"The main body..."

Looking at the right lung that healed little by little, and Hirohiko who had fallen into a coma but his breathing had begun to calm down, the shadow clone Chiba quietly let out a sigh of relief. Just now the other shadow clone's chakra depletion suddenly released and shocked him. Just now The creation of regenerative-level medical chakra was interrupted for almost a second. Without the stimulation of medical chakra, the regeneration of Hirohiko's right lung stopped instantly. Relax, the right lung is also constantly regenerating, so I feel relieved.

At the same time, after being relieved, he couldn't help but glanced at his own body, only to see that the body had just turned his eyes away to look at the long wall, and he had already understood in his heart, and he also clearly knew how bad the situation was for them.

It is also true that there is no way to solve the current predicament, but using this medical chakra treatment that creates regeneration level, he can feel that a certain amount of chakra in his body that will not increase is being consumed at an alarming rate, and it will not take long , he will also disappear automatically because the Chakra is exhausted to the point that he can no longer maintain the shadow body.

Now, the main body has split into several clones. Although it is still in the state of injury, there are not many chakras available, and the opponent is the third generation of Raikage. There is no foreign aid now. Even if there is any foreign aid, facing Three generations of Raikage, unless they are at the level of Namikaze Minato.

But for this mission, it can almost be said clearly that there is no possibility of foreign aid.

Even if there is foreign aid, it is probably someone he does not want to come.

Now, there is actually only one path to choose.

Thinking of this, the thoughts in the shadow clone Qianye's mind finally converged into one, and a few traces of doubt appeared in the eyes looking at the main body.

but why?

Why didn't the main body move, and it looked like it was going to have a decisive battle with the third generation of Raikage. Besides the decisive battle, we have a better way, don't we?

But at this time, feeling the doubtful gaze of the shadow clone, the main body Qianye narrowed his eyes looking at the rock wall, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly, turning into a vague bitterness, and his hand couldn't help touching it. In my arms, I could feel the firm touch of the lower abdominal muscles in my hands, and on top of this firm touch, the ragged feeling of the torn cloth strips.

I know... I know, this time is the best time to use the Flying Thunder God Kunai that Kushina gave...


Thinking of this, Qianye's hand on his lower abdomen suddenly clenched into a fist, and he clenched his teeth tightly.


It must be lost somewhere. When I was unconscious, when Hirohiko took me to that safe place, I was lost somewhere in the virgin forest.

And in his mind, such a complicated thought flashed through.

In fact, after the detonating talisman exploded just now, Chiba sensed the best time to use Fei Lei Shen Kunai, but when he reached into the hidden Fei Lei Shen Kunai, he found that Fei Lei Shen Kunai was no longer in the original place.

it's lost.

Yes, Flying Thunder God Kunai is missing!

It may be that he was lost in the primeval forest when Hirohiko moved him to a safe place when he was unconscious, or it may be that when he woke up, he was too worried about Hirohiko and did not check the equipment on his body. ,, fell out of the torn clothes on his abdomen, and left somewhere on the route he rushed to. It may even be that when he was stunned by the third Raikage's punch, the third Raikage noticed something, and took away the flying thunder god Kunai without Hirohiko's knowledge.

After all, Namikaze Minato is recognized by several ninja villages, "Even if he encounters him who gives up the mission, he will not be punished." It can be said that since the third ninja world war, he is the only character who has made all ninja villages so afraid. How could Ninja Village have not studied him? The appearance of this Hiraishen Kunai is very special. Maybe the third generation of Raikage touched the side of Fei Raijin Kunai with that punch, and discovered something. Hirohiko and himself do not know After all, he still remembers that before he passed out, the third generation of Raikage made a lot of noise, filled with dust and mist, and scratched his clothes before Hirohiko and himself who was about to faint It is not impossible to take away Flying Thunder God Kunai.

Moreover, if the third generation of Raikage took away the flying thunder god Kunai, and after recognizing that this kunai is unique to Namikaze Minato, plus his identity as the third generation of Raikage, he may know that this kunai is used to use Even if you don't know about the technique of flying thunder god, you can probably guess its importance by allowing a ninja to hide a ninja tool in your arms instead of in a ninja tool bag, and it is impossible for the third Raikage to ignore it.

It is very possible that the third generation of Raikage has ensured that this Kunai will not return to him, or throw it away, or hide it. In short, it is impossible for Chiba to get it again.

The seal of Fei Lei Shen Ku Wushang's four-element seal system cannot be released by remote control within a certain distance. Unlike the seal of the ninjutsu seal scroll, Fei Lei Shen Kunai's seal can only be released by touching.

That is to say, unless Chiba is holding Flying Raijin Kunai, the seal cannot be undone, and the inability to untie the seal means that Namikaze Minato cannot be rescued, and the time-space ninjutsu can be used to take them away instantly.

And with the speed of Namikaze Minato, Hiraishen's ultra-long-distance teleportation characteristics, even the third generation of Raikage, there is absolutely no way to keep them.

Even, according to the current point of time, after Namikaze Minato rescued them, the place where they were placed may be where Kakashi and the others are. At that time, they can use the fate to change the second route of the plan.

That is, to accompany Kakashi and the others to experience those turning points together, thereby changing fate.

In the past few years, Chiba has already thought about countless possibilities. This situation of performing the Kannabi Bridge mission with Kakashi and the others is also in his calculations, and there is also a complete plan to change fate.

However, now that Flying Thunder God Kun Wu has been lost, this is obviously impossible.

What's more, he now has to face a top combat force from the Three World Wars and even a Dainin Village. Even, Hirohiko was seriously injured, unable to move, and he couldn't stop the treatment. Without the interference of the battle, he even has to give out clones to Hirohiko for treatment, and now his chakra amount is almost the limit. Another shadow clone is the limit.

Such a contrast, to be honest, when Qianye didn't touch Fei Leishen Kunai at first, he was shocked, hated and regretted, and even kept appearing in his mind all kinds of "If Fei Leishen is still..." and the like idea.

However, this emotion only lasted for a second, and at the moment when the detonating talisman exploded, his mentality had already calmed down.

1. Flying Thunder God Kun Wu has been lost, and if it is gone, it is gone. It is useless to think too much. Hiroko is also seriously injured. If he thinks too much, then the slightest chance of life may be snuffed out by himself.

2. When he started to change his fate plan, he knew that there would be all kinds of accidents and desperate situations. He had been mentally prepared to face everything in the past few years. At the beginning, it was unavoidable that he was worried about gains and losses and was afraid of the bumpy road ahead, but after experiencing the first battle of Lao Yunyin and the punch when the third generation of Raikage appeared, he has adapted to the desperate situation.

Even, the three generations of Raikage's immortality gave him an inexplicable confidence.

It is precisely because of this that after the explosion, he was so calm, and even now, he is so calm.

At this time, various thoughts, predictions of situations, and solutions were constantly flashing through his mind.

There must be... there must be some way, must!

At this moment, there was no doubt in Qianye's heart.

If you give up now, you will have nothing!

But if I don't give up, then I may have everything I want!

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