Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 968 The arrogance of admission

this face...

This person is!

Between Ji Zhang's fingers, his face was tightly pressed into the pit on the ground, and his whole body showed a reclining posture. His somewhat cloudy eyes stared straight ahead, which was almost the same as that of the man who stepped on the ground. In front of him, the half-kneeling right knee is level with the side face, watching that side face is gradually covered by the raised and falling hair.

But his heart suddenly tightened.

Although it was only for a moment, although he could only peep through his fingers, and although this face was actually the first time he saw it, he recognized this person's identity for the first time. The identity of the Konoha ninja that made him unable to react!


At this moment, when a thought flashed in his mind, a series of stones and stones healed and solidified sound came to an end, making the last sound insulation.

And with this sound, the permeating dust and smoke also slowly dissipated, revealing the "concave" shaped cave.

it turns out……

Stopped my rock house from collapsing?

Then, attracted by this sound, the fire light in the second half of the thought in his heart hadn't finished, he couldn't help rolling his eyes, and from an extreme perspective, he saw it, saw that from his perspective, it was intact cave.


A simple seal of the earth escape technique?

That stopped my rock house from collapsing!

At this moment, I extracted enough earth attribute chakra to erase my chakra, and reshaped a ninjutsu based on the existing soil rock?

this kind of thing...

is it possible?

The mouth grows little by little uncontrollably, and the extremely upturned eyes of the flames are also unstoppably widened little by little, and the eyeballs keep turning up. It seems that they don't believe that the cave has not collapsed now, and the ninjutsu has been prevented. This result, I desperately want to see clearly.

Moreover, he did this while being single-handedly controlled.

Is this something a ninja can do?

This kind of ability to understand and control the earth dungeon technique is probably incomparable to Mr. Huang Tu!


Even in the village, I haven't seen any masters of earth escape who can prevent my rock house from collapsing!

Sure enough, as Lord Huang Tu said, am I too arrogant?

And at this moment, when a series of horrifying thoughts flashed through his mind, Huoguang couldn't help but flashed back to the time when Mr. Huangtu called all the ninjas who had the ability to go to the battlefield, and took out the piece of information drawn by the village with the best skills. When a ninja draws a portrait.

At that time, Master Huangtu said, "In the future, if there is no team below the tenth level with two ninjas or elite ninjas, if they encounter this Konoha ninja, they will all avoid it, and if they have two ninjas Or elite ninja ninja teams with more than ten people can kill this Konoha ninja first regardless of the mission or any enemy ninja." After that, he looked at the portrait of the boy who was only seven or eight years old and proposed questioned.

This kind of ultimatum to evade and kill, their village, Yanyin Village, has never issued a few times at all, and the few times it has been issued are basically the major ninja villages of the five major countries during the war, which can control a battlefield situation characters.

For example, Konoha Sannin back then, such as Konoha's White Fang, and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and before that, Yunyin's Yeyue Ai and Yeyuebi brothers, that is, the third generation of Raikage and his partner brother, Sand Hidden one machine is worth a thousand, the sea of ​​sand is always hidden...all of them are missions that have a decisive impact on the battle situation of a battlefield whether it is life or death.

Even today, they are all unattainable existences, and they are even more prestigious. Even the hostile Ninja Village can't help but admire or fear them.

But now, the first ultimatum to evade killing in the third Ninja World War was issued to a seven or eight-year-old child, which is simply absurd.

A child of seven or eight years old, even if he has a talent beyond the sky, is a genius beyond genius, it is impossible to be so strong!

Not to mention the experience, just seven or eight years, even if you start to practice ninja power in the womb, it is only a level of ninja.

And what is the rank of ninja in the ninja world war? It's just the backbone of the battle!

Compared with the previous few people, what is the level of ninja?

The existence that cannot stop their pace!

In other words, the existence of miscellaneous fish is all!

He still remembered how he didn't believe it at the time, and even refuted Master Huangtu, saying that this matter was too ridiculous, and then Master Huangtu said "Huoguang, you are too arrogant".

Of course, these words made him even more dissatisfied at the time, but, after all, he respected Mr. Huang Tu, and finally accepted the ultimatum.

But in the bottom of my heart, I was always a little unconcerned, thinking that just because of Master Qingtu's death, it is unimaginable to conclude that a seven or eight-year-old child is as dangerous as Sannin and Raikage.

But now, he suddenly understood.

He is really too arrogant!

The Konoha ninja in front of him, who is undoubtedly the party to the ultimatum of "Konoha's Little Monster", is terrifyingly powerful!

Even, the former Sannin and Raikage, at this little monster's age, I'm afraid they can't stop his footsteps!


Just when this series of thoughts turned around, the corner of his mouth broke into a silent and miserable smile.

What evasion and priority killing!

At this level, only Sannin and Kageru can deal with it!

If it wasn't for the three generations of Tsuchikage-sama and...


But at this time, Qianye, who exhaled a breath, seemed to have discovered the change in the palm of the hand, which is one of the best masters in the original book, Yan Yin, and couldn't help but glanced at it. After this glance, his face suddenly changed. Change.

what happened?

This feeling...

Could it be!

At this moment, in Qianye's slightly joyful eyes, the color of joy froze in an instant, and turned into a color of astonishment in an instant.

At this moment, in his eyes, this Yanyin ninja whose head is almost half embedded in the soil, the miserable smile on the corner of his mouth is getting stiffer bit by bit, and the wide-opened expression that reveals shock and disbelief The turned eyes dimmed a little bit.

Then, as the eyes dimmed and the miserable smile solidified, Yan Yin's skin also dimmed bit by bit.


At this moment, a crack burst out from Yanyin's forehead abruptly, passed through the dim eyes and cheeks, and spread to the corner of the mouth.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Then, after this crack, like a signal, a series of cracks quickly covered this Yan Yin's head!

And as the cracks spread, Yanyin's skin and clothes instantly turned into the color of loess.


It's an earth avatar!

At this moment, the hairs on Qianye's back stood up suddenly, and her eyes suddenly looked back!

It's a bait!

And in his mind, such a thought quickly flashed through!

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