Konoha, The Opening Fusion Gojo Satoru

Chapter 341 Five Shadows Meeting

Chapter 341 Five Shadows Meeting

The battle didn't last long. It took Uchiha Itachi just half an hour to finish Five Tails Jinchūriki, while Hoshigaki Kisame took a little longer, about an hour.

However, compared with Itachi's clean and tidy attire, Hoshigaki Kisame looked a little embarrassed at this time. Akatsuki's red cloud and black robe had long since disappeared, and there had been extensive burns on his body. I have to say , The strength of the tailed beast is really powerful.

"As expected of Mr. Itachi, he solved Five Tails so quickly."

Hoshigaki Kisame carried Samehada on his shoulders, looked at Uchiha Itachi and said with a smile.

When he was fighting just now, he also distractedly observed Itachi's battle, but unlike the violent fluctuations in the battle between him and Four Tails, the battle between Uchiha Itachi and Five Tails was very calm, as if there was no battle at all. There was no fighting in general.

"Let's go, Kisame, the people in Rock Shinobi Village must be waking up soon."


After finishing speaking, Kisame carried Samehada on his back, and then carried one in each hand, and left Rock Shinobi Village with two Jinchūriki. Naturally, this kind of hard work has to be solved by the coolies.

An hour after the two left, Third Tsuchikage woke up first. Although Third Tsuchikage is the oldest ninja in Rock Shinobi Village, he is also the most powerful ninja in Rock Shinobi Village.

Sitting up suddenly from the bed, Third Tsuchikage panted heavily. In the dark room, a ray of bright moonlight shone through the window, adding a few lights to the dark room.

"Is it a dream?"

Third Tsuchikage said to himself, after all, the interior of the room was exactly the same as when he was resting, and it didn't look like the intruder came over at all.

"Come here."

Third Tsuchikage yelled at the door, normally Anbu from Rock Shinobi Village would appear beside him as soon as he finished speaking, but this time he waited for half a minute, and there was still a figure nothing.

Suddenly, a bad premonition surged in Third Tsuchikage's heart, and he flew out of the window and stood above Rock Shinobi Village. At this time, the silence of Rock Shinobi Village was a little scary.

"Damn, that's not a dream."

Third Tsuchikage realized the problem in an instant, and without having time to call other people, he flew in the direction of Rock Valley alone.

"Han, Ming, you two must hold on."

As the main fighting force of Rock Shinobi Village, Third Tsuchikage does not want any mistakes between these two people, let alone any mistakes.

But when he arrived at the Valley of Rocks, he was dumbfounded. There were messes all over the place, and the magma hadn't cooled down. All the signs showed that a very tragic battle had just happened here.

"Han, Ming."

Third Tsuchikage's heart was seized in an instant, and he yelled loudly above the Rock Valley. Although he knew that there had been a battle here, and the people from the Akatsuki organization had already fought against Han and Ming, but his heart There is still a trace of fantasy that the final winner is the Jinchūriki in his own village.

The voice of Third Tsuchikage echoed throughout the valley of rocks, but no voice responded to him.

Onogi's figure slowly fell towards the direction of Rock Valley. The closer he was to the ground, the slower Onoki's figure was. After all, he still didn't want his illusions to be shattered in his heart.

But the reason why fantasy is called fantasy is entirely because fantasy is an unrealistic thing, and the reason why fact is fact is because it is extremely cruel and cruel.

When the Third Tsuchikage landed on the ground, they only saw a large piece of Bloodline, and such a large piece of Bloodline must not have been left by humans, so there is no need to guess what these Bloodlines are all about.

"Xiao, I will never let you go."

Onoki, who had completely accepted this fact, raised his head to the sky and screamed, his tone full of anger and unwillingness.

Then there was only a 'crack' sound, and the angry expression on Onoki's face froze immediately.

"Waist, waist, my waist."

Ōtsutsuki supported his waist with one hand, moaned, and slowly sat down towards the wall next to him. As he was getting older, his waist would fail if he got a little excited or made a big movement.

The next day, by the time everyone in Rock Shinobi Village reacted, it was too late. They didn't even know when the Jinchūriki from their own village was captured.

It wasn't until they found Third Tsuchikage who was slumped on the ground in the valley of rocks that they knew the whole story.

"Did the Akatsuki organization take away the Jinchūriki from our village with only two people? Doesn't that mean that anyone in the Akatsuki organization has the strength comparable to the tailed beast?"

After hearing Onoki's words, Heitu said with a shocked face.

"It should be like this, everyone in it should be no weaker than Deidara."

Chi Tu also said that when they heard the news that Deidara defeated One Tail Jinchūriki, they were still proud of Deidara's strength. Now that this incident happened in their own village, they couldn't tell what kind of feeling they felt in their hearts.

"The only Jinchūriki that Akatsuki has yet to get are the Six Tails of Wunin Village, the Eight Tails of Cloud Shinobi Village, and the Seven Tails and Nine Tails of Konoha Village. If they can collect the remaining Jinchūriki, really I don’t know what kind of predicament the ninja world will face at that time.”

Ohnoki said with a worried face, it is a fact that Jinchūriki of Rock Shinobi Village was taken away, but fortunately Sand Shinobi Village is in the same distress as them, so Ohnoki will not be in too embarrassing situation.

"If nothing else happens, Akatsuki's next target should be the Six Tails Jinchūriki of Mist Ninja Village."

Black Soil continued.

After Cloud Shinobi Village experienced the incident of Erwei Jinchūriki, it will definitely carry out a key protection for Eight Tails Jinchūriki, so it is not so easy for the Akatsuki organization to capture Eight Tails Jinchūriki.

Not to mention Konoha Village. No one in the Akatsuki organization dares to carry out tasks related to Konoha Village, because once they step into Konoha Village, they must be prepared to go and never return. The current strength of Konoha Village How powerful it is, no one, no Ninja Village knows.

Therefore, the Akatsuki organization could only target the slightly weaker Mist Ninja Village.

"Master Tsuchikage, what are we going to do now?"

"Let's hold the Five Kages Conference. This matter must attract the attention of the whole ninja world. Presumably even Raikage will participate this time."

Onoki said.

In the past, Raikage looked down on Akatsuki the most, but after Erwei's incident, Raikage also had to pay attention to it.

(end of this chapter)

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