thunder.

At this moment, under the stone pillar with a diameter of more than one meter, where the flashing black electric current can touch, pieces of rock are constantly peeling off under the stimulation of thunder tunnel. It is much thinner, and judging by the peeling condition, the stone pillar will collapse due to the collapse of the foundation in a short time.

And at the top of this stone pillar, there are two Konoha youths standing with bright red eyes. Sangouyu's Sharingan is slowly rotating, and his hands have begun to quickly form seals, forming two different seals respectively.

There is no doubt that this is combination ninjutsu!


Sealed scroll... sealed ninjutsu?

At this time, the eyes of the third Raikage, who saw everything in his eyes, fell on the scroll that was spreading out and hunting and was falling from the three-meter-high platform.

Wind escape, fire escape, and water escape?

Not only the tactical ability, but he has already mastered three kinds of chakra changes at a young age... In terms of the talent of chakra changes, this kid from the Uchiha clan is also very talented!


Thinking of this, the third Raikage slightly clenched his fists squeezed by the water pressure, his narrowed eyes slowly widened, and the light suddenly appeared.


At this time, looking at the third Raikage who was quietly locked in the water prison, a trace of suspicion flashed in Hirohiko's black eyes behind him.


At this moment, the blank scroll that fell from the high platform fell into the pool of red and black intertwined thunder. With a crisp sound, it was instantly torn and ignited, turning into a spark.


And at this moment, Hirohiko, who was supporting the water prison with one hand and was supplying chakra for maintenance to the water prison, stared suddenly, and his face suddenly became stiff.


In the next second, electric sparks exploded in the water prison, and the Thunder Dun chakra coat, which was suppressed by the water prison, exploded and swelled.

Immediately, the water prison exploded from it, and the water spray was like a flying arrow, which was shot out by the impact of the huge force in the center, and hit Hong Yan's face directly. I closed my eyes.


And the moment he closed his eyes, his whole body exploded into a white mist.


In the spray like a water arrow, the third Raikage stood upright, and with a cold snort, he swept across, directly blasting the clone of the Uchiha clan behind him, but his eyes didn't even look at it. Take a look, as if tossing it casually, the eyes are on the two Hiroko who fell on the rock platform.


Seeing the eyes of the third Raikage, the hearts of the two Hirohiko on the rock platform jumped suddenly, their faces froze, their hairs stood on end, and even the seals in their hands stopped for a moment.


But the next moment, the writing sharing eyes of the three hook jade in their eyes suddenly looked behind themselves.


At this moment, behind them, the third generation of Raikage raised his hands high, and the lightning flow accumulated in his hands, like a lightning blade, he had already slashed down!



There was no suspense, no struggle, the two Hiroko were directly split by the lightning blade, and they were cut in half in an instant. Even before the expressions on their faces were completely frozen into shock, they exploded into two white balls. fog.

Shadow clone?


With a "click", the third generation of Raikage who appeared to be chopping with both hands flashed to the ground lightly, without even looking at the two clouds of white mist exploding in front of him, his eyeballs glanced directly behind him. At the same time, the moment his eyeballs turned, he had already twisted his body with his left foot on the ground as the axis, and the Thunder Light Blade in his right hand had already taken advantage of this spinning force to thrust backwards.


Like a flash of thunder, the lightning blade in the right hand seemed to draw an arc-shaped strong light in the air. With a "poof", it was directly screwed into the chest of the figure behind him. out.

This touch is the body!

Although I don't know why you are so stupid to attack from behind instead of running away, but this blow...

You are dead!

Feeling the touch of piercing the chest in his hand, Sandai Raikage is convinced that this is the real body of the Uchiha clan kid!

In other words, this brat has no chance to play tricks this time!

This blow pierced through the chest, even Konoha's Sannin's Tsunade was powerless!

This cunning boy, after so many tricks and delays, finally conferred!

Although it is a pity for such a talent, but, finally, it is over!

The Third Raikage took a breath, his body that was slightly tense due to the attack slowly eased, he slowly pulled his hand out of that chest, and at the same time moved his gaze up a little bit, he was quite relieved time.

Although in this battle, he was invincible all the time, under the Lightning Chakra mode, this kid from the Uchiha clan could not cause him any harm at all.

However, as far as the whole battle is concerned, regardless of the damage or the inevitable outcome, this kid has the upper hand. His tactical ability is enough to serve as the troop leader in Yunyin.

What a, terrific brat...


Just as he was feeling emotional in his heart, streams of blood slowly spilled from the position in front of the top of his head, splashed on his slowly retracted arm, and on the rock face of the stone pillar.

And just as the blood splashed down, his gaze stopped and fell on the face of the person he pierced.


His whole body froze suddenly, and the relieved expression on his face froze in an instant, and those calm eyes with a vague murderous look widened in an instant!

But what was reflected in these eyes was a face full of disbelief, disbelief, and even a little horror.

A face exactly like his!

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