Konoha, The Opening Fusion Gojo Satoru

Chapter 324 Minato's Sneak Attack

Chapter 324 Minato's Sneak Attack

"Mr. Jiraiya, since you decide to go, then you take this, otherwise, no matter what I say, I won't let you go."

Minato took out a Flying Thunder God Kunai and handed it to Jiraiya. Even if Jiraiya is in danger, Minato can use the Flying Thunder God Technique to bring Jiraiya back to Konoha Village in an instant.

"it is good."

Jiraiya naturally knew what Minato was thinking, and directly put Kunai into his ninja bag.

"Then Teacher Jiraiya, I'm in the village, waiting for Ni Guy to come back."

"Don't worry, it will."

Jiraiya said with a smile, then turned around, waved his hands, and left.

Minato also walked slowly to the window, watching Jiraiya's receding figure.

"Ms. Jiraiya, you must be safe."

Minato silently prayed for Jiraiya in his heart.

In the evening, it was already early morning, and the bustling Konoha Village gradually became silent, and then a white-haired figure took advantage of the night and slowly walked towards the outside of Konoha Village.

"Jiraiya, you bastard, are you still going?"

Just as the figure slowly walked out of the gate, a voice suddenly sounded from behind Jiraiya.

"Unexpectedly, I have been waiting until night, and I still haven't got rid of you, Tsunade."

Jiraiya turned around and said in a helpless tone, looking at him, as if he knew that Tsunade was here waiting for him.

"Where's Shizune?"

"Already asleep, such a dangerous thing, naturally you can't take her with you."

"So, Tsunade, I can't take you with me either."

Hearing this sentence, Tsunade seemed to realize something, a yellow figure suddenly appeared behind him, and a hand knife directly slapped Tsunade's neck.

"Jiraiya, Minato, you two bastards."

Even Tsunade was aware of it, but facing Minato, Tsunade couldn't react, and was directly knocked down by Minato's blow. These were the last words he said before fainting.

"I'm sorry, Tsunade-sama."

Minato said something in an apologetic tone, and he didn't know if Tsunade could hear his apology, and even if he heard it, Tsunade would definitely not forgive him before he woke up.

"Teacher Jiraiya, you are really giving me a problem."

Minato said helplessly.

"Minato, Tsunade is left to you."

Although Jiraiya was talking to Minato, he never took his eyes off Tsunade.

"Don't worry, Teacher Jiraiya, I will definitely not let Master Tsunade leave the village for a while."

"Well, I'll be back as soon as possible."

There was a hint of reluctance in Jiraiya's eyes, and he didn't know whether this reluctance was for Konoha Village or for Tsunade.

Looking at the back of Jiraiya who resolutely left, Minato also had tears in his eyes. The reason why Konoha Village became the most powerful ninja village in the ninja world is inseparable from the efforts of people like Jiraiya.

After Jiraiya left, Kushina also ran out of the village in a hurry. Seeing Minato supporting Tsunade, Kushina stepped forward and held Tsunade in her arms.

"Kushina, Master Tsunade will take care of you tonight."

"Okay, you should go back to rest early, it's already so late, and think carefully about how to bear Master Tsunade's anger tomorrow."

Kushina had a schadenfreude look on his face, and Minato had a wry smile on his face.

He knew that after doing such a thing today, Tsunade would definitely not let it go when he woke up tomorrow.

"I can only take one step at a time."

Minato said resignedly.

"Tomorrow morning, I will try my best to persuade Master Tsunade first, but it's hard to say whether it will have any effect."

"It's okay, from the moment I started, I was ready to withstand the storm, you take Master Tsunade back to rest first."

Minato said to Kushina.

"it is good."

Kushina responded, and then a golden light appeared all over his body. Nine Tails Chakra turned into a giant hand, directly grabbed Tsunade, and then directly used the Body Flicker Technique to return home.

Minato didn't go home, but took a short break directly in Hokage's office. After all, the Akatsuki organization has given him a lot of trouble, and there are endless things to deal with every day, and it will be dawn soon, so he will go home It won't take long to rest.

At noon the next day, Tsunade, who was attacked by Minato, showed signs of awakening. He closed his eyes, frowned tightly, rubbed his neck subconsciously, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the strange environment in front of him, the memory of yesterday slowly emerged in his brain, and he sat up immediately, and shouted "Jiraiya".

But the voice that called her name didn't answer her.

"You're awake, Master Tsunade."

At this time, Kushina came in through the door. As soon as Tsunade saw Kushina, Tsunade immediately rang Minato who attacked him yesterday.

In Konoha Village, there are only a handful of people who can successfully attack her. One is the famous white demon, Hatake Satoru, and the other is naturally the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, known as the yellow flash.

And the yellow that flashed into her pupils yesterday was obviously Namikaze Minato.

"What about Minato being such an asshole?"

Thinking of what happened last night, Tsunade's face instantly showed a look of anger, and he questioned Kushina angrily.

She had never spoken to Kushina in this tone before, but now she was so angry.

"Master Tsunade, Minato is naturally dealing with government affairs."

Hearing this, Tsunade immediately lifted the quilt that was changed on his body, then got down and walked towards the door, but was stopped by Kushina who was standing at the door.

"Get out of the way, Kushina."

Tsunade wanted to push Kushina away, but with her strength, there was no push.

"Tsunade-sama, please calm down, Minato has no choice but to do that, and that's also Jiraiya-sensei's order, just like you don't want Shizune to be in danger, Jiraiya-sensei doesn't want you, Tsunade-sama, to be in danger either. "

"Can that be the same?"

Tsunade asked back, Shizune is not strong enough, but Tsunade's strength is comparable to Jiraiya's.

"For Teacher Jiraiya, it's the same, Master Tsunade, you should be able to understand Teacher Jiraiya's feelings for you."

(end of this chapter)

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