Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 972: Decision!

At this time, Naruto Office.


Looking at the information in his hands, the Third Hokage couldn't help but let out a low cry, he almost stood up, stabilized himself, and then slowly sat down.

Unexpectedly, Yan Yin launched such an intensive surprise attack. He raided three of our logistics supply points and a logistics camp at once... and there was no warning. It seems that there is already a result behind Yun Yin .

After sitting down, Sandai Hokage let out a long breath before calming down a little.

"Ahem! Ahem! Ahem!"

Then, after exhaling this breath, he suddenly covered his mouth and started coughing. The more he coughed, the more intense he coughed until his whole body was curled up, and the blood spilled on his palms before barely stopping.


And when he stopped, he was also gasping for breath, and it took him a while to recover. After looking at the blood coughed up in his hand, he slowly put down the information in his hand, and then leaned on the Hokage armchair while using the Wiping the blood off his hands with a handkerchief, he closed his eyes, seeming to recover.

If Qianye was here, seeing the appearance of the third Hokage, I'm afraid he would sigh inwardly.

Obviously, the state of the third Hokage is already very bad.

It seems that my state can't keep me energetic enough until this Ninja World War is over.

Afterwards, after closing his eyes, a trace of bitterness appeared in his heart.

He is very clear about his physical condition. Although he has undergone a lot of medical treatment, the high-intensity work like Hokage coincides with the third Ninja World War, and the village is still at a disadvantage. Two people, one is commanding the battle on the front line, and the other is performing a secret mission. The pressure on his shoulders can be imagined. This is another few days of sleepless nights. No matter how good the medicine is, it will have no effect. It will get worse, just a little bit of delay.

In the end, it is still impossible for me to finish this Ninja World War as Hokage. Even if the Xiumeng peace talks are close at hand, I am afraid that there is no way to continue.

The fourth generation of Hokage will eventually appear in the third Ninja World War.

But what was bitter in his heart was such a thing.

It's not that he is greedy for power and position, but that even if the Ninja World War is over, the Xiumeng peace talks will be a huge test for Hokage. Now it is impossible for any ninja village to destroy a ninja village in the war. At the end of the war, although There will be winners and losers, but it is impossible for a certain ninja village to die out. The final peace talks of Xiumeng is the final battlefield.

How to take the initiative to negotiate peace and repair the alliance based on the advantages on the battlefield, or how to avoid the loss of the village to the greatest extent because of the disadvantages on the battlefield, and let the war end peacefully, is the final battle.

But now, let the fourth generation of Hokage go to such negotiations just after ascending to the position of Hokage, and the opponents are basically the shadows who have experienced the Second Ninja World War. It is really a bit reluctant to be the fourth generation.

Originally, he planned to survive this half a year. According to the current battle situation, no matter whether Konoha wins or loses, the third Ninja World War will definitely end within half a year, and as long as he survives this half year, he can end this war. Finished on the negotiating table, and then handed over to the fourth generation, so that the fourth generation will continue to grow up in dealing with post-war problems, and finally become a truly qualified Hokage. At that time, he can also retire and take care of his body. up.

To be honest, for him, after so many years of being Hokage, he is a little physically and mentally exhausted, and he should also step down and pass it on to the next generation.

Moreover, the third ninja world war is now the time when various legends and famous ninjas are rising, and it is also the best time to choose the next generation.

It's time for him to pass the baton to the next generation, and it's time for him to pay some attention to the people he has always owed.

It's just that if the baton is handed over to the fourth generation like this, it will always make him a little bit unable to retreat, and he will always be a little worried.


Unexpectedly, the children in the village are so strong, but it's me, Hokage, who will go wrong in the end...

A series of thoughts flashed through his mind, Sandai Hokage slowly opened his eyes, and sighed slightly, the afterglow of dusk shone in from the window behind him, coating his slightly decadent body with The afterglow of the setting sun.

However, according to my current state, there is not much advantage in carrying out the Xiumeng peace talks.

no way……

Perhaps, this is fate!

It was also under such circumstances that Mr. Tomona handed over the position of Hokage to me. Succession is a test of war. Now the third generation takes over the position of Hokage from me, which is also a test of war.

Thinking of this, Sandai Hokage didn't think too much about it, picked up the information again, read it carefully, took a breath, pushed aside the messy scrolls on the table, and finally got the information on the scroll with two names written on it. The partially concealed scroll dropped its gaze.

The surprise attack on Yan Yin this time can already be seen, so I don't need to think about it anymore.

After moving from the three characters "Oshemaru" to the four characters "Namikaze Minato", the question that Sandai Hokage had been thinking about since the beginning of the war finally had an answer.


If I choose this way, I can't be too hasty about some things.

After the decision was made, the Third Hokage found a scroll from the scrolls that were pulled aside, and slowly opened the scroll with the cover engraved with "Extreme Secret".


Recently, I have become more and more unable to understand your thoughts!

Reflecting in his eyes the densely packed encrypted code words on the scroll, Sandai Hokage gently pursed his lips. He did not doubt Danzo's best friend's loyalty to Konoha, but there were some things that he could not agree with his best friend. unanimous.


How long has it been since we had a good conversation...

How long has it been since we haven't had a good heart-to-heart...

After reading the code words one by one, Sandai Hokage couldn't help but think a little dullly, and the scene of running in the bright sunshine with this best friend in his childhood could not help appearing in his mind.


After reading the ciphertext, and after the scenes flashed in his mind, Sandai Hokage couldn't help murmuring.

Then, after a trace of inexplicable depression flashed in his eyes, Sandai Hokage gently opened the last part of the scroll with the name written on it, revealing the third name on it.

"Come on, help me call Kenshin over."

After looking at the name for a while, the Third Hokage seemed to have finally made up his mind and spoke.


Then, somewhere in Hokage's office, there was a slight echo.

And after responding, there seemed to be something or someone left, and there was a feeling that Hokage's office was slightly opened up.

"Notify Huoma, his team, that the mission has officially started, and the mission objective remains unchanged."

At this moment, the Third Hokage gave another order.


Then, there was another slight response, and Hokage's office seemed to open up a bit.

Although I don't know if this decision is right or wrong, but I believe...

I won't regret it!

After finishing the order, Sandai Hokage looked at the third name again, and then brought up this scroll.


The flame ignited instantly, gradually burning the scroll with three names written on it into ashes.


And at this moment, on the other side, Chiba rushing out of the primeval forest...

It fell on the ground!

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