Konoha, The Opening Fusion Gojo Satoru

Chapter 160 Itachi, Shisui, S-Rank Rebellious Ninja

Chapter 160 Itachi, Shisui, S-rank rebellious ninja

Early the next morning, the atmosphere of Konoha Village changed instantly. After all, what happened to the Uchiha family cannot be concealed.

The news that the elders of the Uchiha clan were killed has spread, and the threshold of the Fugaku family has almost been broken by other members of the Uchiha clan. They asked Fugaku to find out who killed the elders.

But Fugaku just sat there, closed his eyes, and said nothing.

And Sasuke was in another room, huddling his body into a ball, trembling. Although he was still young, he obviously knew what happened.

The murderer who caused all this was all caused by his big brother, Uchiha Itachi.

Right now, he really wanted to ask a loud question in front of Itachi.

"Why? Why do you want to do this? Why kill the people in the clan? Why kill those elders."

Obviously, the current Sasuke doesn't know the deeper things, he only knows that his big brother has done something that is sorry for the family.

"Patriarch, tell me something. I feel that the murderer must have been done by someone in the village. We might as well go to Hokage directly and ask him to hand him over."

Seeing that Uchiha Fugaku didn't speak, a member of the Uchiha clan couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Who the murderer is is currently under investigation. After the investigation is clear, I will definitely tell you the truth."

Fugaku certainly cannot say that his son did it. After all, if he said so, it would mean that he knew who the murderer was in advance, and if he knew the murderer but did not stop him, his position as the patriarch of the Uchiha clan might be lost.

"Patriarch, what are you still questioning? It must have been done by Konoha. You know, those who died were those who advocated war against Konoha. Konoha must have received some rumors before they were all resolved."

The Uchiha clan said unwillingly.

Although he was not a member of the Hawk Faction, those who died were all members of their clan after all. The so-called prosperity and all damage, such a thing happened, if Konoha does not give a specific answer, they will die in the future. I can't hold my head up even in the village.

At this moment, an Anbu wearing a mask appeared next to Uchiha Fugaku. Under the heavy defense of the Uchiha clan, only Anbu could come to the room where the main members of the Uchiha clan gathered. One person can do it.

"Hatake Kakashi, what are you doing here?"

A member of the Uchiha clan recognized Kakashi's identity, and asked directly. At this time, these Uchiha clan members still had some anger in their hearts, because they had already ordered it to be done by Hokage. Maybe Kakashi was also the murderer. one of them.

"The matter has been investigated clearly. The elders of the Uchiha clan were killed by Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui."


As soon as Kakashi's voice fell, a person from the Uchiha clan with a relatively hot temper immediately began to curse.

Afterwards, other people also responded one after another, and the ugly curses rang in Hatake Kakashi's ears.

"How could Itachi and Shisui do something to harm their own people, don't think about letting our people take the blame."

"Yes, Lord Patriarch, find Itachi and Shisui and let them confront Konoha's people face to face."

One of the clansmen turned the topic back to Fugaku.

"I have already sent people to look for Itachi and Shisui, but there is no trace of them now."

As soon as Fugaku's words fell, the people of the Uchiha clan froze.

At this moment, a bad premonition appeared in their hearts.

"Why did Itachi and Shisui disappear in this situation?"

"Could it be that the two of them really did it?"

"Why it came out like this?"

You know, they regard Itachi and Shisui as the hope for the rise of the Uchiha clan. If the two of them do such a thing, it will be unacceptable to all of them.

"Not only that, but the two also killed Konoha's elder, Shimura Danzō."

Kakashi went on to say that the news of Danzo's death must be told to them as soon as possible, so that the people of the Uchiha clan can have some balance in their hearts.

"Danzo is dead too?"

"Why would they do that?"

Most of the Uchiha clan expressed doubts, but there were also some smart people who were thinking about the reasons why Itachi and Shisui did this.

"Itachi and Shisui are so confused."

A man from the Uchiha family who looked older suddenly burst into tears. Obviously, he already wanted to understand the reason.

Before, it was only the death of the Uchiha clan, he didn't understand, but now with the death of Danzo, he completely understood.

"Old elder, what is going on?"

A member of the Uchiha clan asked eagerly, and the others also cast their gazes at the man. They all wanted to know the reason for Itachi and just doing this.

"The people Itachi and Shisui killed were all people who wanted to start a war, or who were not good for the family. They did this because they wanted the village to live in peace with our Uchiha clan."

"It turned out to be like this?"

After listening to the old man's explanation, everyone showed suddenly enlightened expressions.

"Confused, the two of them are really confused. If you don't want to start a war, we can stop it together. Why did you let yourself go to a dead end?"

At this moment, some hindsights have published their own conclusions.

"Currently, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui have been listed as S-rank rebellious ninja by Master Hokage. Anyone who encounters them can be killed directly."

After seeing everyone calm down, Kakashi sprinkled a handful of salt on everyone's wounds.

Hearing this sentence, Uchiha Fugaku's steady body like a bell didn't feel trembling. Although he knew that both of them had other missions, no one else knew about it.

All they know is that Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui are the murderers of the elders and Elder Konoha.

Uchiha Mikoto was in the small room next to him, hugging Sasuke, weeping uncontrollably.

"Patriarch, even though Itachi and Shisui are for the good of our family, they are also the murderers who killed the elders. I think we, the Uchiha clan, must personally capture these two people."

Although what Uchiha Itachi and Shisui did made them feel sorry, but they had to avenge those dead elders because they were also Uchiha clan.

However, Uchiha Fugaku remained silent and did not reply.

"Patriarch, you can't just protect Itachi just because he is your son."

"Okay, since you all think so, then you can go to see Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui to capture them back at any time, but I can tell you in advance that Uchiha Shisui has opened Mangekyō Sharingan, whether you are his opponents, before departure , weigh it carefully."

Unbeknownst to Fugaku, Itachi had also activated Mangekyō.

Otherwise, he would not be so sad, after all, Fugaku is also a selfish person, if killing a few elders can make Itachi become stronger, Fugaku would be happy to see it.

After all, he who owns Mangekyō Sharingan knows how powerful Mangekyō is.

(end of this chapter)

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