Konoha: The thirty-year-old Uchiha is not motivated

Chapter 7: First Battle after Crossing Over

Senju Itama, who was trying his best to escape, found an Uchiha standing on the road he had to pass, and a look of despair appeared on his face.

At only five years old, no matter how talented he was, he had little power to fight back against an adult Uchiha.

The Uchiha in front of him had a bandage on his curly hair, and his two dead fish eyes were dull and lifeless. It seemed that he was not very excited about his self-entrapment. Instead, his slightly handsome face showed a tangled expression.

Without thinking deeply, Senju Itama, holding a kunai, resolutely rushed towards Uchiha Gin who was still in a daze. However, seeing Senju Itama who looked ready to die, Uchiha Gin had to draw the samurai sword at his waist and prepare for the fight.


The two weapons collided with each other and made a muffled sound. Uchiha Gin, who felt the heavy blow on his arm, flew several meters away with his face on the ground, and climbed up with a look of surprise.

"Is this kid so strong?"

"Is this guy so weak?"

Standing blankly, Senju Banjian looked at the kunai in his hand with a little disbelief. He couldn't believe that he could actually repel an adult Uchiha.

Uchiha Gin swore that he didn't hold back just now, because it was his first battle after crossing, and he subconsciously used all his strength, but in the end he was beaten away by a five-year-old child.

Looking at Uchiha Gin who got up in a mess, Senju Banjian's eyes burst with hope of life, and he waved the kunai more vigorously and rushed towards the Uchiha on the opposite side.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded in Uchiha Gin's mind.

"Detected that the host encountered a battle, and the Heart Steel Treasure Box began to accumulate."

The Heart Steel Treasure Box in the sea of ​​consciousness began to tremble, and then played the explosive BGM like a speaker.

Listening to the familiar BGM in his head, Uchiha Gin's brain twitched. Can the things produced by this old system be more reliable?

Returning to the battle, the kunai in Senju Banjian's hand, which was restricted by his height, was about to stab Uchiha Gin's lower three roads. Uchiha Gin, who blocked the demonic BGM in his mind, barely dodged the attack that would have killed his younger brother.

Then he used the classic Uchiha sword technique to chop at Senju Banjian, but the opponent blocked it with the kunai. He watched speechlessly as his full-strength attack was easily resolved by a five-year-old child.

Uchiha Gin was truly sure that the original owner of his body was really a loser.

He had lived like a dog for more than 20 years, and his combat power might only be considered the level of a later generation of Genin, not the level of the Twelve Little Strongmen but the level of a background Genin.

Even so, he couldn't easily admit defeat now. Uchiha Fenghuo and Uchiha Ryoichi and others might be able to end the battle soon. Even if he let Senju Banjian go now, he would be killed by them the next moment.

Moreover, his mission was to save Senju Itama from Uchiha Fenghuo and others. Now he was the only one present. If he let him go, he was not sure whether he could complete the mission. If he failed, he would have to delete his account and start over.

The two fought back and forth for several rounds, and it was hard to tell who would win.

"As expected of the genius young master of the Senju clan, I, Uchiha Gin, would like to call you the strongest in physical skills."

Uchiha Gin spoke to Senju Itama, who was a little out of breath.

"Uchiha Gin, right? You are not bad either. I, Senju Itama, recognize you."

Senju Itama, who was also facing the enemy for the first time, also had a burst of second-year soul, and the unique natural temperament of the Senju clan was undoubtedly revealed.

Just when the two were in a stalemate, Uchiha Fenghuo and others had already ended the battle. Senju Koji was hit head-on by Uchiha Fenghuo's Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique, and his life or death was unknown.

Oh my god, did the Great Fireball kill people?

The three Senju clan members of the Guardian Team were also defeated by Uchiha Ryoichi and his three men, lying on the ground covered in blood.

They saw that Uchiha Gin had not yet killed Senju Itama, so they all surrounded him.

Senju Itama and Uchiha Gin were in a fierce "fight", and the two even showed a sympathetic relationship.

But Senju Itama was only five years old after all, and his physical strength was obviously not as good as that of the adult Uchiha Gin.

