Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 975 Illusion?



"Crack clap clap!"

With the sound of crashing, countless small stones splashed out, flew into the air, and fell down with a splash, hitting the back of the figure standing slightly back with his hands knotted, and the There was a puffing sound on the half squatting boy.

However, as if he didn't feel it, amidst the sound of the pebbles, whether it was the standing figure or the half-squatting figure on the ground, they all remained motionless, as if they didn't feel anything.

It was as if, when the stone was hit, they felt nothing at all, and they couldn't arouse their pain nerves at all. The two of them seemed to have lost their pain sensation.

And apart from the fact that they seem to have no pain, the expressions on their faces and the expressions in their eyes are almost exactly the same, they are all surprised, bewildered and confused!

The only difference may be that one of them is standing and looking down, and the other is squatting and looking up.

It seemed that both of them were stunned.

Then, after the next second, the surprised, dazed and confused expressions on their faces and eyes began to slowly change.

How...how is it possible...


Absolutely impossible!

Huoguang opened his eyes bit by bit, reflecting the two burning emerald flames in his eyes, an expression of shock, horror, and disbelief slowly appeared on his face and eyes, and his figure also slightly changed. Started a little stiff.


This is impossible!

It has been foolproof, this position, this timing, has been perfectly used!

how come?

How come it doesn't work?

But the shock and disbelief in his heart was much more than what he showed.

It was the first time he encountered such a situation!

The illusion has been cast, with perfect timing, perfect preparation, and perfect release. Then, the kid in front of him, the subject of the spell, has not changed at all. His expression and eyes are completely different from the appearance of being under the illusion.


Although the young man in front of him is not moving, the fire can still tell that this young man is not immobile because of illusion.

This is... his illusion?

This little rock flying all over the sky?

And at this time, the expression on Qianye's face also slowly changed, but unlike Huoguang, his expression did not change in the direction of horror and disbelief, but a dazed and confused expression on his face. It deepened little by little, and turned into a kind of doubt, and even the brows began to wrinkle.

However, it seems that Chakra has no disorder at all...

The body also seems to be able to move freely.

The scene has not changed either!

Not to mention the feeling of being hit by Hirohiko's Sharingan illusion, there is a clear feeling of entering an illusion.


Is it this unique illusion of fire?

As the frown and doubts on his face became more and more obvious, Qianye's heart was full of doubts.

Although he has no talent for illusion, nor has he learned any illusion, but his understanding of illusion, from the mouths of Hirohiko and Xue Nai and some accidental opportunities, he is not ignorant of illusion, and even, not only is he not ignorant I know it, and I understand it quite thoroughly, and even experienced the illusion countless times.

Moreover, it was Hirohiko's Sharingan illusion, which is inherently talented in illusion. It can be said that unless it was a kaleidoscope-level illusion, no illusion could make him be in the illusion, but he could not feel that it was an illusion.

Although this Huoguang is a Ninja Phantasm Three-Cultivator and ranks first in Yanyin Village, it does not mean that his illusion can reach the same level as the kaleidoscope-level illusion.

If he really has this level, then he must be an S-rank ninja, not an ordinary ninja. Iwain is definitely promoting him as a nuclear weapon, as a deterrent, not just for a jounin. , In the village and the village, I can't hear anything about his deeds.

S-level illusion ninjas, even if Iwagakushi does not publicize them, I am afraid that other ninja villages will have relevant information for fighting ninjas during the war and enjoy celebrity treatment.

Therefore, it is impossible for Chiba to not feel the illusion with the illusion of firelight!

As for Huoguang using illusion, the reason why Qianye is so sure is that, firstly, he called out illusion, and secondly, judging from his current performance, if it is not illusion, or he is calling illusion on purpose, it is If you want to attract his attention, and the intention is to use ninjutsu, then his ninjutsu or taijutsu should hit him on the head now, and he will definitely not stare at him.

And the shout of this illusion, of course, is not Huoguangzhonger, I think it is a domineering cry, but, this may be the condition for his illusion to be performed, this should be an illusion triggered by hearing, the previous "snap" is like clapping hands The sound, and that shout, may be a kind of psychological hint to the enemy before the illusion is cast, that is, the trigger condition.

Obviously, Huoguang used illusion, and he should have been tricked. And what he was puzzled about was that he, who was recruited, didn't have any problems at all.

What exactly is going on?

It is unlikely that a ninja of Huoguang's level has not completed the illusion after casting it... and judging by his demeanor, he should feel that it will not fail.


Is my deduction wrong, all of this is actually an illusion, Huoguang is a master of illusion, or, something happened that I don't know, that...

Finally, after a series of doubts flashed across, Qianye's thoughts converged into one.


However, before all the thoughts in his mind had turned around, the sizzling sound of electric current sounded along with the blue and white brilliance from the shoulders, abdomen, and tops of both sides of the head of Huoguang standing in front of him.

Oh no!

forget about the back...

But at this time, when the electric current sounded, the unbelievable color of the flame gradually became stronger, his figure froze suddenly, his face changed drastically, and he looked back subconsciously.

This is!

At the same time, Qianye also reacted instantly, the bewilderment in his eyes disappeared instantly, and an awe-inspiring look emerged.


At this moment, the blue and white brilliance suddenly solidified, and the insolent thunder burst out from behind the stiff fire light, dancing wildly and flickering behind the fire light.


In an instant, under Qianye's semi-squatting feet, the cracked pit floor suddenly began to crack again.

This thunder, this sound, if it is an illusion, the fire can't create it!

This familiar voice!

I'm afraid, in this Naruto world, it's only the second tweet!

Well, that said, it's now real!

There is only one thing I should do!

At this time, in Qianye's slightly heavy figure, there was a pair of pupils, and the adult Yanyin who looked back abruptly in the reflection.


The next moment, the ground under his feet exploded violently, and his figure disappeared from the spot amidst the flying debris.

It's over!

But at this moment, Huo Guang's figure who turned his head back suddenly stopped, and the expression of shock on his face suddenly froze.

That Taki Chiba too!

At this moment, his eyes were already full of despair in the blue electric light!

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