The next morning, Luo Yu was awakened by laughter.

When he opened his eyes, he found that the quilt on his body had been lifted off.

And he was curled up like a shrimp.

As for the reason for this posture, boys probably understand.

In order not to show"edge""

"Hahahaha, Ronaldinho is going to stick his butt out to the balcony!"

Tsunade put her hands on her hips and laughed unscrupulously.

The two fruit trembled with laughter.

Shizune blushed and smiled shyly.

She didn't dare to make too much noise.

Because from her angle, she could just see Luo Yu hidden wilderness tent

"I have privacy!"

Luo Yu pulled up the quilt in shame and anger.

Fortunately, he covered it in time.

Seeing that both women had washed up, Luo Yu thought that yesterday he fell asleep on his stomach and didn't even have time to take a shower.

He waited until he calmed down. , then he got up and said:"I'm going to take a bath."

"The smell of eucalyptus is very good."

Tsunade helped bring the slippers over and smelled them while Luo Yu lowered his head to change his shoes,"The original ones are fine, no need to wash them."

Luo Yu was stunned for a moment, then raised his arm and took a sniff.

It really didn't smell much, and even had a special fragrance.

Is this an additional benefit after the physical change?

"Uh, I'd better wash it off."

When Luo Yu was redeemed, he brought clothes with him.

When he went to take a bath, Shizune threw Dou Dou to him to wash with him.

As a man, Luo Yu took a bath very neatly.

He went in to change clothes, and when he was halfway through changing, he suddenly turned around.

I saw two figures standing outside the glass door, especially

Tsunade. She lay on the glass and wished she could see their faces clearly!

Luo Yu patted his head and quickly moved to the corner.

Smell, there were two sighs.

Luo Yu looked at the little pig Doudou in his hand, and Doudou looked at him....

Oh, terrible woman


The three of them were laughing and joking, and went to the izakaya downstairs to eat.

Not long after he entered and sat down, Luo Yu saw the blond boy at the next table.

He has blue eyes and three beards on each side of his face.

He was blowing on a bunch of rubber balls.

Luo Yu's heart moved.

The plot is coming.

In other words, the plot should have started last night.

It's just that Tsunade was attracted to him, which delayed the plot for a long time.

Naruto is here, then Jiraiya - just as

Luo Yu was thinking, he saw a middle-aged man with long white hedgehog hair coming over.

It was Jiraiya who had just finished ordering.

Jiraiya stared at Tsunade blankly.

Tsunade stared at Jiraiya blankly.

The two of them said in shock at the same time:"Huh?"

Naruto, who was blowing up a balloon, puffed up his cheeks and looked back and forth at the two of them.

Half a minute later, Jiraiya carried Naruto to Tsunade's table.

Naruto looked at Tsunade strangely.

Didn't you say you were looking for a 50-year-old old woman? Why is she a sister?

Immediately, Naruto, who was still young, focused his attention on Luo Yu.

This guy is much more handsome than Sasuke.

Jiraiya also looked at Luo Yu strangely, and smiled at Tsunade:"A new student?"

Tsunade glanced at Naruto next to Jiraiya:"Ah, the same."

Tsunade took the waiter The wine was delivered, and I poured myself a glass without ceremony before ordering food.

She held the wine glass and drank it all with her red lips:"I have met so many old friends during this period."

Jiraiya said with a serious face:"Is that Orochimaru guy? What does he want from you?"

Yesterday's short book There had been a conflict in the street, and judging from the signs of destruction, it was undoubtedly Tsunade's fault.

Tsunade didn't respond.

She didn't want to talk about Orochimaru anymore.

Jiraiya sighed:"It seems you know everything. Orochimaru killed the third generation."

Tsunade remained silent.

Naruto said noisily:"Who is Orochimaru? Why did you kill the Third Grandpa? You guys, do you know him?"

Jiraiya shouted softly:"Children, don't interrupt in adult matters."

Naruto was not convinced, but look Luo Yu, who was sitting quietly next to him, crossed his arms and really didn't interrupt.

However, the next moment, he almost couldn't hold it back.

Jiraiya poured the wine:"You already know the situation. Konoha hopes that you can go back and take over the position of the Fifth Hokage."

Naruto stood up immediately, wanting to say something.

Jiraiya glanced at Naruto:"Why are you a genin so excited about Konoha's high-level decision?"

Then he looked at Tsunade and continued:"You are the granddaughter of the first Hokage and the strongest medical ninja. You He is the only person who can take over the position of the Fifth Hokage"

"So, your answer?"

Tsunade raised her wine glass to her lips and said decisively:"I refuse. Jiraiya said awkwardly:"It's an unexpected answer, and the words sound familiar." You were so decisive when you rejected me."

Naruto muttered beside him:"Didn't we agree to take her back to treat Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke? How come she was invited to be Hokage? And......This guy still refused. Jiraiya said helplessly:"If she becomes Hokage, will she leave Kakashi and Sasuke alone?"

Tsunade shrugged and said,"I'm sorry, I'm not interested.""

"Sarutobi-sensei overestimated his ability and fought hard until the end."

"That guy from the fourth generation risked his life, but died young"

"Life is different from money. I think it is stupid to gamble with your life."

"My grandfather and the second Hokage also sacrificed their lives for the village."

"Be a Hokage?"

"Probably only an idiot would dream of becoming Hokage."

How could Naruto endure the insults to the Hokage one after another?

He slapped the table and wanted to hit Tsunade.

But he was stopped by the helpless Jiraiya.

Naruto was still unconvinced and rubbed his hands and said:"How dare you insult in front of me? The third generation grandpa and the fourth generation Hokage guy"

"I don't care if you are a woman!"

"I'm going to beat you hard!"

Tsunade is a talented person, and she has long seen the character of this brat.

The kind of innocent and passionate idiot who clamors to be Hokage every day.

In fact, Tsunade doesn't hate this kind of person, and even appreciates it.

Because her brother Senju Naoki That's the kind of person.

But Tsunade's fantasy about her brother had long been satisfied, so she didn't respond to Naruto's provocation at all. At this time, Jiraiya wanted to smooth things over. The silent Luo Yu spoke.

"The Third Hokage, the Fourth Hokage, are they people you value very much?"

Luo Yu looked at Naruto seriously.


Naruto said angrily,"I won't allow anyone to insult them!""

"very good."

Luo Yu stood up and looked at Naruto expressionlessly,"But for me, Aunt Tsunade is also someone I value very much."

"Therefore, I also do not allow you to insult her!"

"Want to beat her?"

"Ask me first if I agree!"

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