"Magic Flute·Dream Sound Lock!"

The sound of the flute in the woods became louder again.

Shikamaru suddenly screamed and opened his hands, seemingly bound by invisible power. Tayuya

, one of the four sound ninjas, had already activated the curse seal state 2.

Seeing the Konoha imp Completely controlled, Tayuya smiled.

She won this battle.

Tayuya picked up the kunai that Shikamaru shot beside him and jumped to Shikamaru's side.

"It's a pity, so what if you see through my methods?"

"go to hell!"

Tayuya kunai stabbed Shikamaru, but suddenly his body couldn't move.

He glanced down from the corner of his eye, damn, he pretended to hit the trick again, but actually used his shadow to sneak attack?

Shikamaru's plan succeeded again, but this time he was not happy. Get up.

Because the two were in a stalemate at close range, the opponent's weird chakra finally had the upper hand. Seeing him gradually losing ground in the stalemate, Shikamaru smiled bitterly.

"It's really embarrassing."

Suddenly, two figures appeared nearby.

Temari did not take action immediately, but teased.

And the reason why she did not take action was because Luo Yu just said that she wanted to catch someone alive.

"The guys from Sand Hidden Village are actually colluding with Konoha."

Tayuya's heart was solemn, but he did not forget to ridicule on the surface.

Shikamaru could not move his body, and he caught a glimpse of two helpers from the corner of his eye.

Temari from Sunagakure Village? This one has been an opponent before, but he is not familiar with it.

Luo Yu and Shikamaru were wearing masks next to them. I met him once when he was visiting patients in the hospital.

Shikamaru felt much more at ease when people from this village were around.

"Hey, hey, Luo Yu, why don't you support the scalpel?"

Shikamaru said with a bitter smile.

Luo Yu wanted to take action, but Temari was faster.

Temari had never seen Luo Yu take action and only thought he was a medical ninja.

How could Luo Yu's brother do such a rough job as killing?

"Keep alive."

Luo Yu didn't take away Temari's job and gave her instructions again.

Temari nodded repeatedly and took out her iron fan.

The iron fan opened three stars and used a big move at the beginning.

In front of the one she loves, Temari wants to show her best side.

"Great Scythe Weasel!"

Temari waved the iron fan, and the storm carried a large number of wind blades flying away.

At the moment of life and death, Tayuya unleashed his potential, broke away from the shackles of the shadow, and played the flute. However

, in addition to the physical attack caused by the Great Scythe Weasel, even the sound can bounce back!

Yuya was caught off guard, and the flute as a weapon was cut off.

"Damn, you're just the type to restrain me......"

Tayuya wanted to retreat and quickly dodged.

Temari didn't panic at all and waved the iron fan one after another.

To survive, she started playing cat and mouse.

Luo Yu, on the other hand, had a good time and came to Shikamaru's side.

A simple visual inspection revealed that Shikamaru was fine.

He took out the military food pills to replenish Shikamaru's own strength.

"It was such a help."

Shikamaru sat slumped on the branch and breathed a long sigh of relief.

The two men were resting in place, watching the two women fighting not far away.

Shikamaru looked at the large forest that was quickly flattened by the storm, and couldn't help but bared his teeth:" Luo Yu, your girlfriend is really violent.

Luo Yu was startled,"Huh?""

How do you feel?......strange.

Shikamaru changed into a comfortable position and glanced back at Luo Yu:"The woman from Sunagakure Village looks at you with a look that makes her want to eat you alive, but you don't seem to refuse? Isn't this a girlfriend? ?"

Luo Yu hesitated to speak, and finally chose to remain silent.

Why does it get weirder the more I talk about it?...

You can't talk about things in other world lines.

Luo Yu adjusted his mentality, no matter what, since he came, the world line has changed.

The original is the original, but now it’s different!

"Now, alive."

Not long after, Temari came back with the unconscious Tayuya, and said to Luo Yu,"How am I doing? Is there any reward?"

