"Ding ding ding!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The shurikens came with a bang, hit the blue semi-circular barrier, and were bounced off. The shadow clone shurikens also exploded into white mist one by one, forming a piece in the sky in front of the semi-circular barrier.

How did I forget Snow Eagle's return to heaven!

Shiga Taketake breathed a sigh of relief. The semicircular barrier blocked almost all shurikens. Behind the barrier, Shiga Taketake was unscathed, and Kiuchi Kento also moved sideways, waving his ninja sword in his hand repeatedly, striking Sparse Shuriken dodged and knocked down.

But at this time, Huitian stopped, all the shurikens bounced off, and white mist filled the air, blocking the line of sight.

"Beware of surprise attacks!" Hyuga Snow Eagle raised his head slightly and looked at the white mist, and the moment he warned and raised his head, a figure had already jumped out of the white mist.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

A huge fireball spit out from the figure's mouth and rushed directly towards Shiga Taketake.

And this person is naturally Hirohiko!

After spitting out the fireball, Hirohiko's Sharingan turned, tilted his head slightly, and a kunai flashed past. Although he dodged lightly, his eyes were slightly widened, and his eyes were full of dignity.

At the end of this kunai, there is a piece of paper tied, at this moment, it was fluttering in the wind, and hit Hirohiko's face.

At this time, the fireball had already rushed towards Shiga Taketake.

"Hide quickly! Don't be in a daze!" Hyuga Yuki yelled, pushed Shiga Taketake away, and at the same time spun, the semicircular blue barrier spun out again!

Back to the days!


The fireball hit the blue semi-circular barrier and scattered sparks,


The moment the fireball scattered, a hand stretched out from the upper back of Hirohiko, and grabbed the Kunai with the detonation talisman. With a serious face, Xue Nai spun behind Hirohiko, and turned out from behind Hirohiko. , Kunai threw it out. The target is the semicircular barrier!

The fireball exploded, and the semicircular barrier also stopped spinning. Hyuga Snow Eagle looked up, but saw a Kuwu falling from the sky, which was precisely the time he had used to return to the sky.


Kunai shot into his feet, and the detonating talisman was already burning.

This is... the detonating talisman Kunai I just threw, is it Master Xue Nai? Oh no!

Hyuga Snow Eagle turned pale, Huitian had just stopped spinning at this time, and it was too late to use it again!


The fire and smoke exploded, engulfing Hyuga Snow Eagle entirely.

At this time, Kiuchi Kento, who was avoiding sideways, had landed on the ground, and a seal had already formed in his hand.

Wind escape, big breakthrough!

A gust of wind spewed out from his mouth, condensed into three wind blades, one big, two small, and cut across the air. The target was Hirohiko and Yukina in the air. At this time, Hirohiko and Yukina were falling side by side. It seems that there is no way to avoid it.

A sneer sneered at the corner of Kento Kiuchi's mouth: "Didn't expect that! I can also wind escape! I'm not a pure taijutsu ninja!"

When the wind blade struck, it was also cut open, scattered in all directions by this big breakthrough. And the wind blade is already close in front of Hirohiko and Xue Nai.

At this critical moment, Xue Nai suddenly grabbed Hirohiko's hand, and threw him out with force in mid-air, and the hand behind Hirohiko who was thrown out suddenly flung out, a kunai rushed out, and hit Xue Nai's waist Swirling around a few times, the thin thread was brightly colored around Xue Nai's waist.

Hirohiko pulled suddenly, and Xue Nai moved sideways.


The wind blade cut across, and a tear was cut on Xue Nai's back clothes, revealing the fishnet clothes inside.

But, dodge it!

"Cut!" Kiuchi Taketo clicked his lips in dissatisfaction.

At this moment, Hirohiko and Yukina fell to the ground with the white mist blown away by the wind blade, and behind the fire and smoke from the explosion of the detonating talisman Kunai, Shiga Taketake hugged Hyuga Yutaka who was pulled back by him.

"Be careful! Taki Chiba is gone!" Hyuga Yutaka called out before he could stand still.

"Heart decapitation technique!" Shiga Takeyue also reacted quickly, thought of something, quickly let go of Hyuga Snow Eagle, and was about to jump up.

Hyuga Snow Eagle was also startled, and hurriedly lowered his head to look, using the clairvoyance ability of his white eyes.

