Konoha, The Opening Fusion Gojo Satoru

Chapter 119 The Conversation Between Fugaku And Satoru

Chapter 119 The Conversation Between Fugaku and Satoru

Hearing these five short words, Itachi's pupils were a little shocked. As a very mature person, he naturally knew that what the word "Lei" expressed was definitely more than just the literal meaning.

"If it is to pay this price to open Sharingan, then I would rather not have these eyes."

Itachi stared into Fugaku's eyes, and said in a serious tone.

"Even if you don't want your own eyes, some things have to be experienced, and you can't escape or avoid them."

The Uchiha clan used to have people like Itachi who had very naive ideas, but without exception, even if they didn't want the power of the Uchiha clan, this power still existed in their bodies.

The departure of close friends or relatives is unavoidable for everyone, and no one knows which will come first, tomorrow or the accident, but at least when the Uchiha family loses these things, they will also get corresponding rewards.

"I will protect everyone around me."

Itachi said seriously.

Fugaku's eyes were also fixed on Itachi's eyes.

"Then I hope you can do what you say, but Sharingan's method of opening eyes is not the only one, what I just told you is the most cruel method.

Generally, people with relatively high talents, as long as their emotions fluctuate violently, they also have a chance to open their eyes, but this kind of chance is very small.

But if it's You Itachi, I believe you can do it. "

"Even if Itachi wants to use the first method to open his eyes, it will be very difficult."

At this moment, a voice suddenly reached the ears of the two of them, and the two looked in the direction of the sound, only to see that Hatake Satoru had appeared on a tree next to them at some point.

Judging from what he said, it was obvious that he had been here for a long time.

"Teacher Wu, why are you here?"

Itachi asked curiously.

"It's normal to come and see what my best students are doing."

Afterwards, Satoru jumped down from the tree and landed in front of the two of them.

"Hatake Jōnin, I've heard of you for a long time."

Fugaku held out a hand to Satoru.

"I have long admired the daimyo, the Fugaku patriarch."

Satoru stretched out a hand to hold him.

"Thanks to Hatake Jōnin's teachings, our Itachi became so strong."

"The main reason is that Itachi's talent is good enough, coupled with his own hard work, even without me, Itachi can become stronger."

Hearing what Hatake Satoru said, Fugaku had a smile on his face. After all, everyone wants to hear praise for their son from others.

Although Hatake Satoru and Uchiha Fugaku are both Jōnin of Konoha Village, they rarely meet each other. Hatake Satoru often disappears when he is alone, and Uchiha Fugaku, as the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, is naturally very busy with business. Rarely leave the Uchiha clan's land.

However, Fugaku has always wanted to find an opportunity to meet Hatake Satoru. In addition to thanking him for teaching his son, he also wanted to see what makes Hatake Satoru different from ordinary people and has such a powerful strength. .

"But what did Hatake Jōnin mean by that sentence?"

Uchiha Fugaku asked a little puzzled.

"For Itachi, there are few people who can walk into his heart. The first is his family, but I think the Fugaku patriarch will definitely protect his family."

"I am very sure of that."

Uchiha Fugaku nodded. With Mangekyō Sharingan, he is confident that he can protect his family under any circumstances.

"The second is Itachi's teammates, that is, the few of us, but my strength is naturally needless to say, the person who wants to kill someone in my hands has not yet been born."

"That's true."

Fugaku nodded again. Although he has never seen Hatake Satoru make a move, he knows that Hatake Satoru is a stronger person than him. This is why Fugaku let Itachi stay in Hatake Satoru's team. Hatake Satoru has enough strength Keep the ferret safe.

If it was just an ordinary Jōnin leading Itachi, Fugaku would have protested against Fourth Hokage.

"The last is Itachi's best friend. As far as I know, there is only one Itachi's best friend, and that is Uchiha Shisui, and Shisui's strength naturally doesn't need me much. I think the Fugaku clan leader knows more about Shisui's strength than I do. Strong, so based on the above points, I don’t think Itachi’s eye-opening experience will be as miserable as you, Fugaku patriarch.”

"Sure enough, it is Hatake Jōnin, both in terms of strength and IQ. He is very superb. I am really relieved that I can entrust Itachi to you.

Hatake Jōnin, would you like to come to my house with me, so that I can treat you well as a landlord. "

"That's not necessary. I just want to tell Itachi, don't forget about the assembly tomorrow. Although cultivation is very important, the task is also very important."

"Don't worry, Teacher Wu, I will definitely gather on time tomorrow."

"Well, then I'll go first, Chief Fugaku, see you when we have a chance."

"Okay, Hatake Jōnin, come to my house if you have a chance."

After speaking, Hatake Satoru's figure disappeared directly in front of the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, Fugaku's face became very serious.

"What's the matter, father?"

Itachi noticed the change in Fugaku's face and asked.

"As expected, it is Hatake Satoru. After watching us there for so long, I didn't notice anything."

With Mangekyō Sharingan turned on, even if he doesn't usually open his eyes, his perception is much stronger than that of ordinary people, but just now he didn't find any trace of Satoshi, which is really scary.

Thinking of this, Fugaku couldn't help but sweat a little. If Hatake Satoru wanted to harm him just now, then he might not even have the chance to resist.

"As expected, he is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan. The aura on his body is really terrifying."

Hatake Satoru, who returned home, carefully recalled the scene of meeting Fugaku just now.

Before he was exposed, Fugaku behaved normally, but after he made a sound to expose, Fugaku's whole body was full of vigilance, and all the muscles in his body were fully activated.

As long as Satoru makes any moves that are unfavorable to the two of them, Fugaku will react immediately.

And through the observation of the six eyes, he also saw a very special Chakra in Fugaku's eyes, which is very powerful and strange.

This made Satoru suddenly become interested in the Ōtsutsuki clan. You must know that almost every Ōtsutsuki clan has its own special ability, and Baiyan and Rinnegan are already very common things for them.

"If you fight with them, it shouldn't be so boring."

A look of anticipation appeared on Satoru's face.

But it's still too early to think about it. The time when the Ōtsutsuki clan really appeared can be said to be the time when Boruto passed on.

"If you have a chance, you must go to the base camp of the Ōtsutsuki clan for a stroll."

(end of this chapter)

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