Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 893 In an instant!


Now is not the time to think about such things as the hindrance of fate, the third Raikage's forward stabbing action stopped, and the next step is not to target Namikaze Minato, but to target me!

Feeling that the touch of the left side of Lei Dun's Kara's coat rubbing against the rocky skin is slowly stopping, the uncontrollable panic and fear of "obstacles of fate" in Qianye's eyes suddenly disappeared, his eyes suddenly cleared, and his heart sank. Yi Lin.

The third Raikage's stab failed, and after the stabbing movement stopped, he would be the next one, without a doubt.

But now, he doesn't have a perfect way to dodge it!

Now, although he already has a certain amount of chakra and physical strength under the recovery of the special military food pills, it is impossible to activate the injury door mode in this state, let alone the critical state of the injury door mode.

If he can't transform the critical state of the injured door mode, he can't enter the Dumen mode.

Instead of entering Dumen mode...

He has no way to fight head-on or alone against the third generation of Raikage in Raikage Chakra mode!

Even now, he has no night vision ability, no vision and hearing enhancement, and no dynamic vision enhancement. He can't even predict an attack, and the range of perception is extremely narrowed. Lei Ying chopped off his hair, cut his cheek, and he realized the pain came.

His reaction and perception are the same as in the eight-door mode. Now he can be said to be just a "miscellaneous fish" ninja, belonging to the kind of soldier who can be dismissed easily, without any special features place!


Still a weak miscellaneous fish soldier!

To be honest, now Qianye feels unprecedented "weakness". He can clearly feel his own "weakness".

At the same time, he also deeply felt what he had been ignoring brought by the eight-door model, or what he had been ignoring because of the soaring chakra at each stage.

The eight-door mode gave him, in addition to the soaring chakra, and this "perception enhancement". Although it is just a simple enhancement of vision and hearing, it is also enough for him to avoid most dangers in battle.

It turns out that the truly precious part of the eight-door model is these humble perception enhancements...

At this moment, at this moment, Qianye felt such a sigh from the bottom of his heart.

But even so, I have to dodge this blow, only dodge this blow, only dodge this blow!

Otherwise, everything is over!

Not only did fate change the plan, but even his life was lost!

Thinking of this, Qianye's eyes flashed sharply, and her hands behind her back tightened slightly.

Naruto World, this is a cruel world, from the beginning of the war, no, before the war, as long as you leave the village, you will be surrounded by danger, and you may be killed by unknown dangers at any time, and, as long as you leave the village, people outside You can't believe it, especially the ninjas in other villages, and sometimes even the ninjas in your own village can't believe it!

For a person who lives in peace and enjoys a prosperous and stable world, these are absolutely unimaginable days!

But such days, for Qianye, who used to live in peace and enjoy the stability and prosperity, are like sweets!

Even after experiencing life and death several times, he has taken life and death a lot lightly, and it is precisely because he has taken life and death lightly and is not afraid of death that he can repeatedly make desperate moves and be able to take risks alone. He cherished his life so much when he crossed over, he would have died long ago and couldn't die anymore, or shrank in a corner of the village, lingering on his last breath. However, although he looks down on death and is not afraid of death, he still strongly does not want to die!

He doesn't want to leave this world!

Not because this is the world he longed for in his previous life, nor because he possessed magical powers in this world, but because of the people here!

Here, there is a teacher who cares for him so much that he can give his life and love him selflessly!

Here, there are close friends who don't talk much, but can live together, sincerely for him like family members, and can also sacrifice their lives for him.

Here, there is another group of friends who can also laugh together, cry together, and trust their backs!

Here, there are too many lovely people, too many intertwined lives, too many... Even in the life of being disgusted and disgusted, there are all kinds of people who can still give him understanding, warmth and attention!

He is not afraid of death, but...

I can't bear to die!

So, this time, he will fight for himself!

for my life...

and fight!

No matter how embarrassing, no matter how ugly, no matter how unlike a time traveler, he still has to live!

To live!

To change fate!

To create a warm living circle that belongs to him that he wants!

He doesn't have the powerful strength of the protagonists who travel through the humanities, he doesn't have the anti-weather luck of the protagonists of the hot-blooded comics, and he doesn't have the personality charm of the superior enough to unite everyone. He can't change this dark world, and he can't help it. Changing the system of a village would not even make everyone like him.

However, he still has to grasp those kindnesses, those trusts, those understandings, those cares... those things that he longed for in the previous life but never got in his whole life!

He has eaten the sweetest bite, and he will hold on to this sweetest bite!



Since this huge torrent wants to destroy him, then...

just come on!

At this moment, Qianye, who didn't know why a lot of thoughts came to his mind, slowly moved his eyes diagonally upwards to the left.

Without the augmented vision, he could only see the flashing electric arm!

Without the hearing boost, he couldn't hear the breathing of the third generation of Raikage behind him!

He couldn't tell when the third Raikage would attack!

Even in the darkness, even with the help of electric light, he couldn't even see the grass beside his feet clearly!

Not to mention an attack prediction!

However, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

His heart seemed to be on fire!

At this moment, he actually felt that he could do anything, and no one could stop his pace.


I can dodge!


Although I don't know if the third generation of Raikage will attack in the next instant, what method will be used to attack, and what method will be used to penetrate my body with the invisible left hand...

But I know……


At this moment, Qianye gritted his teeth with a smile.

Now is the best time to escape!

If you miss it, you will die!


The next moment, Qianye's left foot stepped down on the grass, and a cloud of extremely light, extremely small dust was suddenly stirred up.

At this moment, when the three generations of Raikage's stabbing momentum stopped, the smiling and gritted boy suddenly turned to the right and moved sideways!

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