Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 849 It depends on how you choose!

Shadow clone?

at this time?

The third generation of Raikage glanced down, and in his sight, his feet suddenly exploded, and amidst the grass and soil particles flying around, two hands stretched out from the explosion, grabbing his own feet.

Heart decapitation?

What is this kid doing?

How could this kind of ninjutsu work for me?

He is...

And a series of questions flashed through his mind.

However, in his eyes, that Taki Chiba with one hand and two fingers forming seals had a dignified expression on his face, eyes burning with emerald green flames were staring at him closely, as if to I can see through it, not to mention the madness of the desperate last fight, there is not even a trace of other emotions, some are full of seriousness, firmness and calmness, absolute calmness, even so calm that he suddenly feels the pain in front of him. The emotion in the boy's eyes became much thinner.


There must be some conspiracy behind him!

In this glance, the third Raikage quickly judged the current situation. He didn't care about the beheading technique under his feet at all. This level of ninjutsu was meaningless to him. At this time He was even more afraid of this Taki Chiba's tactics, for fear that this kid who had used his tactics to a certain limit would have some powerful opponents.

After all, the feeling of being manipulated by a puppet just now still lingers in his heart, and he is still a little apprehensive.

It was the first time he had felt that feeling from a tactical ninja who was far weaker than himself.


Even in the face of Yao, he has never experienced this feeling of fear, and he has never experienced any such feeling even in the face of the strongest people in World War II.

This Taki Chiba was the first person to make him have negative emotions in battle!

At this moment, he even felt that the information about his brother, the information that was exchanged for his life, had greatly underestimated this kid.

This kid's tactical ability seems to have improved compared to when he was fighting with his brother, and it has improved a lot!


Should the same be changed?

Or aggressive?

But at this moment, a series of thoughts flashed through Sandai Raikage's mind, three options flashed alternately, and his gaze was fixed on the boy in front of him.


However, at this moment, when thoughts flashed alternately in his mind, the decapitating hand that burst out from the ground grabbed his feet wrapped in the blue chakra coat.

Heart decapitation, hit!


But at this moment, Chiba's eyes on the opposite side shrank suddenly.

Heart decapitation... doesn't work?

At this moment, in Qianye's eyes, in the peripheral vision below the line of sight, the white phalanxes on the hands of the decapitator in his heart were reflected impressively.

Obviously, the second stage attack of the heart beheading technique, the attack that pulls the enemy down to the ground, has already been used.

However, facing the third generation of Raikage, it has no effect at all!

As for Qianye, who is best at the heart beheading technique, he clearly knows how far away the heart beheading technique is. The heart beheading technique pulls the enemy to the ground, leaving only the head. It is not pulled down by brute force, but by the earth attribute. The influence of Chakra on the soil around the caster makes the caster be pulled down to the ground in an instant.

And the attack is from the bottom up, no matter how powerful and powerful the third generation of Raikage is, it is impossible to stay still, even if it is impossible to be pulled down completely, at least half of the body can be down!

In this situation, it is as if the third generation of Raikage has cracked this ninjutsu!

Invalidate ninjutsu!

Could it be that……

At this moment, Qianye also had a flash of inspiration, and several plots of comics flashed in his mind.

"Zi...Zi Zi..."

At this moment, when Qianye's inspiration flashed, in the corner of his vision, a tiny electric current slowly flashed through the white finger bones, disappeared into the soil, and then passed through the surface of the soil. Dissipate and dissipate in the air.


Seeing this scene, Chiba's heart brightened.

I paralyzed my shadow clone with Thunderbolt, and destroyed the surrounding earth chakra...


However, just as the thought in his heart flashed, Qianye's eyes flashed suddenly, his face changed suddenly, and his heart was terrified.

No matter what this brat wants to do, how powerful his tactics are, and even make me frightened, he is still on the disadvantaged side, and the initiative is in my hands after all!

No matter what tricks he has, it can't change this fact!

I was almost misled by this kid to the level of fighting him one-on-one!

But at this time, the third Raikage's face was solemn, but his eyes moved away from Chiba's body, and turned to the four towering rock walls, his sight extended, as if he saw the lying on the ground behind the rock wall, deeply Seriously injured boy!

Next, from where...

The next moment, a brilliant light flashed slowly in the eyes of the third generation of Lei Ying.

At the same time, the eyes of the third Raikage shifted, and when the light flashed, Chiba's concentration instantly rose to a certain level, his eyes narrowed slightly, the pupils continued to tighten, and in the eyes, the reflection of the third Raikage slowed down. Slowly zooming in, until the entire body of the third generation of Raikage is completely visible, and there is nothing else in the whole line of sight except this man wrapped in the Raikage's chakra coat!

The critical state of the wounded door mode, the increase in vision, the maximum capture!


At this moment, the pupils of the third generation of Leiying slightly opened, and the pupils shrank suddenly.


Amidst the crisp sound of thunder bursting, the radiating Thunder Escape Chakra coat around the body of the third generation of Leiying suddenly changed into a radiating shape, and the hair that was cut off like barbs raised slightly, like a hedgehog erecting steel thorns!


In the next second, at the moment when Lei Dun's chakra coat changed, the feet of the third generation of Raikage exploded suddenly. Immediately, gravel flew randomly, and the hand protruding from the ground seemed to be stepped on by a huge force. It broke with a "click", and was thrown to the side irregularly. Then, with a "bang", it exploded into white mist. Slowly steam up.

Afterwards, the cracks spread out from the place where the white mist was transpiring, crackling like a spider's web, and a half-meter-diameter gap of cracks spread out.

But at this moment, the figure of the third generation of Raikage suddenly disappeared in place,

over there!

At this very moment, Qianye's pupils shrank suddenly, and a solemn look flashed across his stern face. Suddenly, he twisted his body and punched the empty space beside him on the left side.


In the next moment, the figure of the third generation of Raikage suddenly flashed, his right hand was raised high, his chest was raised high, and he clenched his fist. With the hands of Hell, the thunder flashed, but it swept towards his left side!

And his pupils turned to his left bit by bit, with killing intent flashing.

Now, let's see if you dodge by yourself, or save your companions desperately!

At this moment, such a stern thought flashed through his mind.

Then, in the next second, his face suddenly changed!


At this moment, Sandai Raikage's eyes widened suddenly, the murderous intent in his eyes suddenly turned into astonishment, and his face became stiff instantly.

This is impossible!

The fierce thought instantly turned into a shock, and he screamed in his heart!

At this moment, on his left rib, a fist has hit hard, and a sudden force has erupted. He can clearly feel the enormous strength and the Thunder Dun chakra coat. Hit the dented touch.

And the reflection in his eyes followed the fist all the way, reflecting the solemn and frowning face.

That face belongs to the opponent!

This... this is impossible!

How could he reflect...

No, not to react!

How could it hit me!


This is absolutely impossible!


And just when the third generation of Raikage had a series of disbelief and disbelief, amidst the muffled sound of flesh and blood, strange power...

Totally exploded!

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