This heart beheading technique is the most commonly used ninjutsu by Taki Chiba, and at this moment, no one else can be found. There is no doubt that he used the heart beheading technique underground!

"Not here!" Hyuga Snow Eagle turned his white pupils, looked at Kiuchi Taketo suddenly, and said anxiously: "It's with you, Kiuchi Taketo!"

Hearing Hyuga Yutaka's voice, Shiga Takeyue, who jumped up, opened his pupils slightly and was shocked.

Isn't the target me? Are you a healthy person?

Oops! Got it! Hirohiko Uchiha and Akari Hinata Yukina's attacks on me were all feints, and their real target was Taketo!

Without Jianren, it will be difficult to fight in the future!


Before Hyuga Snow Eagle's words fell, the ground under Taketo Kiuchi's feet suddenly split open, and his two palms suddenly stretched out.

Earth escape, decapitation in the heart!

"How naive! Genius! Don't think I'm an idiot!"

The moment his hands were stretched out, Kiuchi Kento lowered his head, with a sneer on his face, and the ninja sword in his hand slammed into the ground in front of his feet.

The moment the ninja sword was inserted, the hands that suddenly broke through the ground paused, and the hands that had already grasped Taketo Kiuchi's bare feet slightly loosened.

Shiga Taketake and Hinata Snow Eagle breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Fortunately, this guy reacted fast enough! But...Taki Chiba won't die! If the sword goes down, if you don't dodge it... it must be the sword in the head!

The two thought about it at the same time.

However, this idea only turned halfway, and the two of them turned pale with fright again.

Just hearing a "bang", the two outstretched hands exploded into a cloud of white mist.

Shadow clone!

And at the moment when the white mist exploded, the ground behind Taketo Kiuchi exploded, and the broken soil flew around, hitting Taketo Kiuchi's body.

"This is impossible!" Kiuchi Taketo's eyes drifted back, his face was full of disbelief, but his eyes were completely horrified.

Because, he has already felt, the subsequent wind.


Flesh muffled.

An upper kick kicked hard on Kiuchi Taketo's side face.

Konoha Whirlwind!


The strange force exploded!


Taketo Kiuchi flew up from the ground, and hit the giant tree on the edge of the forest like an arrow from the string. With a "click", the giant tree split open, and Taketo Kiuchi embedded in the giant tree in a large font, coughing out a mouthful There was blood, his neck crooked, and he passed out.


Chiba landed on the ground, looked at Taketo Kiuchi embedded in the tree, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Ordinary ninjas without talent, don't underestimate the so-called genius!"

Kento...was killed just like that?

Shiga Takeyue's face was full of incredulity, and Chiba was reflected in his eyes. At this moment, he suddenly recalled the chilly feeling behind when he was driving in the dense forest.

At this moment, there was the same chilly feeling behind his back!

This is Taki Chiba! This is Jiu Xin Naiban, seamless cooperation, swift and unexpected offensive...

This is, genius trio!

Shiga Takeyue's heart was full of shock, already horrified!

"Shiga! It's not over yet!" Hinata Yukihiro's pupils moved, and hurriedly called out Shiga Takeyue in a daze.

The moment he shouted, he had already moved sideways and jumped away.

The moment he jumped away, the four shurikens passed in front of him in a graceful arc, and attacked Shiga Taketake.

At this time, Shiga Taketake was still in shock. Although Hinata Snow Eagle's shout was timely, the timing of his reaction was after all a beat late. Even if it was a beat late, the four shurikens had already circled around for a while. lock up.

On the other side, the Sharingan in Hong Yan's eyes turned, and he waved his hands.

Shiga Takeyue only felt a tightness in his body, his whole body was bound by the steel wire, unable to move.

"Ding ding ding!"

The four shurikens were nailed to the ground by four Kunai piercingly shot.

This is... the art of writing the wheel eye to manipulate the windmill! Hired!

Compared to fighting alone, the cooperation of the three of them is truly terrifying!

Shiga Wuyue had fully reacted at this time, but he was powerless to recover, and he felt astonished and moved.

Hirohiko bit the steel wire and formed seals in his hands.

Fire escape, the art of dragon fire!

A ray of flame spewed out from his mouth, and went straight towards Shiga Taketake along the steel wire.


The moment the flame touched Shiga Taketake, it swelled up and exploded, and Shiga Taketake suddenly ignited into a ball of fire!

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