Temari had a bad smile on her face.

She now understood Luo Yu's character.

She was a relatively passive young shota.

This time she asked for favors, she just wanted to tease Luo Yu.

However, the development of things was beyond Temari's expectation - in With Shikamaru's surprised gaze, Luo Yu gradually moved closer to Temari's face.

Temari's pupils dilated and her face immediately turned red. Luo Yu gently kissed Temari's lips, which did n't feel dry, but were extremely moist.

At the soft contact, Temari's body immediately froze on the spot. Tayuya was holding her in her hands and she lost control and fell freely.

Seeing that Tayuya was about to fall headfirst, Temari had no choice but to hang Tayuya's feet with shadow restraints.


After a long time, the lips parted.

Luo Yu spoke calmly, and then added,"My first time."

Temari was in a daze. She never expected that Luo Yu would really give her a reward! The bold Temari became shy at this time. She unconsciously touched her hair and said in a panic:"Me, me too. first......"

【Temari's heart rate: 13-26! 】

Although the last contact was more intimate, Temari's heartbeat was beating faster this time than the time she sneaked in the hospital!

Temari's face was as red as the desert sunset.

She was so bold, but she didn't know what to say at this time.

And Luo Yu quickly broke away from the perfect touch.

If you take the initiative to attack, your heart rate will indeed rise quickly.

No one can stop the succubus' attack!

However, taking the initiative to attack has advantages and disadvantages.

The opposite sex can tolerate the existence of other women only after their heart rate reaches 50 and achieves [an existence that cannot be abandoned].

This means that if you want to be in a place with many members of the opposite sex, even if you take the initiative, because of the mutual repulsion between members of the opposite sex, the overall heartbeat value gained will not be as fast as being passive.

And in the end, the reward for being pushed back far exceeds the reward for taking the initiative.

Coupled with a tiny bit of guilt, Luo Yu was used to being passive.

But Temari is from another village.

There is no risk of competing with the opposite sex in Konoha!

"The red flag in the village does not fall, but the colorful flags in other villages flutter?"

Luo Yu couldn't help but find a new path for the ship.......

But he quickly suppressed this sinful thought temporarily, Temari's heart rate was not enough.

Luo Yu was thinking about how to fill in the 4-point heartbeat value.——

"You, why are you so sudden, and there are still people watching?"

Temari wished she could hide in Luo Yu's arms, and said shyly,"I'm not mentally prepared yet."

Luo Yu thought of Temari's boldness in the hospital last night.......

If you are not prepared, just brush the gadfly.......

Luo Yu quickly understood Temari's mental state.

As for Temari, she thought she liked her one-sidedly.

Born in the desert, she is bold and unrestrained, and expresses her love decisively.

But Luo Yu's initiative made Temari realize that Luo Yu seemed to be interested in her.

So in an instant, she changed from a female gadfly to the shy one she is now.

Luo Yu instantly grasped the key points

"You left after this time, so......"

Full of guilt, Luo Yu continued,"Some things may not be the right time yet, but some opportunities will be missed if you hesitate.

Therefore, I would rather make a mistake than miss it."

It is clearly a scumbag's speech, but he never has transcendence. Human beauty and attraction come from the lips of Lo Eucalyptus.

Temari's heart almost melted when she heard it.

Temari boldly moved her lips for a kiss.

The joy inside made her unable to hold back her tear ducts

"I know, I will wait for you in Sunagakure, always, always waiting for you......"

Temari smiled and cried, kissing passionately

【Temari's heart rate: 26-32! ]

Luo Yu felt a little guilty, responding to the girl's clumsiness.

Simple and big compared to Temari���, not mixed with other love.

His initiative has a certain purpose.

But now that he has taken action, Luo Yu will not escape.

"I received your thoughts."

Rewards to be collected:

10 points of excitement points, 30 points of excitement points, special mission rewards!

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