Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 89 Procrastination

That's it! There is no longer any delay!

Bai Chuanquan's expression froze, and he suddenly said: "Shihe, I will leave this place to you, and we are also a burden here. Let's go after the idiot trio!"

Saying that, without waiting for Shiga Taketake to respond, Shirakawa Izumi made a sound, and the three of them threw several shurikens in their hands, and hit the three of Chiba.

The three of Chiba immediately dodged, and while they were dodging, the three of Bai Chuanquan also rushed over, dodging into the best route behind them.


The shuriken either fell to the ground or stuck into the trees. The three of Chiba stood still, glanced back, and then turned their gazes back, showing no intention of pursuing.

Shiga Wuyue frowned slightly, the feeling that something was wrong in his heart became more and more intense, and seeing that the three of them had no intention of chasing after them, they frowned even tighter.

Is this really simply treating your team as an outcast and holding us back? No! Absolutely impossible, no matter how you look at it, it would be better for Guan Ye's team to be abandoned! After all, in terms of strength, these three people are much stronger than Guan Ye and the others.

And if Guanye is the main force, even if they hold us back, the three of Guanye cannot be the opponents of Shirakawa and the others. It is impossible for Taki Chiba not to know this, there must be some conspiracy here!


Shiga Takeyue was certain in his heart.

Hinata Snow Eagle also frowned.

Just now, when Shirakawa and the others threw the shuriken, Taki Chiba glanced at them without any doubt. He had already anticipated Bai Chuan's actions, but he didn't try to stop them! He deliberately let Bai Chuan and the others leave.

It's so weird!

If he regards his team as an abandoned child, then he must be planning to delay all of us in place, and then procrastinate almost, looking for a chance to leave. I wouldn't believe that this kid would really confess himself here.

But, why let Bai Chuan leave?

The strength of Bai Chuan's group is better than Guan Ye's three, and he must consider that there may be a shorter way to get 6 points on the map... Isn't he afraid that Bai Chuan and the others will block Guan Ye and lose the game in the end?

There must be a conspiracy! Must have!

And now I haven't found out where they are lurking... Are they so good at keeping track of them? My eyes didn't even notice!

Wait a moment! If Taki Chiba has no conspiracy and really regards himself as an abandoned child, then he must be fully sure to keep us... From the battle with him, it can be seen that he thinks very far, at least he will keep us. With one or two backhands, he won't come up unprepared.

Now... in this situation, don't act rashly!

Hyuga Yutaka judged in his heart, and at the same time, with the other hand, he secretly gestured towards Shiga Taketake and Kiuchi Taketo.

this gesture?

Shiga Takeyue was startled.

Is there really some conspiracy? What did Snow Eagle discover, let us not act rashly!

At this time, Chiba smiled and said: "You say, if we defeat you here and get your 6-point map, will we find a shortcut to catch up with Bai Chuan, and then, with our team leader Guanye, What about double attack?"

Sure enough, there is a conspiracy!

Hinata Snow Eagle and Shiga Taketake were surprised at the same time.

Double attack? That's what he planned! Sure enough, he will definitely notice the difference between the 2-point, 4-point, and 6-point maps, except for the level of detail, it is the shortcut! That's right, before the defenders reached the Tower of Death, this experiment was nothing more than racing and blocking, and the prices of these maps, and according to the prices, the map's level of detail was different, which undoubtedly showed one thing, that is strategic advantage!

And this kind of racing and blocking strategy, the most important thing, of course, is time! And shortening the distance is a way to save time, and the way to shorten the distance is a shortcut! And the so-called strategic advantage, which can be displayed on the map, is naturally a shortcut route, and what is more valuable than 6 points is reflected in the shortcut route on the map with 4 points!

He really saw this level from the difference between the 2-point map and the 4-point map!

Indeed, if you defeat them, not only can you get a 6-point map, but you can even solve a strong offensive team, killing two birds with one stone!

And after that, whether they attack from both sides...or fight alone, they will definitely win!

This is the easiest way to win!

From the very beginning, they will fight against elites. After the elites are dealt with, the ordinary team that follows is not worth mentioning.

This is indeed the way of thinking as a genius!

Shiga Takeyue knew it clearly, and Hyuga Yutaka also thought about the same. In the end, the two felt emotional in their hearts:

Sure enough, he is not someone who can guess his mind so easily!


Taki Chiba is definitely the toughest opponent!

"I don't care what you are attacking on both sides! Who cares about your genius! Who cares about your strategy! You guys, you group of so-called geniuses, I have been displeased for a long time! Don't underestimate ordinary ninjas without talent!" At this time, Taketo Kiuchi let out an angry cry, and the two of them saw a sword light go away, and in an instant, it had already flashed in front of Qianye.