In a wave of fighting, his hands and feet softened, and he was knocked out by Uchiha Gin, hitting a protruding rock behind him, and he was unable to get up for a long time.

"The host wins, and gets 1 heart energy point. After three more battles, you can unlock the Heart Steel Treasure Box reward. (Current accumulated heart energy: 1)"

Senju Itama, who fell to the ground after exhaustion, was judged by the system to have lost to Uchiha Gin.

With the end of the battle, Uchiha Fenghuo and others also came to Uchiha Gin, and the five of them surrounded Senju Itama who was slowly climbing up, and the famous scene in the original work was achieved.

Desperately watching the five adult Uchiha surrounded him, Senju Itama, shaking and holding a kunai, had only despair in his eyes. He knew that he might die with his third brother today.

Uchiha Ryoichi flung a shuriken teasingly like a cat playing with a mouse, brushing Senju Itama's face and stabbing it into the rock behind him.

This move broke down Senju Itama's last psychological defense. He was only five years old and began to tremble all over, and tears began to well up in his eyes.

"Okay, our mission is finally completed. Let's get rid of him quickly. The reinforcements of the Senju clan should be here soon."

The Uchiha Fenghuo, who had suffered a burst of attack from Senju Koji before his death, was not in a very good state. His eyes were very sore at this time, which was caused by the overuse of the Sharingan.

The others heard this and looked at the silent Uchiha Gin at the same time.

Because the one who worked the hardest for this mission was Uchiha Gin, he even dared to break into the territory of the Senju clan alone to complete this mission.

Although he was not strong enough, the few people who heard his "Uchiha Declaration" subconsciously felt that this mission should be completed by him.

Uchiha Gin, who was stared at by several people, also guessed what they were thinking from their eyes. Without hesitation, he slowly drew out his sword with an uncertain expression and walked towards Senju Itama who had given up resistance.

With his hand raised and the sword fell, under the surprised eyes of others, he knocked Senju Itama to the ground with the back of the sword.


"Uchiha Gin, what do you mean?"

For Uchiha Gin who showed mercy, several people questioned his behavior.

"The young master of the Senju clan is more useful when alive than when dead."

Uchiha Gin, expressionless, put the samurai sword back into his waist, then squatted down and carried the unconscious Senju Itama.

"Our mission is just to remove the young Senju. Don't be nosy. Kill him and we will evacuate."

Uchiha Fenghuo seemed a little angry about Uchiha Yin's disobedience. As the captain, he was disobeyed by his team members, which made him unacceptable.

"I said, a living Senju is more useful than a corpse."

Just as the gunpowder smell between the two sides became stronger, Uchiha Feihe's face changed.

"The mechanism I set up was triggered, and the reinforcements of the Senju clan are coming soon!"

It turned out that Uchiha Feihe had set up several mechanisms around before the battle, and he could sense it immediately after it was triggered.

"Evacuate first!"

Hearing that the other side had reinforcements approaching, the injured Uchiha Fenghuo did not dare to stay any longer. Continuing to argue would only make things worse.


The people who received the order stood up and quickly evacuated away from the Senju clan. Uchiha Yin was temporarily relieved.

But he did not dare to let go of the Senju Banjian, so he had to carry the fainted kid and evacuate behind the team.

Several people rushed with all their strength until they could no longer sense the pursuit behind them.

The few people who escaped the pursuit rested in a cave, and the unconscious Senju Banjian was tied up by Uchiha Yin with iron chains.

He didn't know how to seal chakra yet, so he could only roughly wrap Senju Banjian with iron chains like a zongzi.

"Uchiha Yin, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation."

Sitting in front of the campfire, Uchiha Fenghuo looked at Senju Banjian who was tied up, and questioned Uchiha Yin who was wiping his sweat after finishing his work.

Feeling that he would be questioned sooner or later, Uchiha Yin brought out the excuse he had thought of before.

"I left him alive because of the clan leader."

Uchiha Yin explained.

When several people heard this answer, they all looked at each other, because the task they received from the clan leader was only to get rid of Senju, and there was no order to capture him alive.

Uchiha Yin's nonsense began.

"It all started when I was standing guard in front of the clan leader's door."

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