The Senju family now has become Luo Yu's home in Konoha.

Shizune knew Luo Yu was back and prepared dinner early.

Tsunade, Luo Yu, Shizune, and a dolphin sat around the table.

The atmosphere of home is born during a meal and occasional chatter.

Luo Yu was talking about his experience in Sand Hidden Village.

Not repeating the previous mission report, but other details


Tsunade finished eating early and listened to Luo Yu's story while drinking a small drink.

When she heard that Chiyo exchanged her life for her life, Tsunade sighed slightly:"Although the positions are different, Chiyo's ability is indeed amazing. What did she think of ?

She looked at the interested Luo Yu and said,"You specifically asked her for advice on reincarnation. Do you have an idea of eternal life?""

Shizune said in astonishment at the side:"Eternal life?"

Master and disciple, are they talking about such a big topic?

Luo Yu smiled and said:"It's true that it's a bit interesting, but it can't be considered eternal life."

He tried his best to use simple words to summarize what he had gained during this period.

"In the final analysis, reincarnation is to use chakra to transform into life force"

"Then transfer the vitality to achieve the effect of exchanging lives for lives."

When Shizune heard this, she glanced at Tsunade carefully and interjected:"Can't we use it to bring the dead back to life? Luo Yu nodded, then shook his head:"

Theoretically, there is a time limit."

Life force is just life force, and man is a combination of life force and soul force.

Therefore, if you want to be truly resurrected, you must either die soon and the soul of the other party has not left; or you can summon the soul of the other party and reshape a physical body to accommodate it.

Otherwise, you will only get a moving corpse, or a puppet. Tsunade followed:"The compatibility between the soul and the body is also the key." Resurrection from death is not simply a matter of body plus soul plus vitality."

Luo Yu snapped his fingers:"That's right, so if you want to rely on constantly occupying other people's bodies to accommodate souls, there will definitely be flaws.

Tsunade asked curiously:"Then how do you plan to achieve immortality?"

Luo Yu shook his head slightly:"We can't talk about true immortality, but if we don't make mistakes, we should be able to live for a long, long, long time.""

He brought the topic back and continued:

"It is known that reincarnation is chakra, or energy body, which is transformed into life force"

"And my blood inheritance limit continues to develop, which can stop cell division, which means that cells can continue without any damage."

"At this time, what results can be obtained by injecting a large amount of vitality into the cells that are almost intact? Tsunade squinted her eyes and replied in a deep voice:"It can greatly increase life span!"

Luo Yu smiled and said,"That's right!""

Shizune was excited when she heard this, but quickly frowned and said,"But this requires consuming your own life force, which is equivalent to using your own life to prolong the lives of others......."

Tsunade also calmed down and looked at Luo Yu.

Only Luo Yu can change the cell structure, that is to say, only he can operate this life-extending thing.

Similarly, it also means that Luo Yu is using his own life to prolong the lives of others.

This is not okay.

Tsunade wants to live longer because she wants to live with Luo Yu.

In a future without Luo Yu, wouldn’t it be a sin to live for a long time?

Luo Yu smiled and said:"My vitality is definitely not enough to squander, but there is an existence that can."

With nearly unlimited chakra energy and huge vitality...

Tsunade suddenly stood up, her eyes shining and said:"Yes, Jinchuriki!

If you can make Xiaoluo Yu become the Jinchuriki of a tailed beast, no, a jinchuriki of all tailed beasts, then you will have enough life force to squander!"

Shizune then thought. Thinking about it, he said puzzledly:"But, the lifespan of a jinchuriki......There is no limit, right?"

Tsunade couldn't help but pat Shizune on the head,"Silly, they can't do it, Xiaoluo Yu can.

The Jinchuriki can transform cells, but other Jinchuuriki cannot."

The more Tsunade thought about it, the more excited she became, walking back and forth in the living room.

If Xiao Luoyu could become the Jinchūriki of multiple tailed beasts, not only would his strength increase dramatically, he would also have almost infinite life!

And from the infinite life, he could be divided into Part of it can also allow a very small number of people to achieve a super long life!

This is not much different from immortality!

"So, the key is the tailed beast!"

Not long ago, Tsunade was still worried about the Akatsuki organization's capture of the tailed beasts.

But now, Tsunade only feels that the battle is full of battles!

The Akatsuki organization has come to recover the tailed beasts. If she can take advantage of them, she can take advantage of them.......

"Akatsuki organization, right?"

"From now on it will be the Akatsuki organization that we fight!"


Tsunade suffered from insomnia.

At first she was excited about the possibility of immortality.

But later on, I couldn't sleep because of Luo Yu's hand.......

Tsunade lowered her head and looked at Luo Yu's hand covering the top of the mountain.

After a long time, he sighed.

It has been more than three years since we met each other, and Luo Yu has been buried in it.

He only rubs his face and never takes the initiative to do anything.

Tsunade was still worried about when this child would understand the joy of women.

But now Luo Yu understands it, but he didn’t understand it until he went out for a trip.

Look at the way the palms automatically locate the mountain after sleeping. Why doesn't Tsunade understand?......

When Xiao Luoyu went out this time, who did he steal from someone else?

"Is this the secret of how little Luo Yu grew up?......"

Tsunade had mixed emotions, feeling worried and relieved at the same time.

I breathed a sigh of relief because it turned out that the baby didn't grow big, but needed a woman's irrigation.......

What's worrying is that Xiao Luoyu actually has a woman outside, and if he wants to grow up, he will probably have to continue to harm other cabbages.

However, Xiaoluo Yu's age has always been a hurdle in Tsunade's heart.

She couldn't cross it, so she could only continue to watch Xiao Luo Yu grow up in someone else's vegetable garden.......

"What is this thing called?......"

Tsunade sighed secretly and squeezed Luo Yu's hand on her body.

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