Chapter 52 Wu vs Ai

I saw a lot of lightning flashing from Ai's body, and then the whole figure seemed to become a lightning bolt at this moment, rushing towards several people quickly.

But now they don't dare to look back at all, doing this behavior of slowing down.

"Tsk, it really isn't that easy to escape."

Wu said unhappily that they had already detonated the detonating talisman at the farthest place, but they didn't expect that they were chased by the other party so quickly.

"You go first, I am the queen."

After finishing speaking, Wu turned around and stopped.

When he turned his back to Ai just now, he had already seen how fast the other party was.

Now that Wu stopped for less than three seconds, Ai had already rushed in front of Wu Wu, raised his fist, and slammed directly at Wu Wu's face, as if he didn't intend to give Wu a chance to breathe.

"To let this kind of brat perform this kind of task, it seems that Konoha is really useless."

When attacking Wu, Ai still had the same thoughts in his heart.

But in the next second, something that Ai couldn't understand happened in front of him. Ai was shocked by this scene and his eyes widened. He found that his fist couldn't touch Wu's body.

"Can't touch it? My fist seems to be blocked."

"It can't be said to be blocked, it can only be said that the closer to me, the greater the resistance."

Wu seemed to see what Ai was thinking, and then explained his ability. When the third Ninja World War began, Wu had already predicted that his ability would definitely be exposed.

Upon hearing this, Ai quickly withdrew a large distance back, looking at Wu vigilantly, and he found that this brat was not as simple as he seemed.

"Do you want to use yourself to buy them time to escape?"

Ai could see Si Wu's intention at a glance.

"That's right."

While talking, Wu took off his blindfold. Although the blindfold could not block his sight, he still liked to take off the blindfold when he got serious, because the blindfold was a gift for him. seal.

"These eyes? Blood Successor Limit? It's not supercilious, and it's not Sharingan. It seems that Konoha is indeed a place where talents come out in large numbers, and a new Blood Successor Limit has appeared."

Ai naturally noticed the difference in Wu Wu's eyes, and felt a little jealous and envious in his heart. Although their Cloud Shinobi also had blood succession limits, they were too few.

Unlike Konoha, there are two blood successors who directly limit the boundaries, and now there is a new blood successor boundary.

"Then let me see what kind of abilities your Blood Inheritance Boundary has."

After all, Ai charged towards Wu again, as fast as a bolt of lightning, and appeared in front of Wu in the blink of an eye, and the speed of punching was also extremely fast, but the result was still the same as last time, when the fist was about to touch Wu When it was time, it seemed to be separated by something again.

He can feel that he is getting closer to the other party, but it seems to be getting farther and farther away.

"Is this the ability of your blood inheritance limit? This is simply absolute defense."

Ai's heart sank a little, and at the same time, he had already made a decision in his heart that he must not let this kid leave alive, because he was not sure whether the other party's blood inheritance limit had growth potential, and if it could really become stronger, then When this kid grows up, it will definitely be a powerful trouble for Cloud Shinobi in the future.

"Let's put it that way."

"Then I'll see how long you can hold on with this blood succession limit."

Afterwards, Ai 2 attacked Wu crazily, front, back, left, and above, but Wu just stood there, motionless. In just a few seconds, Ai had already attacked Wu countless times. , but every time it fails.

"how is this possible?"

Ai couldn't help being shocked. Every blood successor boundary has a limit, and it all consumes Chakra. It stands to reason that the stronger the blood succession boundary, the more Chakra will be consumed.

Therefore, Ai felt that a perverted blood succession limit like Wu would consume a lot of Chakra, but now, there is no way to see the tired look on Wu's body.

"However, your Blood Inheritance Boundary also has a weakness, that is, there is no way to attack."

"So, what do you want to do?"

Wu narrowed his eyes.

"If you only defend but don't attack, there is no way to hold me back."

After finishing speaking, Ai quickly turned into a bolt of lightning, passing Wu's side quickly.

"The spell, 'Cang'."

Ai felt a huge sense of crisis in his heart instantly, and then forced his body to stop, and a deep pit appeared in front of him instantly.

If he had gone one step further just now, he might have been absorbed by 'Cang'.

"I hope you'd better not act so recklessly."

In the next second, Wu appeared directly in front of Ai and said.


Ai opened his eyes wide and looked at Wu in disbelief. He didn't even notice when Wu appeared. This can only explain two situations. The first one is that Wu's speed has exceeded the limit of her sight. The second type is space ninjutsu.

It's fine if it's the second type, but Ai can't accept the first type. He doesn't believe that in the entire ninja world, someone can surpass him in speed.

"Since you want me to attack, then you should be ready to move XZ."

Wu stretched out his palm to Ai, and that powerful sense of crisis emerged in Ai's heart again, and he shifted his position as expected. As expected, in the next second, a deep pit appeared under Ai's feet just now. .

However, Wu's attack was not over. Wherever Ai passed by, there were traces of Cang on the ground, but Ai hid every one of them.

"What kind of attack is this?"

Now Ai feels more and more that Wu cannot stay, he must be eliminated, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

"I really hate fast ninjas like you."

Enlightenment said helplessly, although the release speed of 'Cang' is also very fast, but some ninjas who are fast enough can completely avoid it.

However, it is not Ai's character to stand and be beaten. He is also constantly moving towards Wu's direction, and he will punch Wu when he seizes the opportunity. He feels that there will always be times when he catches Wu's flaws.

But the idea is beautiful, but the reality is skinny. After playing for so long, he didn't even touch Wu's clothes Kakuzu. This can be said to be the most aggrieved time in Ai's history.

"Well, the time should be almost up, they should have gone far."

Wu silently calculated the time in his heart, he had been holding Ai for almost ten minutes, and these ten minutes were enough for them to cover a lot of distance.

"I won't play with you this time, and we will see you next time."


Ai immediately understood what Wu meant by this sentence, and shouted, but how could Wu listen to him.

Just a teleportation, and disappeared in front of Ai.

(end of this chapter)

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