Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 832 Boy, it's over!


The huge blazing white flame column that reflects the grassland like daytime is steaming upwards, and the blazing white explosion flame and shock wave sweep up, churning at the top of the flame column, gradually forming a mushroom cap-like black smoke and blazing white flame In the mixed dome, the sound of rumbling and thunderous explosions spread slowly.


But amidst the rumbling thunderous explosions one after another, there was a sharp sound as if some violently moving material was being torn apart, but it came out clearly, and even the explosive air waves around the blazing white beam of light The waves of broken grass that rolled up layer upon layer like waves also seemed to stop for a while.


Then, a stream of blood spurted out.


How can it be……

The right eye of Sangouyu's Sharingan opened little by little, reflecting the serious face in front of him, his complexion was solemn and serious, and the white light illuminated the slightly old face on the right cheek, covering his whole body with lightning flashes. The whole body of the chakra coat, and his lunge and stabbing posture.

"Stop dying, kid, it's over!"

At this time, the dull and heavy words that even had some faint tremors rang in his ears.

Following this sound, Hirohiko's chest began to ache sharply, and his toes slowly stood on tiptoe, his whole body was raised little by little.


And as his figure grew taller, Hirohiko also coughed violently. With every cough, a mouthful of blood was almost spurted out, splashed on the chakra coat of the burly Yunyin in front of him, evaporated by the thunderstorm, and turned into a cloud of blood. Small wisps of blood mist evaporated.

However, at this moment, Hongyan didn't even look at it. In his remaining right eye of the three-pointed jade, it reflected the above and below of this burly man's stabbing arm. The two blazing white flame pillars below the upper circle and above the lower circle gradually began to extinguish, as well as the long strip of thunder that disappeared faster than the flame pillar along the burly Yunyin's shoulder.

My... toad oil burst into flames, unexpectedly... unexpectedly...

It was cut!

The scene just now was echoed in his mind countless times, but Hiroko still kept his eyes wide open, desperately looking at the extinguished beam of light that was divided into two, and the thunder that almost disappeared, unable to accept this fact.

For a moment, just for a moment, when the blazing beam of light from the toad oil flame burst flashed out, he only felt a flash of thunder, and then a pain in his chest, and blood shot out directly from his chest, and then There was a "hissing" sound of tearing the material, and then, right in front of his eyes, that flame burned to a certain kind of high temperature, an incomparable white beam of light, in a soundless "tearing", like a piece of cloth As if being torn apart, it split into two halves suddenly, one half rushed up along the upper part of the burly Yunyin's right arm, forming an upward arc-shaped column of blazing white flames, while the other half followed the burly Yunyin's right arm. The lower part of Yin's right arm passed through the armpit, and sprayed directly to the ground, presenting a blazing white flame column that arced downward.

And in the middle of these two burning zones, there is a flickering thunder that is almost invisible now.

At that moment just now, this burly Yun Yin cut his ninjutsu directly!

"Chi... chi chi... chi..."

And at this time, the two separate pillars of flames slowly burned out because of the loss of the chakra injection of the ninja, and finally turned into light smoke, steaming up from the lower and upper arms of the third generation of Raikage .



At the same time, the two shadow clones with wide-eyed eyes on both sides of Hong Yan exploded into white mist.

So, that is also a shadow clone?

The third Raikage who stood up straight looked back at the rock-skinned figure that had been covered with a thin layer of broken grass, and narrowed his eyes slightly.


The next moment, as if to verify his conjecture, the rock-skinned figure suddenly heard a crackling sound, and a cloud of white mist emerged from the pierced rock-skin hole at the back of the heart.

"Ka...Ka Ka...Ka Ka Ka..."

But as the white mist seeped out, the outline of the rock skin cracked suddenly, and the pieces were sunken, and finally broke into pieces of gravel with a crash, and finally turned into powder, dissipating in the gust of wind after wave after wave. During the heat wave.


Still being played around, Taki Chiba is still in that virgin forest at all!

Watching the rocky figure turn into powder and scatter, Sandai Raikage turned his head and looked at the young man whose eyes were looking at his pierced blood gushing chest little by little, with a complex expression flashing across his face So much so that he pierced the boy's right hand with an invisible tremor.


A flash of thunder escaped from his shoulders, spread out, and slowly dissipated in the air, illuminating the young man's face covered by the straight hair blown by the violent wind and heat waves, that unbelievable, The pale face of horror, horror and despair.


No matter when, even if it is an enemy ninja, it is always a bit...

Seeing this face, Sandai Raikage took a slight breath, closed his eyes slowly, and let out a long sigh.

"No matter what the result is, you are already amazing!"

Then, unconsciously, a regretful word spit out from his mouth.


At this time, Hirohiko, whose consciousness gradually began to blur, watched the chest piercing out, and the inner part of the thick arm surrounded by the chakra coat was close to the armpit, which was still shining with thunder and light. The scene that was completely made up by the surrounding chakra coat was coughed up again, dripping down, some were blown away by the violent wind and heat waves, and some fell on the arm, steaming into a blood mist and rising up.


In the end, he didn't hurt him at all, and didn't buy enough time for Qianye. Even Xue Nai who came to rescue would encounter this Yunyin...


Damn it!

Why am I... so useless... Even if I try my best... I just die in vain, meaninglessly, and in embarrassment.

no matter what……

Just like that time, I can only watch... I can only watch...

everything... everything...

Can't do anything!

A bloody smile slowly appeared on the corner of Hong Yan's mouth, and a drop of tear slipped from his naked right eye, across the slightly dusty cheek, stained with some dust stains, and then with the dust stains, It crossed the corner of the blood dripping mouth, and finally turned into a crystal drop of blood, from the cheek...


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