The new casino in Tanzhu Street is online!

Cute dealer, dealing cards online!

Amid the cheers of the gamblers, Luo Yu reluctantly started working wearing a mask.

Luo Yu is a time traveler, the unlucky kind.

As soon as he landed, he was captured by bandits and sold to the Tanchu Street Casino.

He wanted to resist, but his current body was that of a 12-year-old Shota, who was severely malnourished and too weak.

Fortunately, Luo Yu's life was pretty good thanks to her good looks and affability.

The boss unexpectedly discovered that even a ruthless gambler could awaken his abandoned conscience when he looked at Luo Yu, so he made him a croupier.

Income and treatment are all okay.

But Luo Yu doesn’t want to spend his whole life dealing with scum in a casino.

"Have you heard that the legendary big fat sheep appears?"

"oh? A hot woman?!"

"The beautiful woman who always loses in every bet must be her!"

"Your news is out of date. I heard that the big fat sheep just won a lot of money on the street!"

"Really? I do not believe. That's a legendary fat sheep!"

The words of the gamblers caught Luo Yu's attention.

Luo Yu's heart moved, and joy filled his heart.

After so long, he finally waited!

When he was attacked by bandits, Luo Yu found that the fighting system of the people here was somewhat familiar.

Wait When he arrived at Tanshu Street, he heard the legend about the Big Fat Sheep in the gambling world. He was convinced that this was the world of Naruto!

The Big Fat Sheep was referring to Tsunade, one of the three ninjas of Konoha!

The three ninjas are simply the representatives of pornographic gambling and drug abuse. Among them, Tsunade loves gambling!

Whenever she gambles, she will lose, and whenever she loses, she will gamble!

"Tsunade came to Tanshu Street and suddenly won a lot of money......"

"It seems that as the plot progresses, Tsunade is about to return to Konoha and be elected as the Fifth Hokage."

"This is an opportunity to escape from the casino, but how to seize it?"

Luo Yu's heartbeat couldn't help but quicken.

He knew that the future of the ninja world would not be peaceful.

Uchiha Madara planned to make people all over the world drunk and dream, and Otsutsuki even treated the world as a colony!

If you want to control your own destiny, you can't be an ordinary person!

Think about it! After thinking about it, Luo Yu suddenly took off the mask he had been wearing! Even if he wears a mask on weekdays, Luo Yu's facial features are exquisite, and his eyes are gentle and his eyebrows are delicate!

, the lips are crystal clear and soft.

The skin is whiter, purer, smoother and more delicate than the finest porcelain.

After taking off the mask, the casino suddenly became quiet with only a few female gamblers. The sound of swallowing saliva.

After a long period of astonishment, the casino instantly burst into unprecedented cheers!


Tsunade won a huge amount of money this morning, but she wasn't happy about it.

She is very fond of her fat sheep physique.

To her, winning money often meant trouble was about to come, big trouble!

This time, no exception

"Tsunade-sama, you will not really promise Orochimaru......"

Shizune, a disciple and follower, followed Tsunade with her pet pig Dolphin in her arms and said hesitantly.

After Tsunade won the money, she really ran into big trouble.

When they were about to leave, they met a long-lost friend, Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas.

The Sannin were once close companions and comrades-in-arms.

But Orochimaru had a cold personality and was discovered experimenting on children in Konoha, so he defected to Konoha.

This time Orochimaru's hands were disabled and he sought medical treatment to no avail.

He came to Tsunade specifically, hoping that Tsunade, as the strongest medical ninja, could help.

Tsunade didn't want to help, but Orochimaru made her an offer she couldn't refuse - as long as the hands were healed, Tsunade's younger brother, the Senju Roden Tree, who died young, would be resurrected!

Orochimaru gave Tsunade a week to think about it.

It was clear to everyone onlookers, Shizune, that Orochimaru was sinister and cunning. No one would believe him if he said he had no conspiracy.

Tsunade cares about chaos. Even if she knows Orochimaru's bad character, she can......What if?

Her biological brother Senju Nezuki was a pain that could not be erased from her heart for decades!

She kind of wanted to gamble.

I bet that Orochimaru, as the teacher of the rope tree, will have a little bit of conscience left.

Betting on a miracle, the dead can come back to life


"Okay, don't worry about me."

Tsunade waved her hands and licked her lips unconsciously.

The cruel past was stuck in her heart, making her want to drink.

She looked at the shops on the left and right.

Tanshu Street is a famous flower street in the southwest of the Land of Fire, with casinos, hotels, and entertainment venues. They were everywhere.

The hotel hadn't been found yet, but the bustling casino next to it caught Tsunade's attention. Casinos were always noisy places, but the noise in this casino was dominated by the hysterical shouts and obscene curses of the gamblers.

Different, lively, but very civilized.

From time to time, there are all kinds of compliments, making people wonder when the gamblers have changed their ways.

"Forget it, go to the casino.

Tsunade became a little more interested,"Today's good luck can't be wasted. At least pay more debts.""

Two beautiful women suddenly appeared in the casino, attracting everyone's attention wherever they were placed.

But today is different.

The gamblers looked in a certain direction while placing their bets.

From time to time they exclaimed in admiration.

The master and the apprentice did not notice anything. She didn't attract any attention, which made Tsunade a little curious.

She followed the gazes of others and saw a half-grown boy, dressed in neat dealer clothes, dealing cards with his back to this side. But he looked at her very intently.

I can't explain why, but the boy's back can arouse people's infinite imagination.

Such a beautiful person, daydream about how perfect the other person is, and daydream about how to play with him to satisfy the desires in his heart.

What you see is what you think, and what you think is what you get.

Tsunade, who was thinking about her brother Naoki, looked at the back in a daze.

Decades later, her brother's figure was already blurred in her memory, but when she saw the boy, the image of her younger brother gradually faded away. Clear, gradually overlapping with the boy's back, even covering it

"Shizune, look at that child, does he look like a rope tree?"

When Tsunade was vulnerable, she almost muttered.

"ah? What child?"

Shizune is not as carefree as Tsunade. When she first arrived in a strange place, she habitually observed whether there were any danger factors around her.

Suddenly she heard Tsunade talking, and she subconsciously felt that Tsunade-sama might be restless and hallucinating.

But wait for Shizune Looking at it, she swallowed her doubts.

She was young and had lived with Tsunade since she was a child. She had never had the youthful excitement of an ordinary girl.

But when she saw the child's back, she suddenly felt an unprecedented feeling. It feels strange, but Shizune clearly knows that this feeling is heart-warming!

No, no, that person is just a child!

And maybe it's just the front view - Shizune's thoughts behind it are gone.

The dealer boy turned around and came to their table!

The child's frontal power was ten thousand times greater than that of his back! Shizune blushed and swallowed shamefully!

No, that's not shameful!

Tsunade-sama is also swallowing!

If Tsunade-sama is like this, then I am.......If you have your own ideas, it’s not too much....

Amidst the cheers and exclamations of the gamblers around the table, the female master and apprentice suddenly glanced at each other, and each of them averted their eyes with a guilty conscience.


(There are not enough chapters, so I took them apart and reissued them. The main information is in the next chapter)

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