"Forget it, let’s look at the rewards first to warm our hearts."

In the cold ward, except for Tsunade's fingers, the only reward is warm.

50 points of heartbeat value is a watershed.

After achieving the"irreplaceable existence" achievement, even if the person of the opposite sex is jealous, he will accept the existence of other members of the opposite sex.

And The reward of 50 points is also quite generous.

【Receive award】

【Congratulations to the host for getting the talent: Immortal Physique】

【Sage physique: The Senju family inherited the tyrannical physique of the Six Paths Sage]

The Senju family, like the Uchiha family, once belonged to a thousand-year-old wealthy family!

The Uchiha family inherited part of the power of the Sage Eye.

And the Senju family inherited the body of an immortal!

The tyrannical physique gives the members of the Senju family greater strength, a more resistant physique, a large amount of chakra, and tyrannical self-healing ability!

Among them, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama is the best!

The strange power that Tsunade is famous for is just the ordinary attack of Senju Hashirama.

The S-level medical ninjutsu Hyakuho no Jutsu developed by Tsunade is just a simulation of Senju Hashirama's recovery ability!

As for the Xue Jie Boundary Wood Escape, there are many doubts.

Because except for Senju Hashirama, no one in the Senju family has ever awakened to Wood Release.

So either Wood Release is Senju Hashirama's personal adventure.

Or maybe only Senju Hashirama has reached the threshold to activate Wood Release!

The immortal body that Luo Yu obtained did not reach the height of Senju Hashirama, but it was not bad either.

"The chakra is at least ten times stronger!"

"With this strength, no wonder the Senju family was so strong before......"

If Luo Yu moves around at will, he can feel the huge changes in his body.

Due to stagnant growth, Luo Yu's physical condition was no different from three years ago.

The teenage period itself is a period of rapid physical development.

Others change every day, but he hasn't changed in three years.

But now, the immortal physique.

Not only did he recover Luo Yu's lost three years, but he also directly pushed it to a height that other ninjas could not reach!

"This wave doesn’t seem to be a loss, right?"


In the next few days, Tsunade became even more worried.

Because no matter how we use instruments to check and analyze, we can't figure out what's wrong with Luo Yu's body.

Health is very healthy, but it stops growing.

Tsunade could only guess whether it was related to Luo Yu's"blood inheritance limit"

"This is how to do......"

Blessings come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone.

Tsunade is studying and analyzing the genetic fragments of Eucalyptus lucidum.

At this time, ANBU came to report.

Something big happened in Sand Hidden Village!

Tsunade could only put down what she was doing and immediately summoned people to start the meeting.

At the overnight meeting, the Anbu handed over the news they had just received.

Just last night, a battle broke out in Sunagakure Village!

An unknown enemy launched an air attack on Sunagakure Village!

Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage, was kidnapped!

After the Fourth Kazekage of Sand Hidden Village died at the hands of Orochimaru, there was a period of chaos.

Grandma Senju was too old and had retired, so she did not run for the fifth generation of Hokage.

The reformed Gaara impressed the ninjas of Sunagakure Village and was elected as the Fifth Kazekage with the record of being the youngest.

The jinchuriki serves as the shadow of a village. This is a very inspiring story.

However, I didn't expect that not long after, the Five Generations of Kazekage were gone!

"Currently we only know that the Fifth Kazekage was still alive when he was captured"

"The attacker's purpose is not yet clear"

"Sunagakure Village hopes Konoha can provide support."

After the report, everyone fell into a brief silence.

When it comes to major events between Ninja Villages, we have to be cautious.

Tsunade took the lead in setting the tone:

"Sand Hidden Village is currently our ally, and support is definitely needed."

"The question now is, to what extent will the support be provided and who will support it?"

Konoha is now stable and can mobilize manpower.

Military advisor Nara Shikaku said:

"Also, the other party’s purpose is also important."

The military advisor's sense of smell made Shikaku realize the subtlety of the matter.

Conspiracies always have a strong purpose. But what is the other party

's purpose? If you want to destroy Sunagakure Village, why do you want to take Kazekage away?

If you want to blackmail, why not Leave a message?

And he didn't forget that in addition to being a Kazekage, Gaara is also the jinchūriki of One-Tailed Shukaku!

As the strategic nuclear weapon of the Ninja Village, the value of the tailed beast is not much lower than that of the Kage.

"If the other party can win against Feng Ying, he is definitely not an ordinary person.

Tsunade frowned and said,"Jiraiya and Naruto's training has just ended. Let Jiraiya do the intelligence work.""

At this time, another ANBU member knocked on the door and came in.

"Hokage-sama, the latest news."

The ANBU handed over the information, lowered his head and said,"Kankuro, the puppet master of Sunagakure Village, tracked the attacker and was poisoned. I hope you can go to Sunagakure Village in person.

Xiaochun immediately snorted coldly when he went to bed:"That's nonsense!" How could the Hokage go to other ninja villages to support him? Does Sand Hidden Village have bad intentions?!"

Tsunade realized that the matter was not simple and opened the detailed information.

She shook her head slightly:"It's Chiyo's additional request. She can't detoxify the poison."

Grandma Chiyo is an old rival of Konoha.

During Chiyo's active period, Konoha failed to win the two ninja wars due to her poison.

If Tsunade hadn't appeared and suppressed Chiyo, Konoha's war history would have been ruined. To change.

Even a poison master like Chiyo can really solve it.

This puts Tsunade in trouble , and now she needs support.

A top medical expert......Apart from her, Luo Yu is the only one in Konoha who can hold the position steadily.

"In terms of support, let Kakashi lead the team."

Kakashi's strength is one of the few in Konoha, and he is one of the best choices below the Hokage.

Nara Shikaku said:"As for medical ninjas......Let Luo An go?"

The Hokage can't move, so Luo An is the only one left.

Tsunade struggled for a moment, then sighed leisurely:"Let him go."

Tsunade wanted little Luo An to live a stable life, but she knew it was in vain.

Little Luo An is also a ninja.

And he is stronger than Kakashi!

It is unrealistic to keep him in a greenhouse for a lifetime.

"The opponent's strength is unknown, there are at least two people."

Tsunade was worried about Xiao Luo's safety, so she added insurance," Kai and the others' mission is almost over, right? Inform their team and immediately support them as the second team after returning to supply supplies!"

My son Xing Qianli's mother is worried. Tsunade is still single, but she probably understands how she feels.

‘Just please don't let anything happen that involves life or death. '

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