This is... unmistakable!

This is it!

Rubbing the three-pronged kunai in her hand, and the peculiar pattern of tadpoles on the hilt, a smile appeared on the corner of Xue Nai's mouth.

The Kunai that Mr. Kushina handed over to Chiba!

When she opened her eyes just now, she discovered this strange kunai immediately. Now, comparing it with the situation in her memory when Kushina handed it over to Chiba, she quickly confirmed that this strange kunai is Jiu The life-saving charm given to them by Teacher Xin Nai.

As long as Qianye untied the seal above, they would have a way to escape.

Teacher Kushina...

But at this time, looking at this strange kunai, Xue Nai took a slight breath, and the figure of the red-haired beauty slowly emerged in her heart.

For no reason, her nose turned sour, and her eyes suddenly turned red.

Thinking of this teacher who really loves her, she suddenly became a little bit weak, and suddenly thought "it would be great if Teacher Kushina is here now, so that Hirohiko and Chiba can be saved".

After all, she is only a girl in her teens. She can be strong and rational in front of outsiders, but in front of people close to her, she is just a little girl. At this time, she thinks of her close teacher, the current situation, and The human-shaped blood left by Chiba, and the situation that these two people are taking risks, and may not even come back, I can't control my emotions, I want to be close to my teacher who loves me, I even think about it. Crying is not a strange thing.


Now is not the time to be sentimental!

And soon, Xue Nai suppressed this feeling of "wanting to cry", and refocused on the situation in front of her.

This thing is very important, Qianye will not lose it for no reason, but now is not the time to wonder why Qianye lost this Kunai,

Teacher Kushina told me at the beginning that Chiba and Hirohiko would start messing around without knowing it, so I needed to do a good job of backup.

Now, I must find them as soon as possible and bring them Kunai!

As long as Chiba is here, and Kunai is also there, you can use the life-saving talisman of Teacher Kushina. I believe that the life-saving talisman of Teacher Kushina will be able to save us from any danger!

Thinking about it, Xue Nai's slightly "shaken and want to cry" expression on her face gradually subsided, and turned into a kind of firmness.

Afterwards, she put the Kunai in her arms into her arms, and grabbed two special military grain pills from the ninja bag behind her and swallowed them. After feeling the energy diffusion in the military grain pills, she wrinkled frown.

It seems that it really cannot be relieved by recovery, the dizziness in my mind is still vague, and there is no sign of disappearing.

However, the exhaustion in her body had disappeared, and she no longer felt any discomfort in her body. She clenched her fist, hesitated for a moment, reached into the ninja bag again, and grabbed an emerald green army ration pill.

I don’t know if this military ration pill will have any effect. Chiba told me that this military ration pill is special, and I don’t know what the side effects are, but it is more effective than ordinary special military ration pills. powerful……

Do you want to use it?

While looking at the emerald green military grain pills, Xue Nai hesitated, the faint feeling of dizziness in her head will affect the battle after all, if she encounters something in the situation of rendezvous, the complete state can also increase the victory The probability.

Now the ordinary special military ration pills are useless, and we can only hope for this military ration pill that Chiba said is "used only when there is a last resort".

Forget it, if the side effects are severe, it will be even more impossible to merge.

However, soon, Xue Nai gave up her plan to eat the emerald green army ration pill, and then, after putting the emerald green army ration pill back, she raised her two fingers.

Immediately, the white pupils in the eyes protruded, and the meridians protruded from the corners of the eyes to the temples.

Roll your eyes, turn on!

Then, the next step is to find Chiba's trace within the time that Bai Yan can afford!

After opening her eyes, Xue Nai looked around, jumped onto the trunk of the giant tree, went straight up, and stood on the branches of the giant tree after a while, then seemed to have discovered something, and flew towards a certain direction .

Wait, Chiba! Hirohiko!

Until I find you, we must hold on!


And at this time, the prairie, in front of the four-pillar prison.


Amidst the muffled sound of heavy skin and flesh, two lines of blood, accompanied by a twisting and spinning figure, drew two parallel arcs in the air, cascading down, dripping to the ground.


And as the blood line fell, the figure seemed to be an inanimate object, spinning and falling to the ground, lying on the ground, completely silent.


The thunder stream burst out, turned into a bolt of lightning, flashed across a certain rock wall of the four-pillar prison, and illuminated the rock wall full of cracks, and also illuminated the front of the rock wall. A kunai figure with a hook on the upper right.

"Ka... Kaka..."

At this moment, when the lightning flashed by, the crack that occupied two-thirds of the rock wall, centered on a sunken footprint, suddenly began to spread like a spider web again, and in an instant, it covered the entire surface. rock wall.


After that, it spread to the other two walls connected to this rock wall, and cracked to the whole body of the two walls extremely quickly.

"Finally, is it over?"

And at this time, the burly Yun Yin wrapped in the blue spray-shaped chakra coat in front of the rock wall slowly turned around and looked at the figure of the boy lying on the ground half a meter away, with a long He let out a sigh of relief, and a relieved expression appeared on his face.


And at this moment, the cracked and spreading four-pillar prison finally couldn't support it, and it collapsed and shattered. Pieces of rubble broke and fell, turning into dust in the air and flying in the wind, finally disappearing.

In just a few seconds, the four-sided rock wall of the four-pillared prison towering into the air was turned into powder during the collapse, and scattered with the wind, leaving no residue, revealing the lying flat body protected by the four-pillared prison. Hirohiko who was holding it, and the shadow avatar Chiba whose light green light was dimming and brightening as he pressed his hands in vain.

And at this moment, seeing the shadow clone Chiba that collapsed in the four-pillar prison in an instant, his eyeballs were looking at the burly figure bit by bit, strands of shock slowly emerged.



So fast?

At this time, in the heart of Qianye, the shadow clone, such a horrifying thought flashed across.


This is impossible!

Anyway, it is impossible for Ontology to lose so quickly, and he should have completed "an attack prediction", otherwise, he would have lost long ago!

With such a predictive ability, even with the speed of the third generation of Raikage, it is impossible to kill him or seriously injure him to the point of losing combat effectiveness in one blow.



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