
Amidst the rumbling explosion, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground could be heard clearly. Hirohiko, who flew upside down, fell heavily to the ground. In the fiery air waves, he rolled out of the grass ten times in a daze. Only then did Domi stop awkwardly, leaving a long trail of grass pressure on the grass, like a discarded soda can.

And the moment Hongyan landed and stopped, the air wave whizzed in with a ring-shaped withered grass heat wave formed by the broken grass, rolled over Hongyan's body, and immediately, the sound of "crackling, crackling" broken grass hitting the flesh was like an explosion. There was a bean-like sound, which slowly disappeared after the heat wave of broken grass swept over, leaving only the rumbling sound of the explosion going away layer by layer.

"Cough! Cough!"

At this time, lying on the ground, after being swept by the heat wave of broken grass just now, Hirohiko who was covered with a layer of broken grass coughed twice, pushed aside the broken grass on his back, and covered the layers of grass in front of him with his hands. After the heat wave of shredded grass, he slowly raised his head, and in the right eye of the naked three-gou jade writing wheel, he reflected the blazing white flame pillar that shot straight into the sky and almost illuminated the entire grassland. A stream of fire is circling around this blazing white flame column and steaming up, like a flying dragon soaring on a coiled column, rushing to the top of the flame column, and finally dissipating in the air at the top.

It worked!

Using the blasting power of the Yanlong Fire Art to squeeze the explosion, shrink the power of the explosion, and successfully guide all the explosion power to the air, and the cloud is just above the center of the explosion, being squeezed like a high-density volcano eruption No matter how strong his defensive ninjutsu is, it is impossible for him to be unscathed in such an explosion.

Unexpectedly, the first actual combat application after the development of the Yanlong White Waterfall Technique, although there were many difficulties along the way, it was completed so perfectly in the end.

Blocking the wave after wave of heat waves of shredded grass, Hirohiko maintained a prostrate posture, the sound of rumbling explosions roared past with the heat waves, but his heart was filled with joy.

After all, the steaming white beam of light in front of him is the first ninjutsu he has successfully developed, even if it is just a combination of the enhanced version of the Dragon Fire Jutsu and the traps he has learned from his predecessors during this period of time. However, there is no doubt that this is a ninjutsu unique to him Uchiha Hirohiko.

Just like the Eight Gates mode that belongs exclusively to Chiba, this is his unique ninjutsu. Even if the ninjutsu he developed is far worse than Chiba's in terms of versatility, it cannot compare with Eight Gates in terms of power. mode comparison.

At this moment, although he is in a disadvantaged and desperate situation, there is a trace of joy and pride in Hongyan's heart.

I don't know what expression Qianye will have when seeing such a technique...

Amidst this joy and complacency, such a thought flashed across his mind.


I guess this guy Chiba won't say anything...

Then, after the thought flashed by, it was his self-deprecating thought, which rejected the previous thought.

Chiba is not that frank.

For better or worse, he will nod...

And that's the next thought after the rejection.

However, this Yun Yin was able to crack such a powerful illusion in such a short period of time. In just a few minutes, he cracked the illusion that even my eyes could not bear.

As the heat waves swept past, Hirohiko's mind was flooded with the memory of the backflow of water, and the image of the lightning ball exploding flashed in his mind.

This should be his way to break the illusion!

The chakra of the thunder attribute is the most difficult to control among all the chakra attributes. In the previous battles, he should have purposely accumulated a certain amount of chakra of the thunder attribute in his body and consciously controlled it to let it Maintain a certain amount or concentration, and this certain amount or concentration is enough to create the amount of chakra as if another person is inputting enough to unlock the illusion.

As long as he falls into the illusion and his consciousness falls into the illusion space, he can no longer control these thunder chakras, and these chakras will go berserk, resulting in a situation similar to "other people's huge chakras", where the thunder chakras lose control and go berserk When it explodes, in addition to the amount of the lightning ball dissipating, there is also a considerable chakra recoil inside, which meets the conditions for unlocking the illusion and disturbing the chakra that was originally disturbed.

In this way, the illusion can be unraveled.

Moreover, the explosion of the electric ball on the body surface will also cause great pain, and it is another way to undo the illusion. Although it has little effect on the pupil illusion, it is also a method that takes into account both sides.

For a long time, he has been guarding against my illusion, and has been preparing and backhanding. This Yunyin attack seems simple, but it is often the most effective and lethal fighting method. Either it is dodged, or it is a blow Must kill, different from his rude appearance, this Yun Yin's mind is very delicate!

Don't be fooled by his appearance!

Thinking of this, Hongyan narrowed his eyes slightly, the joy and pride in his heart had long since disappeared, and at this moment, he even felt a little uneasy.

The means of absolute defense, the means of attack with absolute destructive power, and the delicate heart. Although I tried my best, I was still firmly in his hands. I didn't take the initiative at all, and it was completely in the hands of the opponent. In his hand, it was like a mouse scurrying in his palm...

Such a ninja, even the quasi-S-rank ninja in the deployment map mission is no good!


It's not that it can't be compared, that quasi-S-rank ninja can't even compare with a single finger of the whole person!

Who is this Yun Yin?

Can my Yanlong White Waterfall technique really hurt him?

Thinking of this, Hirohiko was not only apprehensive, but also had doubts about the ninjutsu that he proudly developed.

Even, his spine started to feel a little chilly.

Because, from the time he began to doubt the ninjutsu he had developed, he really felt that his ninjutsu couldn't work.

He knew very well that this Yun Yin had already established an "unbeatable" image in his heart.

And this kind of image brought him nothing but despair!


Hirohiko Uchiha, at this time, how do you raise others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige? Even if he acts "invincible", it does not mean that he is really invincible!

The technique of Yanlong White Waterfall will definitely work!

And when his back was chilling, Hong Yan also noticed the problem in his mentality, and immediately cursed himself a few words in order to regain his mentality.


But at this moment, when he was cursing inwardly, his eyes suddenly widened, his whole body trembled, and his face instantly turned into horror!

At this moment, in his eyes...

One hand, wearing the spray-shaped blue chakra coat, slowly walked out of the pillar of flames...

Stretched out!

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