Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 847 Attack again!

come yet?

Seeing the cobweb-like gaps slowly cracking open on the long wall ahead, Chiba suddenly reached into the ninja bag with his hand, and glanced back with his eyeballs.


And at this moment, at the moment when his eyeballs glanced back, the cracked part of the ever-spreading long wall exploded suddenly, and with a muffled sound, rock fragments mixed with the dust and smoke sprayed out, striking in the air. A horizontal column of dust, smoke and debris exploded from the long rock wall!


At this moment, Qianye glanced back, his stern face immediately sank, and with a strong foot, the whole person was suddenly ejected to the left, and in an instant, the four-pillar prison standing behind him was taken by him. Leave behind the right side.


The night wind from the prairie whizzed from behind without the rock wall of the four-pillar prison, and lifted his hair.


And at this moment, amidst a crisp sound, a thin layer of rocky skin spread from his back, covering his body with a layer of rocky skin in an instant, and then another layer of rocky skin crawled over the skin. Pieces of triangular scale-shaped rock armor were formed.

Rock hardening technique, evolutionary version!

Rock hardening art, evolution version, form 2!

In an instant, Chiba, who flew out sideways, was wearing the rock armor of the rock hardening technique, and at this moment, Chiba's eyes, which were wrapped in the rock armor dragon-shaped helmet, were burning with emerald green flames. Moving, pay attention to the column of dust and mist rock that exploded from the long wall and moved to the right at an extremely fast speed.


In his heart, there seemed to be a trace of doubt, the kunai in his left hand tightened even more, and at the same time, his right hand lightly held the ninja sword at his waist, making a subtle "click" sound.


And at this moment, on the side of the rock pillar that was also rapidly moving to the right behind him on the right side, a footprint was sunken impressively on the side facing his direction.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Immediately, a cobweb-like crack centered on the footprint and spread to the side of the four-pillar prison.

At this moment, Qianye's eyes were already looking at the suddenly sunken place, the complexion under the rock armor helmet changed slightly, and the corner of his mouth made a "tsk", expressing his unhappy mood.

"Zi...Zi Zi..."

And at this moment, a flash of lightning shot out from behind him suddenly, and hit the rock armor behind him with a "pop", and in an instant, the hit triangle on the rock armor The rock scales were scorched black in an instant, turned into black powder, and flew away to the right and rear of Chiba, disappearing without a trace.

At this moment, behind him, there is a burly Yun Yin wrapped in a blue chakra coat. In the thunderstorm, he is holding his chest up and clenching his fist. In the next second, this fist will hit him. The crucial point!

And in this burly Yunyin's eyes, all his movements seemed so slow, he turned his head slowly, moved his eyeballs slowly, all his movements were as slow as a turtle crawling.

It seems to work!

The third Raikage looked at the boy covered in rock armor in front of him, feeling his turtle-like speed, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the fist of his raised right hand suddenly loosened and turned into four The fingers are stretched out, and the thumb is slightly curved.


And when his right hand became like this, the thunder light on his right hand suddenly burst open, crackling small lightnings immediately shuttled densely among the four fingers, like a lightning blade.

Hell thrust, four strokes!

To deal with this Taki Chiba, we must fight quickly. With the fastest speed, he is much more difficult to deal with than that kid from the Uchiha clan!

Never hold back!

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.

However, just as his thought flashed and the hell spur was about to stab down, the boy's head, which seemed to have slowed down, and the eyeballs in the corners of his eyes reflected what he described at this time.

And at this moment, in the boy's eyes, he suddenly discovered...

A smile!

Yes, a smile, at this moment when it is inevitable and there is no time to avoid it, this Taki Chiba smiled.

It was that kind of smile!

Did he guess?

At this moment, the three generations of Lei Ying's eyes suddenly flashed with surprise, but the Hell Kanshou pierced out of his hand was slightly paused.


And at this moment, a sound of burning fire resounded in his lower abdomen.

This is!

Subconsciously glanced down, Raikage Sandai's face changed again. At this moment, under his abdomen, behind the left hand of Taki Chiba in front, a detonating talisman Kunai was slowly moving towards him, The detonating charm attached to the end has already burned.


In an instant, Sandai Raikage understood what was going on, and his eyes suddenly rose, looking at the young man who was looking at him with a smile in his eyes.

This kid... this is...

And at this moment, an inconceivable look flashed in his eyes.

Did you see through my attack?


The next moment, the burning detonating talisman exploded, and the blazing white flame exploded with the impact of the explosion, and the air wave turned into a whirlwind and swept out. The smoke engulfed the two people flying side by side to the right!


The blazing white flames and the impact of the explosion rose suddenly, and the three generations of Raikage who were swallowed up in an instant looked at the blazing white flames and black smoke that filled their eyes, and their whole body was pushed back by the impact. It was a distance back.

This Taki Chiba, knew that I would attack from behind?

See through my intentions?



I was behind the long wall before, and he couldn't see him, so how could he know the direction of my attack, and in order to prevent him from discovering my attack intention, I...

Three generations of Raikage's beliefs turned, and inconceivable and astonishment appeared in his heart at the same time. However, as he leaned back, the killing intent in his eyes was not diluted by the astonishment and inconceivable, on the contrary, it became more intense, so intense that it became a huge The killing intent was released, making him look like he exuded a terrifying aura.

However, it is too small to underestimate the old man. This kind of explosion has happened so many times. Is the old man really helpless?

All of a sudden, the moment a terrifying aura emanated, the third Raikage's backward posture suddenly stopped, and his figure stopped suddenly. Then, the four hell spikes of the little lightning in his hand slammed down.

Immediately, a flash of thunder, from top to bottom, flashed across the center of the exploding white fireball, like a flash of thunder in the dark night!


And in the next second, time seemed to have stopped, and the incandescent white fireball that exploded and began to spread suddenly stopped, and the spreading momentum stopped immediately, and even the burning dynamics of the entire burning incandescent fireball stopped.


Then, there was a soundless tearing sound, and time seemed to speed up suddenly, and the burning fireball that had stalled suddenly separated, turning into two cone-shaped blazing white flames, which sprayed out.


And at the moment when the fireball parted, a black thunderbolt raised its head and danced its claws, turning into a black thunder leopard and flashing out in mid-air.


In the silent roar, it passed through the center where the blazing white fireball was split, and pierced into the fire and smoke that was rapidly separating in front of it.

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