Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 980 Decision!

Hirohiko... Yukina...

Why...why at this time?

what to do?

What next?

What does all this mean?

How can I remedy this?

What should we do now?

What should I do?

Staring blankly at Obito who couldn't hear her own words, and finished speaking on her own to save Hirohiko and Yukina, Chiba's lips parted, but she couldn't say a word, and her whole body was stiff on the spot.

This scene was something he never expected.

Obito was about to die, and Hirohiko and Yukina, who thought they were safe, were told that they were in danger, and Obito even asked Obito to say such things.

Obviously, what Obito meant was to sacrifice his chance of being rescued in exchange for the chance of rescuing Hirohiko and Xue Nai.

Judging from these words and Obito's response to Lin's "but" just now, Hirohiko and Xue Nai's situation is quite critical.

Even Lin and Kakashi thought there was no hope.

Chiba doesn't think that Yi Lin and Kakashi, who has stepped out of the shadow of the past, will let Hirohiko and Yukina let them go. There must be their reasons for this.

Lin and Kakashi are not selfish people, they can be said to be able to distinguish between right and wrong.

Moreover, Hirohiko and Xue Nai are also partners who can be handed over to them. If it is possible, how can they let it go.


But at this moment, seeing Qianye's complete shock and trembling eyes, Lin was slightly startled, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to pat Qianye's shoulder, but after seeing Qianye's reaction, her expression suddenly changed , couldn't help but began to shake Chiba, and exclaimed in his mouth.

How... what to do?

At the same time, her heart also panicked. This is the first time she has seen Qianye like this. Based on her understanding of Qianye during this period of time, apart from being a crazy medical experiment madman, Qianye is just a single-minded person who doesn't understand the cultivation of a girl's mind at all. Madman, however, it is undeniable that he is different from ordinary cultivation idiots. On the contrary, he is the most calm, calm and far-sighted of all his partners, and he has not even seen his mistakes.

And now, she has never seen such a stunned and panicked look like this, and how can a partner who is the most calm, calm and far-sighted show such an expression, how can she not panic.

After all, this is not a village, on the contrary, it is still on the battlefield, not to mention the matter of Obito, Hirohiko, and Yukina, if Chiba remains in this state, it is also an extremely dangerous thing.

"Dah... bang..."

And at this moment, when Lin was shaking Chiba worryingly, one hand suddenly let go of Chiba's ankle, grabbed twice, and finally caught Chiba. Chennai things while idling in the hands of the mid-air.

"Qian...Qianye, after...after saving Hirohiko and Xue Nai, can...can you say...thank you to Hirohiko for me...that...for that matter, I really...thank you so much gone."

Afterwards, Obito's weaker and weaker voice came, and during the words, the corners of Obito's mouth were still raised, as if he believed in Chiba's rescue of Hirohiko and Xue Nai in his own words. .

Bring soil!

At this sound, Qianye, who felt his hand being held, suddenly woke up from his thoughts, his trembling eyes suddenly cleared, almost a shock, and quickly woke up.

"Bring soil..."

But at this moment, hearing Obito's words, Lin couldn't help murmuring, subconsciously stopped shaking Chiba, her eyes fell on the bloody smile, her lips pursed slightly, and the eyes in her eyes There was a flash of hesitation.

"Please, Chiba..."

Then, the second half of Obito's sentence came.

"Bring soil!"

But at the moment when these words came, Qianye's eyes suddenly opened, his expression flashed in horror, but he suddenly looked down, and suddenly exclaimed in his mouth.


The hand holding him slowly fell down and hit the ground.

"Bring soil!"

Afterwards, Lin also let out an exclamation.

"what happened!"

Amidst the two exclamations, Kakashi finally couldn't hold back anymore, his figure turned around, and his gaze came down.

At this time, where the eyes of the three people met, Obito's weak breathing seemed to have stopped, and the bloody smile at the corner of his mouth was also slowly solidifying.


Wait a minute, Obito!

Wait a moment!

Seeing Obito's appearance, Chiba's heart tightened suddenly, and the brilliance of medical chakra suddenly appeared in his hand, and it moved towards Obito's body flickering.


However, before he put his hand on Obito's body, a light white jade hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed his wrist.

"Lin! What are you doing?"

Being caught abruptly, Chiba's hand paused, but she suddenly looked to the side. At this moment, the hand stretched out from the side could only be Lin.

"Don't waste Chakra."

Then, before he finished speaking, Pang Lilin's words came over, and at this time, in his eyes, on Lin's face with tears still hanging, it was full of determination, as if to do something. What big decisions are made in general.


Seeing this scene, Kakashi, who was about to rush down from above, also stopped abruptly, an inexplicable brilliance flashed in his eyes, but he stood on the spot and did not rush down, and in his heart, It sinks and sinks, and finally freezes on this word, which belongs to the name of another close friend of his.


Then, from the bottom of the pit, a slightly astonished voice rang out.

"What you have to do now is to save Hirohiko and Yukina, you can't waste Chakra here, even if you save Obito now, if something happens to Hirohiko and Yukina, then I'm afraid Obito won't happy."

Then, under Qianye's dumb gaze, Lin gritted her teeth and said decisively.


But upon hearing this sound, Chiba's eyes turned for a moment, and he glanced at Obito lying on the ground, his lips parted slightly, and he was about to refute.

Although he didn't know what to choose before, should he use up all his chakra to save Obito, or give up Obito to save Hirohiko and Yukina, but after hearing Obito's words, he still thought about it when he was dying. In front of Hirohiko and Obito's friends, how could he give up Obito's life.

At this moment, apart from fate, Chiba also sincerely wanted to save Obito.

It is understandable to say that Obito always considered Lin's safety when he was dying, but although Hirohiko and Yukina are also good friends, compared to Lin's position in Obito's heart, they are far behind. Now Obito didn't say a word about Lin's matter, and only asked himself to save Hirohiko and Yukina.

Chiba doesn't know if this Obito is the nature of Obito in the original book, but he knows that he must not give up this Obito.


However, before he could finish his words after the "but", he was completely interrupted by Lin's sudden slap.


Then, Kakashi's exclamation came from above his head.

"Go save Xue Nai, and Hirohiko."

At this time, as if she didn't hear Kakashi's exclamation, Lin looked at Chiba, paused every word, and spoke with determination.

At this moment, looking at Lin's decisive eyes, Qianye, whose cheeks were slightly flushed, opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

The look in his blood-like eyes made him...

Can't say a word.

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