Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 917: A Destined Battle!


The flaming right foot drew a black arc in the air with the black tail of flames. Without any warning, it kicked from the upper part of the rear without any sound, whizzing away, and the target of the kick did not move at all. , although the whole figure is tense, but it seems to be unaware that this kick, it seems, is sure to hit!

However, at this moment, Chiba, who kicked this silent kick, suddenly turned his face to one side, and his eyes slowly widened.

"……grown ups!"

And at this time, the last two words of the exclamation from the earth platform came!


In the next second, the place where the lightning snake figure was wrapped tightly by the Thunder Dun chakra coat, it exploded impressively, and a large piece of broken soil suddenly bulged up with the explosion, and then, it was surrounded by the flames. When the upper part of the tail was kicked, it shattered loudly, and the shattering and shattering sounds merged into a single line, forming a sound like a hard object shattering.

This seemingly inevitable blow fell through!



No, it's not slow!

And at the moment when the gravel and smoke rushed up from the ground, and the moment when the gravel with the black flames flew out following the trend of the upper kick, Qianye's eyes widened bit by bit, There was a flash of surprise.

It is so, it is so, it must be so!

This third generation of Raikage is too scary!

Then, in the next second, his rising figure was submerged by the exploding smoke and dust, and the astonishment that rose from his eyes and spread to his entire face was also submerged in the rising smoke and dust. among.


And at this moment, the moment before Chiba was submerged in the smoke of gravel, there was another sound of a hard object shattering, and on the opposite side of this piece of gravel flying randomly, the raised stone due to the sudden explosion was also flashing. In a flash, it suddenly shattered!

A figure of a flashing thunder and light snake appeared at the stall where the dust and smoke of rubble rose.

The third generation of Raikage jumped up and punched, and smashed the big chunk of soil that was shattered and raised due to the huge kick on the ground. Suddenly, the dirt was covered with cracks, split into pieces, and flew in all directions. Crash and fly away.

On the face of the third generation of Raikage, a look of astonishment flashed across the face. Just from the look of astonishment, one could imagine that he must have shouted "What!" in astonishment, just like Chiba before. .

Could it be... this kid!


No, they didn't see through my actions!


Then, the next moment after the astonishment flashed past, dust and dust rushed up, instantly engulfing his astonished face and rising body.

Just like Chiba now!

But at this time, seeing the two clouds of dust and dust rushing up, Tutai's eyes widened in shock.

Three generations of Raikage-sama... Taki Chiba...

it turns out……

In his vision, the speed of the two of them was too fast. He only saw the little monster disappear in an instant, and then at the moment when the dust and dust exploded, an upper kick from behind kicked the third generation of Raikage. However, At this moment, the third generation of Raikage also disappeared suddenly, and the dust and dust exploded. After that, the two of them almost kicked and punched, smashing the bulge in the center of the two clusters of dust and dust.

It can be seen that although the attack has a front and back, the timing of their attack is at the same time. It is only because of the slight speed difference between the two sides that the attack has a front and back, but the result is the result of the same moment!

In other words, at that moment just now, what the two of them thought was the same!

At the same moment, they decided to attack!

At the same moment, they attack!

At the same moment, they hit each other where they were!

And the reason why Taki Chiba seems to be taking a step forward is actually because of the difference in weight and exertion methods between the two sides!

Taki Chiba is more explosive, and the time it takes to go from preparation to top speed is shorter. And the third Raikage's speed is faster, although the preparatory action is a little longer than Taki Chiba, but his speed is faster, so he can hit the raised clod at the same time as Taki Chiba.

And in this situation, Tutai couldn't help but widen his eyes, with a look of shock on his face, and almost forgot to close his opened mouth that screamed.

This is a battle that needs to be accurate to the weight, the way of exerting force, and the preparation to the highest speed. The time of each attack needs to be accurate to less than a second.

That is to say, this battle has surpassed his cognition as a bystander!

This is the battle of the three generations of Raikage!


This is definitely a battle between shadow and shadow!

Shadow battle!

But now, one side of this kage-level battle is just an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, and the other side is even more famous in the entire ninja world. In that era, the third generation of Raikage, who was also one of the top powerhouses, how could this disparity in age and status make him not frightened, how to keep his eyes from widening, how to make him lose his voice and forget to close his eyes? mouth!



"What happened just now? Why did the third generation of Raikage-sama change directions with this little monster! What happened to the cracked ground? What kind of battle did they have?"

"I didn't see clearly, I didn't see clearly at all!"

"Don't say I didn't see it clearly, I didn't even perceive it, how did the two of them switch positions just now!"

"It's...it's actually able to..."


"It's... a monster!"

And at this moment, horrified voices came one after another from the crowd behind him. From their words, Tutai could imagine that they were as close-mouthed as he was.

It is also conceivable how shocking their hearts were.

It can also be guessed that at this moment, these comrades behind him must have such an idea just like him.

This is a battle for the rise of the top powerhouse who is destined to dominate the ninja world!

Yes, this battle is destined to be a battle where that little monster shakes the ninja world!

Whether it is victory or defeat!

His name, Taki Chiba, is destined to be recorded in the history of ninjas and become the most dazzling one among the vast ninja powerhouses!

That's right, the most dazzling one!

At the age of eleven or twelve years old, alone in the enemy's rear, with the strength of the shadow level, against one of the strongest shadows in the three wars.

There is no one before, and there will probably be no one in the future!



But at this moment, before the voices of the Yunyin ninjas could be heard, the two clouds of broken earth and smoke suddenly burst open, and in a flash of thunder and black flames, the two figures collided heavily.


Immediately, the muffled sound of heavy skin and flesh rumbled outward like the impact of an explosion.

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