Konoha, The Opening Fusion Gojo Satoru

Chapter 129 Controlled Villagers

Chapter 129 Controlled Villagers

Originally, it took two days to travel, but it may be because the hearts of several people were full of anger that they couldn't help speeding up a lot. It took only one and a half days to reach the village mentioned in the information. up.

"Is that the village?"

Several people stood on a cliff, and the village below the cliff was the village mentioned in the information.

"Well, that's right."

Leaning against a tree, Wu could not help but frown, revealing a trace of weirdness everywhere.

"It feels like the villagers in this village seem to be a little abnormal."

Itachi also activated Sharingan to observe the situation in the village.

He found that the villagers in this village seemed to be like puppets, no matter what they did or did, they seemed lifeless, and their eyes were full of emptiness.

"Let's go down quickly, Teacher Wu."

After all, Tianma planned to jump directly, but was directly held down by Wu with one hand.

"What are you doing, Teacher Wu?"

Tianma asked in a puzzled tone.

"Don't worry, now that we appear in front of them, we are just trying to scare the snake away. There are no members of the 'Fire Cult' yet. When they appear, it will not be too late for us to act."

"Yes, Gastrodia, don't be too impulsive."

Xinzi also advised from the side.

"okay, I get it."

Afterwards, several people quietly hid on the cliff, staring at the movements of the villagers.

Time soon reached the night, at this time, the villagers who had turned off the lights to rest suddenly came out of the house one by one, and a fiery red flame mark appeared on their foreheads.

All the villagers walked in one direction.

"Teacher Wu, what's the matter?"

"They're under control now."

Before Satoru could speak, Itachi spoke first, his blood-red Sharingan looked a little coquettish in the dark night.

"That special red mark on their forehead has a special Chakra that controls their brains, controls their actions."

Although Itachi's tone of voice was very calm, he could still feel the suppressed anger in his heart.

Even for ninjas, controlling a person's spirit and actions may leave certain sequelae, let alone ordinary people who don't have any Chakra in their bodies.

"Then let's stop them quickly."

After speaking, Gastrodia Ma planned to start acting again.

But this time it was held down by Itachi.

"What are you doing, Itachi?"

Gastrodia asked a little puzzled, with a hint of anger in his tone.

"If I'm not wrong, there should be people from the 'Agni Cult' where they are going. In order to uproot this group of beasts, I think we should quietly follow behind them and find out where those people are hiding. Land, move again."

Afterwards, Itachi turned his attention to Hatake Satoru, he was just a proposal, as for whether to implement it, Hatake Satoru has the final say.

"Itachi is right, follow behind them and wait for the opportunity."


A few people jumped off the cliff directly and followed the villagers. For their ninjas, hiding their figure can be said to be a compulsory course.

However, a few people walked behind these villagers for an hour, but the group of villagers still showed no sign of stopping.

"It seems that this group of people is very vigilant."

Gastrodia and the others didn't have any complaints, and soon realized that something was wrong. The villagers seemed to be walking in circles.

"Teacher Wu, have we been discovered?"

Gastrodia quickly came to Hatake Satoru and asked in a low voice.

"Probably not, just keep following and you'll know."


Finally, after another nearly an hour, the group of villagers finally changed direction.

All of a sudden, Gastrodia and Xinzi were refreshed in an instant.

"Hurry up and follow."

At this time, I saw these villagers came to the foot of a mountain, and in front of them was a very steep cliff.

"There's no way, what's going on?"

As soon as Tian Ma's voice fell, a hole appeared on the cliff in front of these villagers, and then the villagers walked in one by one, and when the last villager went in, the entrance disappeared directly.

"The road is gone."

Gastrodia hurried to catch up, but it was still a step too late.

He tapped the cliff with his hand, it was hard and felt like a stone.

"This is an enchantment, and their hiding place should be behind this enchantment."

Itachi opened Sharingan and saw that the cliff was wrapped by a special Chakra.

"Teacher Wu, what should we do now?"

If you don't find a weak point in the enchantment, it is generally difficult to break it.

"give it to me."

Satoru walked in front of the barrier, clenched his fist, and a black breath directly attached to Hatake Satoru's fist.

"Black Flash."

As Hatake Satoru's voice fell, he swung his fist, and the barrier instantly shattered like glass.

Behind Wu, Itachi, Gastrodia, and Xinzi all watched this scene dumbfounded.

"This is called breaking all laws with one force."

Wu followed Itachi and the others in a show-off tone, although his six eyes immediately found the weakness of the barrier, but it was completely unnecessary, because even if his fist hit the hardest barrier, The parts are also enough.

After the barrier was broken, a hole appeared in front of everyone, but soon, several people heard footsteps coming from inside.

People in red robes ran out of the cave one by one, and surrounded them instantly.

"Ninjas of Konoha, what are you doing here?"

A person who seemed to be the leader of the group said solemnly after seeing the forehead protector they were wearing on Hatake Satoru.

"I just cracked down on your cult half a year ago. I didn't expect that you would dare to appear in the territory of the Fire Kingdom so soon. You are really brave."

Enlightenment found that all of these people had a rather strange Chakra on them.

"Do it, kill them."

As the voice fell, I saw those red-robed men who surrounded Hatake Satoru and the others raised a wooden staff in their hands, and then a fireball appeared directly on the wooden staff, but different from ordinary yellow flames, they used All the flames that came out were blood red.

"Don't hold back, kill them directly."

After Enlightenment's voice fell, Gastrodia and the others started to act one after another, leaving only Hatake Satoru standing in place, letting the fireballs attack him.

Itachi activated the Two Tomoe Sharingan, took out two kunai in his hands, and harvested the lives of these people like a demon.

According to Itachi's observation, all of them are ordinary people, and the fireball can only be released through the wooden stick just now.

Gastrodia and Xinzi also found that this group of people had almost no melee ability, but even though they knew they were going to die in the next second, they still didn't make any evasive movements, as if they were already ready to die , or death is a longing for them.

All those people whose lives were harvested had weird smiles on their faces.

(end of this chapter)

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