Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 903 It's over!


Blood splashed in the reflection of the slowly widening eyes mixed with shock, horror, unexpected, and unimaginable interweaving on the earth platform. There was a "crack", and the bones of the neck caused by the rapid turning of the head without warning The sound of friction sounded.


Three generations of Raikage...why do you do this?

what's going on?

How is this going?

But suddenly he turned his head and looked at all the soil platforms in front of him, countless surprises and bewilderments flashed through his heart like a cannonball. At this moment, he was already a little dazed.

At this moment, in front of his eyes, a hand of the third generation of Raikage had already deeply inserted into the chest of the lying young boy, and the shining thunder light had already sunk into the heart and could not reveal the blue-white color. shine.

He never thought that such a situation would happen, his own Lei Ying did such an unexpected thing, and it was so fast, so decisive, there was no chance for anyone to stop it, just for a moment, just In an instant, he killed the boy, leaving no room at all!

Even, at this moment, he was so shocked that his lips opened, but he forgot to speak.

The sentence "Third Raikage-sama, what are you doing!" was still at the stage of opening his mouth, and he couldn't think of going on.

It wasn't until his eyes were wide open and the blood fell to the ground for a long time that he could barely speak: "Three generations of Raikage-sama..."

"Wait a minute, Tutai, I'll explain to you later!"

And when he said it, before he was halfway through, he was stopped by the third Raikage who was kneeling on the ground with a serious expression on his right shoulder and raised his left hand to stop him, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Three generations of Raikage-sama...

Seeing the serious face of the third generation of Raikage, Tutai gave a little thought, but became quiet.

The third generation of Raikage-sama did not lose his mind, he is very calm, there must be a reason for him to do so!

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the ninja troops behind him, but saw that the middle-aged medical ninja woman who walked out was just like him, stunned on the spot, apparently also shocked by the actions of the third generation of Raikage just now up.

As for the others, although they were all in a state of embarrassment, with tired looks on their faces and many people were injured, they still kept their spines straight and looked at their leader without any signs of depression like the defeat just now. color.


Fortunately, although the third Raikage killed this Taki Chiba, everyone didn't seem to notice anything...

In terms of morale, it seems that there is no need to worry!

Seeing all this, Tutai breathed a sigh of relief again. It seemed that he didn't need to worry about what he was most worried about.

Sure enough, it is the third generation of Raikage-sama!

Only a leader like him can make a defeated brigade unshakable. No matter how much the wisdom of the third generation of Hokage is rumored outside, compared with our third generation of Raikage-sama, it is still a bit worse than our third generation of Raikage!

Only a leader like Lord Raikage of the third generation can stand in front of the battlefield and give the troops infinite courage, tenacious will, and morale that cannot fade away!

And in his heart, a proud thought flashed through.

As the commander of the troops, he certainly knows what the third generation of Raikage stands in front of them. , came back immediately, as if as long as the three generations of Raikage-sama are around, they will be invincible!

No matter how many defeats they suffered before, as long as he is in the front, then they don't need to worry, they don't need to be afraid, they will definitely win!

"Slightly... slightly..."

At this time, her eyes were already wide open, and Chiba's throat was rolling with blood flowing from her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but all the voices seemed to be choked by the blood, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't Pronounce even one syllable.

"Almost... you tricked me!"

Seeing the wide-eyed look of the young man in front of him, his undisguised expression of unwillingness to die, and feeling the pierced heart on his right hand that was slowly stopping, Sandai Raikage narrowed his eyes slightly, his face The appearance of the sudden change of color just now remained on the body, and it seemed that there was still a trace of ferocity.

If you really want to provoke me and force me to kill you, you shouldn't continue to show sarcasm!

It is useless to show such a provocative look after we are aware of your intention to "provoke the enemy to kill yourself"!

This point, you will not be unclear!

No matter how provocative you are, we who know your purpose will never be fooled. We can only control you and seize information. Your purpose will definitely fail. As smart as you, even when you are weak, it is impossible not to be fooled. understand this. As tough as you are, even if you are weak, even if you are dying of pain, it is impossible for you to make such a low-level mistake.

You are definitely the kind of person who becomes calmer when you are at the critical point of life, and it is precisely because you are this kind of person that it is easy to create miracles when you are dying, just like you did during the battle just now.

If your purpose was really to "enrage the enemy to kill yourself", you would not have shown a provocative look just now, but an inadvertent smile of a successful plot. It may not be obvious, but it will definitely be noticed.

Let us realize that this is your purpose, the purpose of "deliberately posing a gesture of provoking the enemy to kill yourself, but actually to save your life"!


It's an expression of a successful plot, not an expression of continued provocation!

Your plan is actually to make us think that your purpose is to provoke the enemy to kill yourself, so that the earth platform will notice your "value", so that you cannot be killed, so that you can save your life.

Instead of killing you, you must be treated to keep you in a healthy but inescapable state!

In this way, you can save your life and receive treatment, and when your physical strength and chakra recover to a certain level, you can activate the forbidden or secret technique to further heal yourself, and even choose a suitable time to escape!


It's your purpose!

your plan!

And at this moment, this series of thoughts flashed through the mind of the third Raikage who was looking at Chiba.

"You may not underestimate me too much. Although I am not a smart person like you, I can still figure out your fighting style and thinking style from the battle with you. I can still do this."

As the thought flashed in his mind, the third Raikage couldn't help saying coldly.

Finally, this time, she was not fooled around by him!

And finally, this time, it's over!

During the cold words, the three generations of Raikage finally let go of the big stone in his heart, and before he knew it, there was almost a layer of cold sweat on his back.

"Tutai, tell me about the current situation and the loss!"

Afterwards, the third Raikage pulled his hand away from Chiba's chest whose heart had stopped beating, and stood up slowly, without looking at the young man who had turned into a corpse on the ground, he stood up and asked his confidant counselor road.

"Three...three generations..."

But at this moment, when his eyes turned to his counselor, the frightened and trembling voice of his counselor suddenly sounded.

In the reflection of the eyes, the face of Tutai...

As if hell!

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