"Kento!" Shiga Takeyue turned pale with shock, he caught the air and said anxiously.

Since Xue Ying told us not to act rashly, he must have seen something with his white eyes, this guy! It's easy to get angry!


Don't let anything happen!

Hyuga Snow Eagle also expressed his dissatisfaction with a "tsk", and quickly put the detonating talisman kunai in his ninja bag, and replaced it with an ordinary kunai.

The explosion of the detonating talisman will raise smoke, which will give them a chance to take advantage of. Taki Chiba likes to play tricks when the enemy's line of sight is blocked, so let's use ordinary kunai here!


A sword light flashed, and Kiuchi Taketo split Chiba in half with a single sword.

Shadow clone?

The moment the ninja sword slashed down, Kento Kiuchi felt something wrong with his hand, squinted his eyes, and looked at Chiba who fell in two, and became angry.

This bastard...

At this time, Chiba, although being split in half, looked at Kiuchi Taketo with a half-smile, with a hint of sarcasm.

Then, with a bang, it exploded into white mist!

And when Chiba Ying's avatar exploded, Xue Nai and Hirohiko also exploded into white mist.

Is it also a shadow clone?

Shiga Taketake withdrew his hand, just now his Kunai threw it and hit Hyuga Yukina, and almost at the same time, Hyuga Yutaka's Kunai also hit Uchiha Hirohiko.

All are shadow clones!

Ryu Xiang Xueying frowned, his face was cold.

Around, there is still no sign of Chiba and the others!

No raids either!

"You are all frightened by a few shadow clones! Aren't you a genius who graduated early! Hmph! Don't you claim to be the strongest, Hyuga Yutaka? Aren't you the genius of the Hyuga family? I don't think so, three shadow clones It scares you, are your eyes blind?" Taketo Kiuchi tightened the ninja sword in his hand, and turned his head, with anger intertwined in his eyes.

hateful! This Taki Chiba, I must kill you!

When Kiuchi Taketo said this, Shiga Taketake turned pale with shock, and quickly looked at Hinata Xuetaka, but seeing Hinata Xuetaka's face was cold, he said anxiously: "Snow Eagle, he is like this, he will also be angry if he gets angry. do not know what to say……"

"It's okay, I was indeed bluffed!" Hyuga Snow Eagle almost squeezed out these words from between his teeth.

Taki Chiba! Before I knew it, I was overly wary of you! In my heart, do I already think that your wisdom is far superior to mine? Is it the technique of the water prison that made me have this kind of mentality? Once bitten by a snake, do you feel afraid of well ropes for ten years?


I actually admit that I am not as good as you!

Hyuga Snow Eagle clenched her fist tightly.

In the current situation, it is obvious that these three shadow clones are used to bluff people. The two-sided attack and the most labor-saving method of victory are all fake. These three shadow clones are the abandoned children. !

As for Yukina's shadow clone, it might have been transformed from the shadow clone split by Chiba or Hirohiko. After all, the Hyuga family rejects all ninjutsu except Sanshenjutsu, and the shadow clone also rejects it.

And the reason why Qianye didn't stop Bai Chuan and others before was not because he let them go on purpose, but because he couldn't stop them! If there is a mistake and the shadow clone explodes, then the loss outweighs the gain!

They were completely played by Chiba!

"Hmph! It's good to know, then according to the original plan, you have wasted a lot of time, and I hope you don't make such a mistake again." Kiuchi Taketo put his sword back into its sheath, and glanced at Hinata blankly Xue Ying left directly in one direction.

Shiga Taketake looked at Taketo Kiuchi who flew away, and then at Hinata Yukitaka with a cold face, not knowing what to say.

But Hyuga Snow Eagle kicked his feet, flew out, and said coldly: "Kiuchi Taketo is right, you don't have to worry. But next time, don't let me see you attacking Master Xue Nai, I can't help but kill you. Even if it is a shadow clone, it won't work."

Seeing Hinata Xueying rushing out, listening to his cold words, Shiga Takeyue shook his head and gave a wry smile.

In the end, it was my fault!

After that, he kicked his feet and followed.

At this time, the other side.

Chiba and Hirohiko, who were flying through the woods, stopped, and Yukina also stopped.

"The information about the shadow clone has come." Chiba said, Hirohiko nodded upon hearing the words, and Xue Nai also nodded suddenly, because the doubts of the two people's sudden stop disappeared.

Chiba took out the map, drew a line on the 2-point map with his nails, and said, "This is the best route. We are a little bit off now, but we didn't waste much time. Let's go!"

Hirohiko and Xue Nai nodded, and then the three flew out again.

That Kiuchi Taketo was disturbed by his impulsiveness, otherwise it would have dragged on for about ten minutes.

However, the shadow clone won't last long before it disappears. With this little time... let's hurry up!

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