Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 46 The original owner's extra: A young man's growth is always accompanied by setba

However, as the two children grew older and their bodies matured, they became more and more proficient in mastering the Sharingan. Uchiha Yao gradually began to focus on research and basically stopped having unnecessary communication with the two children.

"Eat sweets secretly again, so you won't be afraid of your teeth being eaten away by moths. I'm going to tell Grandpa Miao. Wuwuwu"

The girl saw the boy secretly taking out a piece of candy from his bag and stuffing it into his mouth, and immediately warned him.

However, before the words were spoken, the boy quickly stuffed another piece of candy into the girl's mouth. The girl who tasted the slightest sweetness felt the warmth of the boy's palm on her lips, and two powder puffs Pu's face turned red as if it was congested.

"If you eat my candy, you are mine, but you must not betray me."

When the young man heard that she was going to report his violation, he had no choice but to take out his own inventory to bribe her.

"That's my man!"

In the panic, the girl who could only hear these few words clearly had her brain shut down on the spot. She was so embarrassed and angry that she fainted on the spot.

"Hey, hey, why don't you speak?"

After getting no response from the girl for a long time, Uchiha Gin looked at the red and angry girl in front of him strangely. He took his hand away from the girl's mouth and found that,

"Ah! Why did you faint again?"

Recently, for some reason, the girl started to feel hot and red without even saying a few words to him. When he came near, the girl couldn't help but fainted for no reason.

The first few times, he was frightened to the point of being helpless and called for help. Later, the number of times increased, and not only did no one care about him, but the eldest sister and aunt in the research institute even pointed at them and looked at them with the expression of someone who had been there before. He was confused.

Before he could go out and call someone, the door to the ward was opened, and Uchiha Yao, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, pushed the door open and entered.

Instead of his usual amiable expression, this time he had a cold look on his face. He frowned when he saw the unconscious girl and directed his men to push the girl out.

He had obviously just done an experiment in the morning, so why did he come again now? The young man who felt something strange stepped forward to stop him.

As a result, he was pushed away by Uchiha Yao. Looking at the strange grandfather in front of him in disbelief, Uchiha Gin jumped up and bared his teeth.

"Hey, hey, where are you taking Xiaoguang?"

Uchiha Yao turned his head stiffly when he heard this. His pair of dark eyes were lifeless, and he stared at Uchiha Gin coldly for a long time, as if he was confirming something.

Just listen to him say, "There are new experiments, and I will ask you to go there later."

The voice had no emotion at all, like a soulless robot.


The look in Uchiha Yao's eyes made Uchiha Gin feel very strange. His eyes seemed to be looking at a product instead of his own grandson. This made Uchiha Gin feel palpitated and he quickly spoke.

Hearing Uchiha Gin calling his grandfather in front of him, one of Uchiha Yao's eyes flashed with anger, and a gleam of light emitted from the dark pupil, but it was quickly swallowed up by darkness.

Without stopping, he and his men left with the girl without looking back, leaving a stunned Uchiha Gin alone in the ward.

However, after being stunned for only a moment, Uchiha Gin hurriedly ran out of the ward, ignoring the guards' obstruction, and ran towards Uchiha Miao's office.

"What? You said Grandpa Miao was sent out to search for clan documents?"

The young man who ran away panted and looked at Miao Uchiha's empty office, turned his head and said to the guard who blocked his entry.

"Yes, Elder Miao left yesterday. Before leaving, he said that this trip might take several days."

The guard replied truthfully, he did not dare to show his true feelings to Uchiha Gin, who was the nephew of the Uchiha clan leader. This little ancestor could not be easily offended.

"All right."

Uchiha Gin, who had no way to turn for help, thought of a chubby figure, turned around and ran towards the office of the Guard Department.

"What a coincidence. Elder Yan also went out yesterday. He said he was going to the dungeon to look for experimental bodies. He probably won't be able to come back today."

The people from the security department informed him of Uchiha Yan's whereabouts.

The two elders who were usually there were actually transferred away. How could there be such a coincidence?

Uchiha Gin, who suddenly felt bad, decided to go out to find his uncle, but as soon as he reached the entrance of the research institute, he was stopped.

"Sorry, you are not allowed to go out starting today until you receive notification from above."

The guard at the gate blocked the way.

Looking at the unfamiliar guard in front of him, Uchiha Gin's sense of crisis became even stronger.

The two elders were transferred away under pretext, and the guard at the gate was also changed, and he was not allowed to go out.

Uchiha Gin, who was worried about the girl's safety, decided to go to Uchiha Yao and ask for details.

In the laboratory at this time, the comatose girl slowly woke up and found that she was tied to a bed with several strange adult men standing around her.

The girl was immediately startled and struggled hard, but to no avail. Instead, her hands and feet were strangled with blood-red marks by the belt.

"Who are you? What are you doing to capture me?"

Feeling unable to break free, the girl stared at the people in front of her and asked loudly.

“‘Weapons’ means you must have the awareness of ‘weapons’.”

One of the men said coldly.

"What weapon? I have a name. My name is Uchiha Hikari."

Hearing the unfamiliar words spoken by the man, the girl named Uchiha Hikaru subconsciously retorted, and then tried to mobilize chakra to escape.

"Don't waste your efforts. This is your destiny."

Another man stepped forward and stretched out a big black hand towards her head.

The next second, the girl felt a sharp pain in her head, and all kinds of painful memories flooded into her mind.

The loneliness after her parents died, the pain of being imprisoned by her clan members for research after opening the Mangekyo, the desolation of licking her wounds alone in the dungeon...

Countless negative emotions poured into the girl's mind.


The girl had a splitting headache at this time, and her brain was about to collapse under the impact of negative memories. The miserable cry resounded throughout the space.

Before she was about to faint, she saw the people around her stretching out a pair of suffocating hands to her.

"'Weapons' don't need weak names! You still live as an unknown 'weapon'!"

The name she shouted was denied, and the girl was left with only cold darkness in front of her.

As the girl fainted again, the men standing beside her suddenly turned into a pool of soft black like ink, and slowly crawled in one direction.

In the distance, Uchiha Yao, who witnessed all this, looked normal, with dull eyes, as if he had not seen the weird scene just now.

The black shadow moved to Uchiha Yao's feet and strangely merged into his reflection.

As the black shadow merged, Uchiha Yao seemed to be activated, and his eyes regained some brilliance.

"Dong Dong Dong!!!"

The door of the laboratory was knocked, and Uchiha Yin, who was standing outside the door, waited anxiously. Seeing that there was no response for a long time, the boy's eyes turned scarlet.

The magatama in both eyes began to spin rapidly. Just when the black was about to merge together, the door of the laboratory was opened. Uchiha Yao stood at the door with a cold face, looking at the boy who was about to burst out in front of him with a scrutinizing look.

"Why are you in a hurry? It will be your turn soon."

The original owner's life experience is about to be revealed. Kitty hereby kneels to thank all readers for following! m(o__)m

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