Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 851 Succeeded... Succeeded?

Suc... Succeeded?

The figure wrapped in the thunder current flying upside down was reflected in the eyes burning with emerald green flames, Qianye's posture of lunging and punching trembled slightly, and a strange feeling appeared in his heart.

The tactile sensation and force of that punch hitting the hard Thunder Dun chakra coat seemed to be stirring inside his arm, turning into a trembling feeling and spreading to his whole body.



And in Qianye's heart, the strange feeling slowly turned into an unbelievable feeling along with the blue thunder light group flying backwards in the eyes.

At this moment, he almost couldn't believe that he had done it. For a moment, he seemed a little stunned, and he didn't know whether he was happy or he was frightened by himself.

He actually reacted...

And at this time, the third generation of Raikage, who turned into a ball of blue thunder and was blown away by Chiba's strange power, was flying backwards at a rapid speed, and the same astonishment and surprise appeared on the face of Chiba. The mixed complexion was just a little more horrified in his eyes.


It's not a reaction. At that high speed, with his reaction ability, he can't catch it at all. Even if he catches my figure, his body will definitely not be able to keep up with my actions.

Thunder escape chakra mode not only provides the chakra coat of absolute defense, but also activates one's own cells to a certain extent, strengthens physical fitness, and can obtain super speed and super strength.

This kind of strengthening is beyond the limit of the human body, and even the speed of the physical teleportation will become unbelievably fast due to the enhancement of physical fitness beyond the limit. Even if the enemy's nerve reflex speed can capture this speed, his body will not It is impossible to keep up with this speed beyond the limit of the human body!

Unless one has space-time ninjutsu and the ability to transcend time and space, basically no one can keep up with this speed.

This kid...

It's not that I can keep up with my speed, nor that my body broke through some kind of shackles and exploded at a speed beyond the limit of the human body.


The rock wall that kept flying forward suddenly disappeared, and the vision in the corner of the eye suddenly turned into an endless grassland. With a sound of "wow", the night wind whizzed past, blowing over the blue thunder group With the flashing lightning trail, the horror in Sandai Leiying's eyes became more intense, and his face became more rigid.


He perfectly predicted my movements, and attacked before I moved to make up for his lack of body speed!

This kid, using...

It is something more terrifying than time-space ninjutsu, breaking through the shackles of the human body, or a powerful forbidden technique that can be compared with the thunder escape chakra mode!

Thinking of this, Sandai Raikage couldn't help clenching his teeth slightly, and a chill suddenly rose from his back.

Prejudgment is a skill that is often used in the taijutsu battles of most ninjas with superb taijutsu, especially in high-speed taijutsu battles, and even every ninja can master a little bit.

With the continuous increase of combat experience, the accuracy and role of this skill will become more and more effective, especially in physical combat or hand-to-hand combat.

Basically, this kind of skill is more or less used in the battles of Chunin and above, and it is also a fighting skill that every ninja will learn in actual combat. It is actually not uncommon, nor is it a rare skill.

However, this Taki Chiba's prediction is completely different from this kind of prediction that the next move will be convenient for dodging or preparing for the backhand.

Taki Chiba's prediction can be said to be a kind of prediction!

Yes, predictions!

Predict the opponent's action, predict the opponent's attack behavior absolutely accurately, and perform a predictive attack that exceeds the opponent's action time. At the moment of the opponent's attack, attack the opponent at an earlier time to make it inevitable. It feels like this guy has gone back in time.

This kind of prediction seems to have frozen time, no matter how fast he is, there is nothing he can do!

This is the first time he has encountered such a ninja, and the prediction can reach the level of prediction, reaching the level of predicting a future attack!

This is simply not the level that humans can do!

It's impossible for him not to feel cold, and it's impossible for him not to feel frightened. The kid in front of him is simply not human!


At this time, a series of thoughts flashed through my mind, and the third generation of Raikage flew upside down and crashed into the ground. Immediately, the place where it landed was cracked, and small clods of soil bulged up, forming a forest of clods in a short time. The billowing dust and smoke engulfed the blue thunder ball in an instant, and the figures of the three generations of Raikage were hidden in the smoke and dust.


At this moment, Qianye, who seemed to have not recovered from the punch, also let out a long breath, slowly stood up straight, his eyes rolled, and fell on the smoke and dust rising from the opposite side among.

At the same time, the emerald green flames burning in his eyes shrank slightly with this long cry, and a bean-sized bead of sweat rolled down from the corner of his forehead.

However, although it was successful, but...

But at this time, a ray of worry flashed in his heart, covering up the strange feeling before. At the same time, his figure shook slightly, and with a "snap", he propped one hand on the stone wall, The faint feeling of fear slowly surfaced.

He was desperate just now, but now that he thinks about it, if the prediction is slightly wrong, half of his head may have been cut off by the lightning blade. For the super speed of the third generation of Raikage, if it is not to attack in advance, it may even be quite a long time in advance. Time attack, it is impossible to keep up.

The power composition of the three generations of Raikage is perfect. Absolute defense, absolute attack, and absolute speed are probably death-like existences for most ninjas.

Of course, to Yun Yin, he is like a patron saint.

Although I have experienced the moment of life and death several times, it is the first time that I am so unsure.

As for this attack on the third generation of Raikage, Chiba's heart became even heavier.

This time, he really took the risk. If there was a slight error in his prediction, even the slightest error, the strength of the strange force's punch might be missed, or even missed. At that time, under the attack of the third generation of Raikage, he would definitely Even if the third Raikage's attack just now was clearly a two-way attack, one for himself and one for Hirohiko inside, if his strength deviates, it is very likely that the third Raikage will break through the four-pillar prison, threatening Hirohiko's life.


Success this time does not mean that it will succeed next time. The prediction requirements are too strict, and if there is a slight error, it may fail...

And at this moment, Qianye's heart slowly shrouded in a cloud.

Could it be that……

The third generation of Raikage, is it an obstacle given to me by fate?

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