Next, sort out the information...

Amidst the howling wind, the primitive giant trees flying back and forth in front of my eyes seemed to turn into phantoms, forming a phantom tree row, and Chiba turned into a very faint figure, flying at the limit speed in this primitive forest fly by.

And the direction to go is the way he just came.

Yes, at this moment, he is returning as fast as he can, to the place where he came, that is, the place where he thought the fate happened, that is, the place where the hidden fire and light set up the earth clone.

After he decided to rescue Hirohiko and Xue Nai, Lin simply told him how Hirohiko and Xue Nai were in danger.

And according to this simple statement, Chiba also roughly understood what happened.

After separating from Namikaze Minato, the Minato class, Hirohiko and Yukina had been on a smooth journey. Under the vigilance of Hirohiko and Yukina's sharing eyes and white eyes, they can often know the danger ahead from hundreds of meters away. Prepare before the danger. Although I didn't encounter Iwahik's troops or ninjas, I still found several hidden traps. It can be said that I avoided a lot of dangers in advance, the speed of travel was accelerated, and I saved a lot of time. .

Everything was going well at first, and with the addition of two strong supporters, Hirohiko and Yukina, no matter whether it was Kakashi, Obito or Rin, or even Hirohiko and Yukina, they were all very optimistic about completing the task, and in terms of time, they were also very optimistic. Can be much earlier.

And the sooner the Shenwubi bridge is blown up, the sooner the village will be out of danger, and the balance of victory in this battle will be tilted towards the village.

Even, Xue Nai also analyzed that this Kannabi Bridge mission is likely to be the last key battle of this ninja war. After this mission is completed, the war is almost over.

The four of them believed in Xue Nai's analysis.

At the same time, after Xue Nai finished the analysis, they almost reached the huge bamboo forest on the route.

Then, at this moment, Xue Nai's white eyes found the enemy.

Soon, after they found the enemy, they encountered the first enemy, who was dressed in a black cloak and was covered in a black cloak.

However, because they had discovered the enemy in advance and were already prepared, something unexpected happened. Hirohiko, who was lying in ambush as a backup or took the opportunity to make a surprise attack, suddenly stood in front of them and shouted in a deep voice to tell them to run.

At that time they were stunned for a moment, it was the first time they saw such an abnormal Hong Yan.

Then, next, their minds went blank.


After Hirohiko finished the words telling them to run, their minds were blank, and when they realized it, Hirohiko and Xue Nai were gone, and in front of them were only messy footprints and pieces of blood.

Immediately, they followed the footprints and bloodstains, and then encountered two Yanyin attacks.

Next, Lin was taken away and taken to the place where Qianye found them.

Then, because it has nothing to do with Xue Nai and Hirohiko, Lin didn't go into details, and Chiba could roughly guess what happened. Basically, it was a battle scene similar to the original book, which eventually led to Obito Pressed by the boulder, Kakashi transplanted Obito to the Sharingan that was opened because of the camouflage Hidden Rock in this battle...

From Lin's mouth, it can be inferred.

Hirohiko and Xue Nai should have put up a fierce resistance before being taken away, and looking at the blood stains, Hirohiko and Xue Nai should have suffered serious injuries and were taken away after falling into a coma.

The direction of being taken away is the due west direction of the bamboo forest.

Recalling every detail that Lin said in her mind, Qianye pondered in her heart, extracting useful information from it.

At the same time, through analysis, the anxiety about the situation of Hirohiko and Xue Nai caused by Lin's narration will be bit by bit.

After all, Hirohiko and Xue Nai are one of the few people he has the deepest affection in this world, and they even get along day and night. Although they are not good at expressing, their concern for each other is self-evident.

Qianye couldn't imagine how he would face the loss if he lost either of them.

And the person who kidnapped Yukina and Hirohiko could make their minds go blank without knowing it, it should be some kind of special ability, or illusion, even, he can make Kakashi also be recruited in an instant, his strength must be Far above Kakashi!

Look at what Lin said when I stopped Kakashi from going with me before I left, "The only hope for this matter is Chiba, and we still have to complete the mission of Kannabi Bridge" Come out, Lin has already seen that it is impossible for Kakashi to defeat the enemy who kidnapped Hirohiko and Xue Nai.

Lin said this sentence because she was taking care of Kakashi.

Moreover, the tone of the words, even Lin felt that I might not be able to deal with this enemy.

Perhaps this is why Lin didn't tell me about it at first, and Kakashi knew it well, so he didn't say anything.

And the reason why you want to go with me afterwards is purely because you are worried about me.

Although Lin may not be a fighting ninja with vicious eyes, a truly terrifying enemy does not require the vicious eyes of observers. It can make people like Lin who don't have vicious eyes see "scary", and even let her judge the surroundings. No one can match it, this kind of horror is the most terrible!

Because, this is likely to represent...

Overwhelming power!

But with the deepening of the analysis, Qianye's heart was slowly sinking, and he had vaguely noticed that next, he would very likely face a life-and-death struggle. enemy.

Let's see that this enemy made the three of Kakashi fall into a blank state for a moment. The difficulty of this enemy, or the degree of lethality, is likely to surpass the third generation of Raikage.

Even now, he actually had an ominous premonition.

This time, he might...

I can't come back!

That's right, just can't come back.

No matter facing any enemy, even the third generation of Raikage, he has never had this feeling before he has seen the enemy or actually fought.

This is the first time!

However, even so, he had no intention of backing down.

If it were him who had just obtained the Bamen Dunjia and only wanted to protect himself, he would 100% choose not to take this muddy water and get out of it, doing this kind of wise move that was so-called seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages in the previous life.

However, the current him is not the previous him after all.

Perhaps, in the eyes of many people in the previous life, the current him, who can protect himself wisely and save his life, but insists on running wherever there is danger, or risking life and death for others, is simply hopelessly stupid, and may even have to I was scolded by those egoist trolls as "Holy Mother".

However, in this world full of darkness, in this war-torn era where life and death may be in a flash, Chiba knows how lucky it is to be such a fool who can go through life and death for a friend and a partner.

In this world, in this era, there are still many people who don't even have the chance to save their partners, and regret it for the rest of their lives. Some people even have to kill their partners.

It is true that the previous life was much more secure and comfortable, but in a world where there is no blood and fire, only money and self-centeredness, that kind of indifference can be chilled to the heart.

He would rather be in this world, in this age, to be such a fool who would risk his life and death for his partner.

At least, his heart, which was warmed by those who cared about him, was still warm.

Besides, there are Hirohiko and Xue Nai in front of them, these two names alone are worth his life and death!

Even if you can't come back, so what?

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