"It seems that this method is not enough for you."

Scorpion broke the silence again.

With one hand, he suppressed the Third Wind Shadow puppet and made it hang in the air behind him.

With the other hand, he took off the scroll behind him and at the same time opened the mechanism on his chest.

Whisper, rustle, rustle!

Countless reds Shadows came out of the scroll.

Chakra lines continued to fly out from the heart of the scorpion, and hundreds of puppets were hanging in the air behind him! This is the killer weapon of the scorpion.!

There is a very intuitive reference for judging the level of a puppet master's combat ability.

That is the level at which a puppet master can control a puppet. If he can control a puppet with each hand, he is qualified.

, even if the ability is outstanding.

Chiyo, who is well-known in Sunagakure Village, can control ten puppets at the same time!

This is the limit of the human body!

However, a genius like Xion surpasses the limit!

"I think you can rest in peace.

Xie's calm tone showed pride,"Your space transfer should be limited to this space, right?"

Unfortunately, there is no place for you here anymore.

Luo Yu put his hands together and looked at the densely packed puppets in the air, and said with a smile:"It's indeed a bit crowded."

Looks like I need to clean up my 'room'."

Facing the scorpion, Luo Yu's method is based on the surgical fruit.

Illusion means cannot be used, and the puppet scorpion does not like this.

The strange power is good, but the efficiency is too slow.

The most suitable ones are only wind-related skills.

Luo Yu He bowed his head and held down the scabbard.

Wind rose from the bottom of his feet. On the other side, Scorpion controlled a large amount of sand and iron, reshaping it like a ball. Xu Liuxing passed through all obstacles without any obstacles. Luo Yu took advantage of the situation and drew his sword, declaring all flying items invalid! Sand Iron could only regroup and attack in a giant cone.

"Cutting steel flash!"

Luo Yu stabbed forward with the blade, and the tip of the blade collided with the top of the giant cone.

The two held on for a moment, and suddenly a storm tore apart the sand and iron, and the wind blade continued to fly towards Scorpion.

Scorpion did not dodge, knowing that the remaining strength was not enough. To chop him up.

He stared at Luo Yu, with hundreds of machines ready for action. This was the moment he was waiting for!

The red figure covered the sky!

The number of people was enough to occupy Luo Yu's position.

No matter where Luo Yu moved, Scorpion had enough people to wrap around Luo Yu, but Luo

Yu had no intention of avoiding it.

The storm did not dissipate, but intensified!

Luo Yu turned around and swung his knife:"Haha!" The storm broke out and quickly turned into a tornado!

The hurricane, with its powerful attraction, swept the red puppet that had just been sent out into it!

Following the breath of the wind, Luo Yu suddenly disappeared from the place and appeared in the sky of the tornado.

Breathless Kill!

The Demon Luo blade accumulated wind escape chakra and transformed it into a ten-meter-long wind blade!

The sword light bloomed and the strong wind tore apart.

The inventory fell like rain.

Suddenly, Scorpion took out one of the four scrolls from his back: Flame Hell Array!

Scorpion aimed at the storm in the air, and the burning flames spurted out.

The flame can adjust the size of the outlet, control the direction, angle and size.

Its temperature can melt steel and rock into liquid instantly!

The puppet parts scattered in the sky are useless, and the storm itself is just a catalyst for the flame.

In an instant, the Flame Prison Formation turned the tornado into a fire storm!

No one was immune to this temperature!

However, Xie didn't relax completely because he knew that he had the ability to observe the surroundings at any time.

Waiting for Luo Yu to appear, he adjusted his attack.

But he never expected that the direction of the attack was still the fire storm!

In the fire storm, a figure suddenly disappeared.

Luo Yu held the double sword and leaned forward.

, then disappeared and appeared behind Xie!

The attack speed was too fast, and a new storm came again after he landed!

Gale Sword Technique-Double Swords-Fengchen Jue Nian Slash!

The storm was like a sharp blade, and then passed through the ground.

The wind pressure in the sky caused everything that passed by to gather together and chase behind Luo Yu.

The fire storm created by Scorpion buries him in the blink of an eye - Scorpion did the same!

It will not be easily swallowed up by the flames.

A large amount of steam comes from the fire storm.

The flames gradually dissipate , and a large amount of water vapor fills the air.

He turned his head to avoid the eroding water column, cutting off the clouds in the sky!

Luo Yu did not look back, but stared at the center of the water vapor, even if he used the water to resist the fire storm that could melt steel.

The physical body still couldn't withstand the high temperature of the water vapor.

But the body of the scorpion was no longer human.

Amidst the sharp erosion of the water mist, Luo Yu glanced at the scorpion and determined its position.

Pointing at the scorpion

"K-ROOM, scalpel!"

The tip of Mo Luo's sword suddenly burst out with blade light.

He crossed hundreds of meters in an instant!

Xie was covered in scars, and at the same time he aimed the Eclipse Flir at Luo Yu.

However, his movements were slow.

The position of Xie's heart was already vacant.

Luo Yu waved, and a sealed heart appeared in his hand.

Scorpion made himself a puppet, but still preserved the core of the human body. Only the heart can reduce the risk of being killed for many people. It's a pity that Luo Yu's most skillful use of the fruit of surgery is to remove the heart! Now, the heart is in Luo Yu's hands.

Xie Xie reluctantly tried to break through the space blockade, but in vain.

, click click, slowly fall to the ground

"Your heart is mine."

Luo Yu sealed Xie's heart with a sealing scroll.

Then he removed the ROOM space.

Only the puppet fragments on the ground were left, and traces of various flame wind blades.

Not far away, after the battle, Thousand Hands were still full of blood. Chiyo watched this battle from beginning to end with a dull look on her face. She turned over and over again and couldn't understand. In the end, she could only think of four words: Times have changed....

"Luo Yu, ah, ah, handsome!"

Tiantian is like a little fan girl, swooping over and wrapping around him like an octopus.

Bah, bah, bah, Tiantian kisses Luo Yu on the face, and it's not enough!

Luo Yu pretends to be disgusted and wipes his saliva. Looking at Tiantian's well-developed body, he glanced at the broken parts on the ground.

Xie's most important heart was already in his hands, and other things were of no use to him.

"Go ahead, these are your spoils."

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