Chapter 138 Death Ninja

Time flies, and another half a year has passed. In the past six months, Wu has rarely performed missions with Itachi and the others, because Wu now completely believes in Itachi's strength. Only a few difficult tasks require Wu to lead the team personally. .

But in the past six months, Wu only led the team twice. When Wu didn't lead the team, Itachi was the captain of the entire team. Tianma and Xinzi also obeyed Itachi's words.

It's just that there was hardly any smile on Itachi's face at this time.

For some reason, the conflict between the Uchiha clan and the village has increased a lot recently, as if a conflict may break out at any time.

Perhaps because of the relationship between the family and the village, Itachi rarely accepts tasks now, and Gastrodia and Xinzi also know Itachi's current state of mind, and performing tasks will only increase the danger, so Gastrodia and Xinzi did not urge , exactly, when there is no task, it is regarded as a holiday.

"Teacher Wu, what should I do now?"

In Hatake Satoru's home, Itachi knelt in front of Hatake Satoru with a painful expression on his face. In the past few days, conflicts between the Uchiha clan and other villagers happened every day.

Every day, Itachi felt particularly difficult. He didn't know how to improve this situation. It was obviously not so bad a while ago, but now it seems that there is a big hand behind it to promote the development of this matter.

"At present, all the elders in the clan are discussing the rebellion. I want to stop it, but I don't have the ability."

Itachi clenched his fists tightly, as if expressing his inner pain and unwillingness.

Tears were already streaming from Itachi's eyes. This was the first time Wu saw Itachi shed tears. Before, no matter how hard the training was, no matter how seriously injured he was injured in a mission, Itachi had never cried.

Itachi is actually crying now, one can imagine how much pain he must be feeling in his heart now.

He doesn't want a war between the family and the village, and he doesn't want the villagers and his own people to die because of the war, but now there are only two options in front of him, one is to fight against the village together from the perspective of the family, the other is to stand From the perspective of the village, fight against the family together.

But no matter which side he is on, Itachi will bear the name of a betrayer.

Suddenly, Itachi felt a force in the back of his head, and before he could react, he felt his vision go dark.

"Just do what you want. No matter what you do, I will support you and stand by your side, because you are my disciple."

Enlightenment stroked Itachi's head, and pressed the other's head into his arms.

Feeling this kind of warm embrace immediately made Wu feel much more at ease. He had already forgotten when was the last time he experienced this kind of warmth.

After staying in Wu's arms for a long time, Itachi raised his head again.

"I know what to do, Teacher Wu."

Itachi looked at Hatake Satoru with a determined face.

He just needs to follow his inner thoughts, because he knows that all obstacles he encounters will be solved by his teacher.

Satoru is not qualified to meddle in the affairs of the Uchiha clan, nor does he want to meddle in the affairs of the Uchiha clan, but whoever dares to do something that hurts his disciple will definitely make the other party pay the price.

Although Satoru basically stays at home recently, he knows that there must be someone behind this matter who is fueling the flames and wants to deepen the conflict between the Uchiha clan and the village. It exploded so fast.

"Then I want to leave, Teacher Wu."

"Well, remember, I have always been your strong shield."

When Itachi opened the door, Kakashi was standing at the door.

Itachi simply greeted Kakashi and left immediately.

At this time, Kakashi had a look of envy on his face.

"What's the matter, Kakashi, are you envious? Do you want to come into big brother's arms, big brother's arms are very warm."

Satoru had a mean look on his face and opened his arms towards Kakashi.

Kakashi, who was really envious just now, felt black lines all over his head when he saw Hatake Satoru's appearance.

"I just want to tell you that the conflict between the Uchiha clan and the village seems to be irresolvable."

Kakashi resisted the urge to beat Satoru and said this.

He came here to remind Wu specifically, if Wu is an ordinary Jōnin, it would be fine if his disciple is also an ordinary Uchiha clan member, but unfortunately Wu's disciple is the son of the head of the Uchiha clan, and also the first in the history of the Uchiha clan One day, and Satoru is no ordinary Jōnin.

Therefore, the elders of Konoha are quite concerned about which side Wu's team will be on.

"Oh? Did something happen?"

The expression on Satoru's face became serious in an instant. Since Kakashi had already said that, something irreparable must have happened.

"A ninja in the village died, and the cause of death was caused by illusion. In the ninja world, there are only a handful of people who can use illusion to kill people, but most of these people are from the Uchiha clan.

Although there is no evidence at the scene that the murderer is the Uchiha clan, but for us, it is only a matter of time to find out the truth. The patriarch of the Yamanaka clan has now begun to check the memory of the other party. "

Although Kakashi did not say anything absolutely, everyone knows that it is the Uchiha clan. Although there are many ninjas who are Grandmaster illusions in the ninja world, there should be some who can kill people with illusions, but the ninjas died of In Konoha Village, it is impossible to be a foreign ninja, only one of our own.

"Although there may be someone else behind this incident."

After all, the directivity is too obvious, and the cause of death is like deliberately telling others that the Uchiha clan did it.

"But now the Uchiha clan is the one who is responsible, Hokage-sama will not let this matter go unnoticed. Next, there is a real possibility that war will break out with the Uchiha clan."

Although this news has not spread yet, it will be known by everyone. It will be a matter of time. When Itachi returned to the family, there were many ninjas on the road who looked at Itachi's figure full of anger and fear. Obviously, this The person is the person who knows about it.

After this matter is completely spread, if ordinary villagers know about it, it can be said that we all know what will happen.

The Uchiha clan will definitely be the target of everyone shouting and beating on the street.

Itachi also noticed someone's gaze, and then quickly ran towards the family's territory. For some reason, he now had an ominous premonition in his heart.

When he returned home and found his father and several elders there, he knew that something serious might have happened.

(end of this chapter)

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